Handling Exceptions
A component should create exceptions belonging to one of the two following types:
FailureRestart : As a part of any handler, if an exception can be handled by restarting the component, an exception of type
should be thrown to let the framework restart the component. The component’s state will be cleared/reinitialized. TheonInitialize
handler will be invoked again.- Scala
case class HcdNotFoundException() extends FailureRestart("Could not resolve hcd location. Initialization failure.") private def resolveHcd(): Future[Option[PekkoLocation]] = { val maybeConnection = componentInfo.connections.find(connection => connection.componentId.componentType == ComponentType.HCD) maybeConnection match { case Some(hcd) => cswCtx.locationService.resolve(hcd.of[PekkoLocation], 5.seconds).map { case loc @ Some(pekkoLocation) => loc case None => // Hcd connection could not be resolved for this Assembly. One option to handle this could be to automatic restart which can give enough time // for the Hcd to be available throw HcdNotFoundException() } case _ => Future.successful(None) } }
- Java
class HcdNotFoundException extends FailureRestart { HcdNotFoundException() { super("Could not resolve hcd location. Initialization failure."); } } private CompletableFuture<Optional<PekkoLocation>> resolveHcd() { // find a Hcd connection from the connections provided in componentInfo Optional<Connection> mayBeConnection = componentInfo.getConnections().stream() .filter(connection -> connection.componentId().componentType() == JComponentType.HCD) .findFirst(); // If an Hcd is found as a connection, resolve its location from location service and create other // required worker actors required by this assembly if (mayBeConnection.isPresent()) { CompletableFuture<Optional<PekkoLocation>> resolve = locationService.resolve(mayBeConnection.orElseThrow().<PekkoLocation>of(), Duration.ofSeconds(5)); return resolve.thenCompose((Optional<PekkoLocation> resolvedHcd) -> { if (resolvedHcd.isPresent()) return CompletableFuture.completedFuture(resolvedHcd); else throw new ConfigNotAvailableException(); }); } else return CompletableFuture.completedFuture(Optional.empty()); }
FailureStop : As a part of any handler, an exception can be thrown of type
which will result in terminating the component. TheonShutdown
handler will be invoked to facilitate graceful shutdown.- Scala
case class ConfigNotAvailableException() extends FailureStop("Configuration not available. Initialization failure.") private def getAssemblyConfig: Future[ConfigData] = { configClientService.getActive(Paths.get("tromboneAssemblyContext.conf")).flatMap { case Some(config) => Future.successful(config) // do work case None => // required configuration could not be found in the configuration service. Component can choose to stop until the configuration is made available in the // configuration service and started again throw ConfigNotAvailableException() } }
- Java
class ConfigNotAvailableException extends FailureStop { ConfigNotAvailableException() { super("Configuration not available. Initialization failure."); } } private CompletableFuture<ConfigData> getAssemblyConfig() throws ConfigNotAvailableException { // required configuration could not be found in the configuration service. Component can choose to stop until the configuration is made available in the // configuration service and started again return configClient.getActive(Paths.get("tromboneAssemblyContext.conf")) .thenApply((Optional<ConfigData> maybeConfigData) -> { return maybeConfigData.<ConfigNotAvailableException>orElseThrow(() -> new ConfigNotAvailableException()); }); }