sbt Tasks
csw uses multiple plugins in the sbt ecosystem to help accomplish a variety of tasks.
plugin | task | Description |
default in sbt | test | compile and run all tests including scala tests, java tests, multi-jvm/multi-node tests |
default in sbt | Test/test | compile and run all tests excluding multi-jvm/multi-node tests |
default in sbt | publishLocal | install your libraries in the local Ivy repository so they can be added as dependencies to other projects |
sbt-multi-jvm | multi-jvm:test | provides support for running applications (objects with main methods) and ScalaTest tests in multiple JVMs at the same time. |
sbt-site | makeSite | generates project’s webpage in the target/site directory |
sbt-ghpages | ghpagesPushSite | publish project website to GitHub Pages |
sbt-github-release | githubRelease | creates Github releases with proper release notes and optional artifact uploading. Releases in Github are first-class objects with changelogs and binary assets that present a full project history beyond Git artifacts. They’re accessible from a repository’s homepage. |