Migration Guide from 4.0.0 to 5.0.0

This guide focuses on changes that may require current code to be changed to go from CSW Version 4.0.0 to CSW Version 5.0.0. From the release notes, the following are the important changes from 4.0.0 that may require code changes:

ComponentInfo that is being provided via standalone.conf/container.conf files for starting Components(HCD, Assembly or Container) has changed in v5.0.0.

You need to change behaviorFactoryClassName field to componentHandlerClassName & it’s value will be componentHandler class.

BehaviorFactory classes (e.g, HCDBehaviorFactory) are not needed any more by the framework, you need to delete them.

For e.g, If you have HcdComponentBehaviorFactory & HcdComponentHandlers in your HCD project. Delete HcdComponentBehaviorFactory file & provide class path of HcdComponentHandlers in .conf file. csw-framework will internally handle the subsequent steps to spawn the component.

Standalone.conf for hcd/assembly will look like this now

prefix = "csw.samplehcd"
componentType = hcd
componentHandlerClassName = example.hcd.HcdComponentHandlers // <-- this needs to be updated.
locationServiceUsage = RegisterOnly

Container.conf will look like the following here onwards.

name = "SampleContainer"
components: [
    prefix = "csw.samplehcd"
    componentType = hcd
    componentHandlerClassName = "example.hcd.HcdComponentHandlers" // <-- this needs to be updated.
    locationServiceUsage = RegisterOnly