Multiple Components

In this part of the tutorial, we will demonstrate functionality involving multiple components.
We will do this by creating an Assembly, demonstrating how to deploy the Assembly and an HCD in a container, and having them communicate with each other.

Creating an Assembly

Similar to the HCD in the previous page, to create an Assembly, the component developer needs to implement the ComponentHandlers for the Assembly. More details about implementing ComponentHandlers can be found here.

Tutorial: Developing an Assembly

If using the giter8 template with the default parameters, our ComponentHandlers class will be the SampleHandlers class (JSampleHandlers in Java),

Like we did for the HCD, let’s add some log messages for the initialize and onShutdown hooks, but not the onTrackingLocationEvent hook. We’ll cover that in more detail later.

sourceprivate var maybeEventSubscription: Option[EventSubscription] = None
override def initialize(): Unit = {"In Assembly initialize")
  maybeEventSubscription = Some(subscribeToHcd())

override def onShutdown(): Unit = {"Assembly is shutting down.")
sourceprivate Optional<IEventSubscription> maybeEventSubscription = Optional.empty();

public void initialize() {"In Assembly initialize");
    maybeEventSubscription = Optional.of(subscribeToHcd());

public void onShutdown() {"Assembly is shutting down.");

Once again, ignore the code about setting up the event subscription. This will be covered later when we discuss subscribing to events.

Component Configuration (ComponentInfo)

Also as with the HCD, we need to create a ComponentInfo file for the Assembly. The following shows an example of ComponentInfo file for an Assembly:

componentType = assembly
componentHandlerClassName = "org.tmt.csw.sample.SampleHandlers"
prefix = "csw.sample"
locationServiceUsage = RegisterAndTrackServices
connections = [
    prefix: "csw.samplehcd"
    componentType: hcd
    connectionType: pekko
componentType = assembly
componentHandlerClassName = "org.tmt.csw.sample.JSampleHandlers"
prefix = "csw.sample"
locationServiceUsage = RegisterAndTrackServices
connections = [
    prefix: "csw.samplehcd"
    componentType: hcd
    connectionType: pekko
Connections in ComponentInfo

There is a section for listing connections. These are the connections that the component will automatically track and can be other components or services. For instance, an Assembly may command one or more HCDs. Entries here can be used to track those HCDs and the Assembly will be notified if one of the tracked HCDs starts up, crashes, or shuts down. In some cases, it may make sense to track services such as the Event Service. These connections can also be specified for HCDs, but HCDs should not have any component dependencies.

The above shows a configuration file for running in standalone mode. If we want to run both the assembly and HCD in a container, the ComponentInfo file combined entries for both components and looks like this:

sourcename = "SampleContainer"
components: [
    prefix = "csw.sample"
    componentType = assembly
    componentHandlerClassName = "org.tmt.csw.sample.SampleHandlers"
    locationServiceUsage = RegisterAndTrackServices
    connections = [{
      prefix: "csw.samplehcd"
      componentType: hcd
      connectionType: pekko
    prefix = "csw.samplehcd"
    componentType = hcd
    componentHandlerClassName = "org.tmt.csw.samplehcd.SampleHcdHandlers"
    locationServiceUsage = RegisterOnly
sourcename = "JSampleContainer"
components: [
    prefix = "csw.sample"
    componentType = assembly
    componentHandlerClassName = "org.tmt.csw.sample.JSampleHandlers"
    locationServiceUsage = RegisterAndTrackServices
    connections = [
        prefix: "csw.samplehcd"
        componentType: hcd
        connectionType: pekko
    prefix = "csw.samplehcd"
    componentType = hcd
    componentHandlerClassName = "org.tmt.csw.samplehcd.JSampleHcdHandlers"
    locationServiceUsage = RegisterOnly

More details about each configuration and its significance can be found here.

Another sample container configuration file can be found here.

Tracking Dependencies

The connections that are defined in the ComponentInfo file for an Assembly will be tracked by the csw-framework. For each connection the following details are configured:

prefix: "csw.samplehcd"
componentType: hcd
connectionType: pekko
prefix: "csw.samplehcd"
componentType: hcd
connectionType: pekko

The configuration includes the prefix of the component consisting of a valid subsystem and the component’s name. The prefix, component type (hcd, service, etc), and the connection type (pekko, http, tcp) will be used to create a Connection object. The Connection object will be then used to track the location of a component using Location Service.

