Event Service
The Event Service implements the publish/subscribe messaging paradigm where one component publishes an event and all clients that have subscribed receive the event. In CSW, the events published are described under the messages
documentation here. One advantage of this type of message system for the Event Service is that publishers and subscribers are decoupled. This decoupling of publishers and subscribers can allow for greater scalability and a more dynamic network topology. Publishers can publish regardless of whether there are subscribers, and subscribers can subscribe even if there are no publishers. The relationship between publishers and subscribers can be one-to-one, one-to-many, many to one, or even many-to-many.
The Event Service is optimized for the high performance requirements of events as demands with varying rates, (e.g. 100 Hz, 50 Hz etc.), but can also be used with events that are published infrequently or when values change. In the TMT control system, events may be created as the output of a calculation by one component for the input to a calculation in one or more other components. Demand events often consist of events that are published at a specific rate.
The Event Service also stores the most recent published event for every unique event by prefix and name. This allows components needing to check the state of another component can do so without the overhead of subscribing.
If you already have a dependency on csw-framework
in your build.sbt
, then you can skip this as csw-framework
depends on csw-event-client
Otherwise add below dependency in your build.sbt
- sbt
libraryDependencies += "com.github.tmtsoftware.csw" %% "csw-event-client" % "6.0.0-M4"
Accessing Event Service
When you create component handlers using csw-framework
as explained here, you get a handle to EventService
which is created by csw-framework
, which provides the following features:
Access to defaultPublisher
: Using the defaultPublisher
in EventService
, you can publish a single event or a stream of demand events to Event Service. In most cases, you should use the defaultPublisher
, because you can then pass the instance of EventService
in worker actors or different places in your code and call eventService.defaultPublisher
to access the publisher. Each EventPublisher
has its own TCP connection to the Event Service. When you reuse the defaultPublisher
instance of EventPublisher
, all events published go through same TCP connection.
Access to defaultSubscriber
: Using the defaultSubscriber
, you can subscribe to specific event keys. You can share the defaultSubscriber
in the same way as defaultPublisher
by passing an instance of EventService
to different parts of your code. Unlike defaultPublisher
, each subscription with defaultSubscriber.subscribe
creates a new TCP connection for just that subscription. This behavior is the same whether you use the defaultSubscriber
or the makeNewSubscriber
call on EventService
Each EventSubscriber
also has one TCP connection that is used to provide the latest event from the event server when subscribing and for the explicit get
calls. That means, with defaultSubscriber
, you are sharing same connection for getting latest events and creating a new connection for each subscribe call. The underlying event server can handle many connections, but it is good to understand how connections are used and reused.
Creating a new Publisher
or Subscriber
: The makeNewPublisher
API of Event Service can be used to create a new publisher which would internally create a new TCP connection to the Event Store. One of the use cases of this API could be to publish high frequency event streams in order to dedicate a separate connection to demanding streams without affecting the performance of all other low frequency (for ex. 1Hz, 20Hz etc.) event streams.
However, makeNewSubscriber
API does not really have any specific use cases. Both defaultSubscriber
and makeNewSubscriber
APIs behave almost similar since the subscribe
API of EventService itself creates a new connection for every subscription. Prefer using defaultSubscriber
over makeNewSubscriber
Usage of EventPublisher
Below examples demonstrate the usage of multiple variations of the publish API.
For Single Event
This is the simplest API to publish a single event. It returns a Future which will complete successfully if the event is published or fail immediately with a PublishFailure
exception if the component cannot publish the event.
- Scala
{ val publisher = eventService.defaultPublisher val event = SystemEvent(componentInfo.prefix, EventName("filter_wheel")) publisher.publish(event) }
- Java
Event event = new SystemEvent(componentInfo.prefix(), new EventName("filter_wheel")); eventService.defaultPublisher().publish(event);
With Generator
A generator is useful when component code needs to publish events with a specific frequency. The following example demonstrates the usage of publish API with event generator which will publish one event at each interval
. eventGenerator
is a function responsible for generating events. It can hold domain specific logic of generating new events based on certain conditions.
- Scala
{ val publisher = eventService.defaultPublisher val baseEvent: Event = SystemEvent(componentInfo.prefix, EventName("filter_wheel")) val interval = 100.millis // this holds the logic for event generation, could be based on some computation or current state of HCD def eventGenerator(): Option[Event] = baseEvent match { case e: SystemEvent => Some(SystemEvent(e.source, e.eventName, e.paramSet)) case e: ObserveEvent => Some(IRDetectorEvent.observeStart(e.source, ObsId("2020A-001-123"))) } publisher.publish(eventGenerator(), interval) }
- Java
private Cancellable startPublishingEvents(ComponentInfo componentInfo) { Event baseEvent = new SystemEvent(componentInfo.prefix(), new EventName("filter_wheel")); return eventService.defaultPublisher().publish(() -> eventGenerator(baseEvent), Duration.ofMillis(100)); } // this holds the logic for event generation, could be based on some computation or current state of HCD private Optional<Event> eventGenerator(Event baseEvent) { // add logic here to create a new event and return the same return Optional.ofNullable(baseEvent); }
Callbacks like eventGenerator
are not thread-safe on the JVM. If you are doing side effects/mutations inside the callback, you should ensure that it is done in a thread-safe way inside an actor. Here is an example of how it can be done.
