Migration Guide from 2.0 to 3.0

This guide shows how to migrate from CSW Version 2 to CSW Version 3.

Parameter Sets

  • In version 2.0, the Key class used to create a Parameter had a -> method that could take either a varargs of values or an array of values, as such:
val k2: Key[Short]   = KeyType.ShortKey.make("RandomKeyName")
val paramWithShorts1: Parameter[Short] = k2 -> 1
val paramWithShorts2: Parameter[Short] = k2 -> (1, 2, 3, 4)
val paramWithShorts3: Parameter[Short] = k2 -> Array[Short](1, 2, 3, 4)

In 3.0, the -> operator now only takes a single value. To use multiple values, the set and setAll methods should be used for varargs or arrays, respectively:

val k2: Key[Short]   = KeyType.ShortKey.make("RandomKeyName")
val paramWithShorts1: Parameter[Short] = k2 -> 1
val paramWithShorts2: Parameter[Short] = k2.set(1, 2, 3, 4)
val paramWithShorts3: Parameter[Short] = k2.setAll(Array[Short](1, 2, 3, 4))
  • Additionally, Parameter Key names can no longer contain the characters [, ] or /.

Location Service

  • The RegistrationFactory class has been removed from location-server module. In most cases, PekkoRegistrationFactory would have been used to create an PekkoRegistration, so this change should not affect most users.
    However, there has been a small API change to the usage of this class.
    • For Scala users, PekkoRegistrationFactory now takes an actorRef instead of URI of the actorRef being registered.
    • For Java users, a new JPekkoRegistrationFactory has been created which should be used.

In 2.0, Scala usage might have looked like this:

def behavior(): Behavior[String] = Behaviors.setup { ctx =>
  Behaviors.receiveMessage { msg =>
val typedActorRef: ActorRef[String] = context.system.spawn(behavior(), "typed-actor-ref")
val assemblyConnection = PekkoConnection(ComponentId(Prefix(Subsystem.NFIRAOS, "assembly1"), ComponentType.Assembly))
val assemblyRegistration: PekkoRegistration = PekkoRegistrationFactory.make(assemblyConnection, typedActorRef.toURI)

and in Java:

Behavior<String> behavior = Behaviors.setup(ctx -> Behaviors.same());
pekko.actor.typed.ActorRef<String> typedActorRef = Adapter.spawn(context(), behavior, "typed-actor-ref");
PekkoConnection assemblyConnection = new PekkoConnection(new ComponentId(new Prefix(JSubsystem.NFIRAOS, "assembly1"), JComponentType.Assembly));
PekkoRegistration assemblyRegistration = new RegistrationFactory().pekkoTyped(assemblyConnection, typedActorRef);

Now, in 3.0, the Scala code is similar, but when creating the registration, use the actorRef instead of the URI:

val assemblyRegistration: PekkoRegistration = PekkoRegistrationFactory.make(assemblyConnection, typedActorRef)

and in Java, use JPekkoRegistrationFactory:

PekkoRegistration assemblyRegistration = JPekkoRegistrationFactory.make(assemblyConnection, typedActorRef);
  • There was also a change to the Location Service models to allow some metadata to be stored in the location and registration entities. The metadata is primarily used for internal OSW tasks, such as allowing the ESW Agent to manage remotely started processes.
    Since the affected models are typically created by factory methods, it shouldn’t impact component developers.


  • The component framework code has been modified in a way that should simplify component development. The return type of handler methods initialize and onShutdown was changed from Future[Unit] to Unit. Since both of these methods are now blocking, developers should minimize the time to complete these tasks. However, we feel that it is appropriate to be blocking in these methods since nothing much can be done while these methods are in progress.