Coursier Installation

In TMT, we have adopted coursier to set up scala/java environment on development/production machines and install java based applications provided by CSW and ESW.

Install and Setup, Coursier and Jdk 21

  1. Refer to the steps mentioned here for downloading and installing coursier launcher

  2. Run following command to set up coursier

./cs setup
cs java --jvm temurin:1.21

The above command does the following things:

  1. It adds coursier bin directory where coursier installs applications to PATH environment variable. So that, all the applications installed via coursier are available in PATH and can be executed from any directory.
  2. It installs Java Eclipse Temurin JDK 21.

Once jvm installed - include the output of command cs java --jvm temurin:1.21 --env in your respective shell profiles - In Fish: add eval (cs java --jvm temurin:1.21 --env) into fish.config - In Zsh: add eval $(cs java --jvm temurin:1.21 --env) into .zshrc

Above config will set the required environment variable(e.g., JAVA_HOME) into your shell.


Refer this for detailed guide on cs setup command

Add TMT Channel

In order to install applications provided by CSW and ESW, TMT channel needs to be added to local coursier installation using cs install command.

For developer machine setup, add apps.json channel,

cs channel --add

For production machine setup, add channel,

cs channel --add

TMT dev channel apps.json is pre-configured with INTERFACE_NAME and TMT_LOG_HOME environment variable. So that developer does not need to manually configure these environment variables on dev machine.


The command cs install <app-name> installs an application <app-name> using coursier.

Installing Alarm CLI (with the version present in apps.json)

// csw-alarm-cli is the name of the application installed
cs install csw-alarm-cli

Note: In case you get a Connection Refused error, try setting the Environment Variables (INTERFACE_NAME etc.).

Installing Alarm CLI Latest Version(using channel)

If version number or SHA not provided in the install command, then the latest tagged binary of application gets installed.

// installs Alarm CLI with latest tagged version
cs install csw-alarm-cli

Note: Set the Environment Variables before running the app through