With Event Stream
In order to publish a continuous stream of events, this stream-based API can also be used. If an infinite stream is provided, shutdown of the stream needs to be taken care by the users. (Note that streams discussed here are an Pekko feature that is supported in event publisher and subscriber APIs. See Pekko stream documentation.)
- Scala
def onError(publishFailure: PublishFailure): Unit = log.error(s"Publish failed for event: [${publishFailure.event}]", ex = publishFailure.cause) val publisher = eventService.defaultPublisher val eventStream: Source[Event, Future[Done]] = Source(1 to n) .map(id => makeEvent(id, componentInfo.prefix, EventName("filter_wheel"))) .watchTermination()(Keep.right) publisher.publish(eventStream, failure => onError(failure))
- Java
Source<Event, CompletionStage<Done>> eventStream = Source .range(1, n) .map(id -> makeEvent(id, componentInfo.prefix(), new EventName("filter_wheel"))) .watchTermination(Keep.right()); return eventService.defaultPublisher().<CompletionStage<Done>>publish(eventStream, failure -> { /*do something*/ });
This API also demonstrates the usage of an onError callback which can be used to handle events that failed while being published.
You can find complete list of APIs supported by EventPublisher
and IEventPublisher
with detailed description of each API here:
Usage of EventSubscriber
The EventSubscriber API has several options available that are useful in different situations. Examples below demonstrate the usage of multiple variations available in the subscribe API.
With Callback
The example shown below takes a set of event keys to subscribe to and a callback function which will be called on each event received by the event stream. This is the simplest and most commonly used API. The example below uses an inline function, but that is not necessary.
- Scala
{ val subscriber = eventService.defaultSubscriber subscriber.subscribeCallback( Set(EventKey(hcd.prefix, EventName("filter_wheel"))), event => { /*do something*/ } ) }
- Java
IEventSubscriber subscriber = eventService.defaultSubscriber(); EventKey filterWheelEventKey = new EventKey(hcdLocation.prefix(), new EventName("filter_wheel")); return subscriber.subscribeCallback(Set.of(filterWheelEventKey), event -> { /*do something*/ });
Callbacks are not thread-safe on the JVM. If you need to do side effects/mutations, prefer using subscribeActorRef
With Asynchronous Callback
This API is useful when you want to subscribe to events with a callback that has an asynchronous behavior. The callback is of type Event => Future
and it ensures that the event callbacks are called sequentially in such a way that the subsequent execution will start only after the prior one finishes. This API gives the guarantee of ordered execution of the asynchronous callbacks.
- Scala
def subscribe(): EventSubscription = { val subscriber = eventService.defaultSubscriber subscriber.subscribeAsync(Set(EventKey(hcd.prefix, EventName("filter_wheel"))), callback) } private def callback(event: Event): Future[String] = { /* do something */ Future.successful("some value") }
- Java
public IEventSubscription subscribe() { IEventSubscriber subscriber = eventService.defaultSubscriber(); EventKey filterWheelEventKey = new EventKey(hcdLocation.prefix(), new EventName("filter_wheel")); return subscriber.subscribeAsync(Set.of(filterWheelEventKey), this::callback); } private CompletableFuture<String> callback(Event event) { /* do something */ return CompletableFuture.completedFuture("some value"); }
With ActorRef
If there is a need to mutate state on receiving each event, then it is recommended to use this API and send a message to an actor. To use this API, you have to create an actor which takes event and then you can safely keep mutable state inside this actor. In the example shown below, eventHandler
is the actorRef which accepts events.
- Scala
def subscribe(ctx: ActorContext[TopLevelActorMessage]): EventSubscription = { val subscriber = eventService.defaultSubscriber val eventHandler: ActorRef[Event] = ctx.spawnAnonymous(EventHandler.behavior) subscriber.subscribeActorRef(Set(EventKey(hcd.prefix, EventName("filter_wheel"))), eventHandler) } object EventHandler { val behavior: Behavior[Event] = Behaviors.setup { ctx => // setup required for the actor Behaviors.receiveMessage { case _ => // handle messages and return new behavior with changed state Behaviors.same } } }
- Java
public IEventSubscription subscribe(ActorContext<TopLevelActorMessage> ctx) { IEventSubscriber subscriber = eventService.defaultSubscriber(); ActorRef<Event> eventHandler = ctx.spawnAnonymous(JEventHandler.behavior()); EventKey filterWheelEventKey = new EventKey(hcdLocation.prefix(), new EventName("filter_wheel")); return subscriber.subscribeActorRef(Set.of(filterWheelEventKey), eventHandler); } public static class JEventHandler { public static Behavior<Event> behavior() { // handle messages return null; } }
Receive Event Stream
This API takes a set of Event keys to subscribe to and returns a Source of events (see Pekko stream documentation). This API gives more control to the user to customize the behavior of an event stream.
