The ComponentInfo
model describes a component by specifying several details. It is usually described as a configuration file called the “Component Info File” but can also be created programmatically.
- AssemblyInfo
componentType = assembly componentHandlerClassName = package.component.SampleAssemblyHandlers prefix = ESW.Sample_Assembly locationServiceUsage = RegisterAndTrackServices connections = [ { prefix: "ESW.Sample_HCD" componentType: assembly connectionType: pekko } ]
- HcdInfo
componentType = hcd componentHandlerClassName = package.component.SampleHcdHandlers prefix = ESW.Sample_Hcd locationServiceUsage = RegisterOnly
Following is the summary of properties in the ComponentInfo config/model:
- prefix : A prefix is a valid subsystem to which this component belongs combined with the component’s name.
- componentType : The type of the component which could be
- componentHandlerClassName : The fully qualified name of the class which extends the behaviorHandler class
, if written in Java) - connections : A collection of
of components or services which will be used by this component. This information can be used in accordance with thelocationServiceUsage
property to automatically track these components or services by the framework. - locationServiceUsage : Indicates how the Location Service should be leveraged for this component by the framework. The following values are supported:
- DoNotRegister : Do not register this component with the Location Service
- RegisterOnly : Register this component with the Location Service
- RegisterAndTrackServices : Register this component with the Location Service as well as track the components/services listed in the
- initializeTimeout (Optional) : An optional parameter that specifies the timeout time for the initialization phase of the component lifecycle (see Component Handlers).
This is specified using a whole number and then units (e.g. “5 seconds”), where the units can be seconds or millis for milliseconds.