
A command line application that facilitates interaction with the Configuration Service. It accepts various commands to store, retrieve, list and manage configuration files.


  • Location Service should be running
  • Config Service should be running

This page assumes that you have already installed and setup coursier

Install csw-config-cli app

Following command creates an executable file named csw-config-cli in the default installation directory.

cs install csw-config-cli

Note: If you don’t provide the version or SHA in above command, csw-event-cli will be installed with the latest tagged binary of csw-event-cli

Supported Commands

  • login
  • logout
  • create
  • update
  • get
  • delete
  • list
  • history
  • setActiveVersion
  • resetActiveVersion
  • getActiveVersion
  • getActiveByTime
  • getMetadata
  • exists
  • getActive


create, update, delete, setActiveVersion & resetActiveVersion commands are protected behind authorization and require user to have config-admin role.

For development and testing purposes, AAS comes pre-bundled with the following user accounts for config service:

  1. username: config-admin1 password: config-admin1 role: config-admin
  2. username: config-user1 password: config-user1 role: NONE

These credentials will not be available in actual production environment.

Examples of login api

The command below opens up default browser on your machine and asks you to provide username and password. Once you provide valid credentials, AAS will respond with an access token, refresh token etc. which get stored on the local filesystem. So next time when you use any of the above admin protected commands, this access token gets retrieved from local filesystem and is implicitly passed in a request sent to the Config Server.

csw-config-cli login


Use this command to logout if you are already logged in or you want to re-login with different credentials.


The command below will delete all the tokens stored in local filesystem.

csw-config-cli logout

Admin API

The commands listed below will be used by administrators and maintainers of Configuration Service.


Takes an input source file and creates the configuration in the repository at a specified path.

  • ‘relativeRepoPath’ is path in the repository
  • -i, --in is input file path
  • --annex is optional parameter. Add this option to specify if the input file must be saved to annex store. This is usually the case if file is binary/large(>10 MiB)
  • -c, --comment optional create comment

Examples of create api

  1. Creates a config file at path /path/hcd/trombone.conf, using the local file at /Users/admin/configs/trombone.conf, with Initial version as a comment.

    csw-config-cli create /path/hcd/trombone.conf -i /Users/admin/configs/trombone.conf -c "Initial version"

  2. Creates a config file at path /path/hcd/trombone.conf, using the local file at /Users/admin/large-configs/bigBinary.conf, file will be stored in annex store.

    csw-config-cli create /path/hcd/trombone.conf -i /Users/admin/large-configs/bigBinary.conf --annex


Overwrites the file specified in the repository by the input file.

  • ‘path’ is path in the repository
  • -i, --in is input file path
  • -c, --comment optional create comment

Example of update api

Updates repository file /path/hcd/trombone.conf, with a local file at /Users/foo/new_trombone.conf, using the specified comment.

csw-config-cli update /path/hcd/trombone.conf -i /Users/foo/new_trombone.conf -c "new conf for next observation"


Retrieves a file for a given path and saves it to the output file. The latest file is fetched if neither date nor id is specified.

  • ‘relativeRepoPath’ is path in the repository.
  • -o, --out is output file path
  • --id optional. if specified this id will be matched
  • --date optional. if specified will get the file matching this date. Format: 2017-04-16T16:15:23.503Z

Examples of get api

  1. Gets repository file /path/hcd/trombone.conf, stores at the local disk location /Users/bar/temp/latest_trombone.conf

    csw-config-cli get /path/hcd/trombone.conf -o /Users/bar/temp/latest_trombone.conf
  2. Gets version revision 10 of the repository file /path/hcd/trombone.conf, stores at the local disk location /Users/bar/temp/old_trombone.conf

    csw-config-cli get /path/hcd/trombone.conf -o /Users/bar/temp/old_trombone.conf --id 10


Deletes the file at the specified path in the repository.

  • ‘relativeRepoPath’ is path in the repository
  • -c, --comment optional delete comment

Example of delete api

Deletes the repository file /path/hcd/outdated_trombone.conf, if it exists, using a comment

csw-config-cli delete /path/hcd/outdated_trombone.conf -c monthly maintainance activity


Lists the files in the repository. Can’t use ‘–annex’ and ‘–normal’ together.

  • --annex optional parameter. List all files that are of annex type.
  • --normal optional parameter. List all files that are of normal type.
  • --pattern optional parameter. List all files whose path matches the given pattern. e.g. “/path/hcd/*.*”, “a/b/c/d.*”, “.*.conf”, “.*hcd.*”


Shows the version history of the file in the repository.

  • ‘relativeRepoPath’ is path in the repository
  • --max optional parameter, indicating the maximum number of files to be retrieved

Example of history api

Prints the history of repository file /path/hcd/trombone.conf, with only 25 entries.

csw-config-cli history /path/hcd/trombone.conf --max 25


Sets the active version of the file in the repository.

  • ‘relativeRepoPath’ is path in the repository
  • --id optional parameter, specifying the version ID of the repository file to set as active.
  • -c, --comment optional delete comment

Example of setActiveVersion api

Sets revision 4 to be active for the repository file /path/hcd/trombone.conf, using a comment.

csw-config-cli setActiveVersion /path/hcd/trombone.conf --id 4 -c restoring last successful version.


Resets the active version to the latest version for the specified file path.

  • ‘relativeRepoPath’ is path in the repository
  • -c, --comment optional reset comment

Example of resetActiveVersion api

Sets latest revision to be active for the repository file /path/hcd/trombone.conf, using a comment.

csw-config-cli resetActiveVersion /path/hcd/trombone.conf -c testing most recent config


Gets the ID of the active version of the file in the repository.

  • ‘relativeRepoPath’ is path in the repository

Example of getActiveVersion api

Gets active version ID for the repository file /path/hcd/trombone.conf.

csw-config-cli getActiveVersion /path/hcd/trombone.conf


Gets the file that was active at a specified time.

  • ‘relativeRepoPath’ is path in the repository
  • -o, --out is output file path
  • --date optional. If specified, will get the active file matching this date. Format: 2017-04-16T16:15:23.503Z

Example of getActiveByTime api

Gets version of teh repository file /path/hcd/trombone.conf, that was active on 2017-05-09T07:29:53.242Z, and saves it to local disk.

csw-config-cli getActiveByTime /path/hcd/trombone.conf -o /usr/tmp/last_week_trombone.conf --date 2017-05-09T07:29:53.242Z


Gets the metadata of the Configuration Service server e.g. repository directory, annex directory, min annex file size, max config file size.

Example of getMetadata api

Prints the metadata on screen.

csw-config-cli getMetadata

Client API

The following commands are available for component developers.


Checks if the file exists at specified path in the repository.

  • ‘relativeRepoPath’ is path in the repository

Example of exists api

True if repository file /path/hcd/trombone.conf exists, false otherwise

csw-config-cli exists /path/hcd/trombone.conf


Retrieves active file for a given path from the Configuration Service and writes it to the output file. * ‘relativeRepoPath’ is path in the repository * -o, --out is output file path

Example of getActive api

Gets currently active version of the repository file /path/hcd/trombone.conf, stores to the local disk location /Users/bar/temp/scheduled_trombone.conf

csw-config-cli getActive /path/hcd/trombone.conf -o /Users/bar/temp/scheduled_trombone.conf

About this application

Prints the help message.

csw-config-cli --help

Prints the version of the application.

csw-config-cli --version

All the above examples require that csw-location-server is running on local machine at localhost:7654. If csw-location-server is running on a remote machine with an IP address or, then you need to pass the additional --locationHost command line argument. Example: csw-config-cli getMetadata --locationHost