- Scala
{ val subscriber = eventService.defaultSubscriber subscriber .subscribe(Set(EventKey(hcd.prefix, EventName("filter_wheel")))) .to(Sink.foreach { event => /*do something*/ }) .run() }
- Java
IEventSubscriber subscriber = eventService.defaultSubscriber(); EventKey filterWheelEventKey = new EventKey(hcdLocation.prefix(), new EventName("filter_wheel")); return subscriber.subscribe(Set.of(filterWheelEventKey)).to(Sink.foreach(event -> { /*do something*/ })).run(system);
Controlling Subscription Rate
In all the examples shown above, events are received by the subscriber as soon as they are published. There will be scenarios where you would like to control the rate of events received by your code. For instance, slow subscribers can receive events at their own specified speed rather than being overloaded with events to catch up with the publisher’s speed.
All the APIs in EventSubscriber can be provided with an interval
and a SubscriptionMode
to control the subscription rate. Following example demonstrates this with the subscribeCallback API.
- Scala
{ val subscriber = eventService.defaultSubscriber subscriber.subscribeCallback( Set(EventKey(hcd.prefix, EventName("filter_wheel"))), event => { /*do something*/ }, 1.seconds, SubscriptionModes.RateAdapterMode ) }
- Java
IEventSubscriber subscriber = eventService.defaultSubscriber(); EventKey filterWheelEventKey = new EventKey(hcdLocation.prefix(), new EventName("filter_wheel")); return subscriber.subscribeCallback(Set.of(filterWheelEventKey), event -> { /* do something*/ }, Duration.ofMillis(1000), SubscriptionModes.jRateAdapterMode());
There are two types of Subscription modes:
which ensures that an event is received exactly at each tick of the specified interval.RateLimiterMode
which ensures that events are received as they are published along with the guarantee that no more than one event is delivered within a given interval.
Read more about Subscription Mode here
Pattern Subscription
The following example demonstrates the usage of the pattern subscribe API with a callback. Events with keys that match the specified pattern and belong to the specified subsystem are received by the subscriber. The callback function provided is called on each event received.
- Scala
{ val subscriber = eventService.defaultSubscriber subscriber.pSubscribeCallback(subsystem, "*", event => { /*do something*/ }) }
- Java
IEventSubscriber subscriber = eventService.defaultSubscriber(); subscriber.pSubscribeCallback(subsystem, "*", event -> { /* do something*/ });
DO NOT include subsystem in the provided pattern. Final pattern generated will be provided pattern prepended with subsystem. For Ex. pSubscribe(Subsytem.WFOS, *)
will subscribe to event keys matching pattern : wfos.*
The pattern-based subscribe API is provided because it is useful in testing, but should not be used in production code. The use of certain patterns and many pattern-based subscriptions can impact the overall-performance of the Event Service.
Event Subscription
On subscription to event keys, you receive an EventSubscription
which provides following APIs:
: Used to unsubscribe by destroying the event stream and releasing the the connection to the Event Server. -
: check if event subscription is successful or not.
You can find complete list of APIs supported by EventSubscriber
and IEventSubscriber
with detailed description of each API here:
Create Event Service
If you are not using csw-framework, you can create the EventService
using an EventServiceFactory
- Scala
// create event service using location service val eventService1: EventService = new EventServiceFactory().make(locationService) // create event service using host and port of event server. val eventService2: EventService = new EventServiceFactory().make("localhost", 26379)
- Java
// create event service using host and port of event server. IEventService eventService1 = new EventServiceFactory().jMake(locationService, actorSystem); // create event service using host and port of event server. IEventService eventService2 = new EventServiceFactory().jMake("localhost", 26379, actorSystem);
The provided implementation of Event Service is backed up by Redis. The above example demonstrates creation of Event Service with default Redis client options. You can optionally supply a RedisClient to the EventStore from outside which allows you to customize the behavior of the RedisClient used by Event Service, which will usually only be required in testing.
RedisClient is an expensive resource. Reuse this instance as much as possible.
Note that it is the responsibility of the consumer of this API to shutdown the Redis Client when it is no longer in use.
- Scala
val clientOptions = ClientOptions.builder().disconnectedBehavior(DisconnectedBehavior.REJECT_COMMANDS).build val redisClient = RedisClient.create() redisClient.setOptions(clientOptions) // create event service using location service val eventService1: EventService = new EventServiceFactory(RedisStore(redisClient)).make(locationService) // create event service using host and port of event server. val eventService2: EventService = new EventServiceFactory(RedisStore(redisClient)).make("localhost", 26379) - Java
ClientOptions clientOptions = ClientOptions.builder().disconnectedBehavior(ClientOptions.DisconnectedBehavior.REJECT_COMMANDS).build(); RedisClient redisClient = RedisClient.create(); redisClient.setOptions(clientOptions); EventStores.RedisStore redisStore = new EventStores.RedisStore(redisClient); // create event service using location service IEventService eventService1 = new EventServiceFactory(redisStore).jMake(locationService, actorSystem); // create event service using host and port of event server. IEventService eventService2 = new EventServiceFactory(redisStore).jMake("localhost", 26379, actorSystem);
Technical Description
See Event Service Technical Description.