The Location object has one of the following types:

  • PekkoLocation: Contains the remote address of the actorRef. The actorRef will be the Supervisor actor of a component.
  • HttpLocation: Holds the HTTP URI of the web server, e.g. Configuration Service
  • TcpLocation: Represents a TCP URI of the server or service, e.g. Event Service

More details about tracking a component using the Location Service can be found here.

onLocationTrackingEvent Handler

For all the tracked connections, whenever a Location is changed, added, or removed, one of the following events is generated:

  • LocationUpdated: a location was added or changed
  • LocationRemoved: a location is no longer available on the network

Whenever such an event is generated, the Top level actor will call the onLocationTrackingEvent hook of ComponentHandlers with the event (LocationUpdated or LocationRemoved) as parameter of the handler.

More details about tracking connections can be found here.

Tutorial: Developing an Assembly

For our sample component, we will set it up so that when the HCD is found by the Location Service, we will immediately send a command to it. We will do this by using the Location obtained to create a CommandService reference (see below) to the HCD and store at as a variable in the TLA. This can be a good way to easily track the connection and keep a reference up to date. The code then sends a shortCommand command through the onSetup handler. Sending commands from the location event tracking handler is not a best practice; it is shown here for demonstration purposes.

Similarly, if the HCD is removed, a message is logged and the Command Service variable is set to none.

sourceoverride def onLocationTrackingEvent(trackingEvent: TrackingEvent): Unit = {
  log.debug(s"onLocationTrackingEvent called: $trackingEvent")
  trackingEvent match {
    case LocationUpdated(location) =>
      val hcd = CommandServiceFactory.make(location.asInstanceOf[PekkoLocation])(ctx.system)
      commandSender ! SendCommand(hcd)
    case LocationRemoved(_) =>"HCD no longer available")
public void onLocationTrackingEvent(TrackingEvent trackingEvent) {
    log.debug(() -> "onLocationTrackingEvent called: " + trackingEvent.toString());
    if (trackingEvent instanceof LocationUpdated) {
        LocationUpdated updated = (LocationUpdated) trackingEvent;
        Location location = updated.location();
        ICommandService hcd = CommandServiceFactory.jMake(location, actorContext.getSystem());
        commandSender.tell(new SendCommand(hcd));
    } else if (trackingEvent instanceof LocationRemoved) {"HCD no longer available");


If the component developer wants to track a connection that is not configured in its configuration file then it can use the trackConnection method provided by csw-framework in ComponentHandlers. The trackConnection method will take the Connection instance. Information on how to create a connection instance can be found here.


Connections tracked by csw-framework (from the configuration file) or by a component developer using the trackConnection method both will be received in the onLocationTrackingEvent hook of ComponentHandlers.

Sending Commands

From the location information obtained either by tracking dependencies or manually resolving a location, a CommandService instance can be created to provide a command interface to the component. The following snippet, not from our tutorial, shows how to obtain a CommandService reference using by resolving a location using the Location Service.

sourceimplicit val system: ActorSystem[Nothing] = ctx.system

val eventualCommandService: Future[CommandService] =
  cswCtx.locationService.resolve(hcdConnection.of[PekkoLocation], 5.seconds).map {
    case Some(hcdLocation: PekkoLocation) => CommandServiceFactory.make(hcdLocation)
    case _                                => throw HcdNotFoundException()

eventualCommandService.foreach { commandService => hcd = commandService }
sourceCompletableFuture<Optional<PekkoLocation>> resolvedHcdLocation = locationService.resolve(hcdConnection, Duration.ofSeconds(5));

CompletableFuture<ICommandService> eventualCommandService = resolvedHcdLocation.thenApply((Optional<PekkoLocation> hcdLocation) -> {
    if (hcdLocation.isPresent())
        return CommandServiceFactory.jMake(hcdLocation.orElseThrow(), ctx.getSystem());
        throw new HcdNotFoundException();

eventualCommandService.thenAccept((jcommandService) -> hcd = jcommandService);

If a component wants to send a command to another component, it uses a CommandService instance. The creation of aCommandService instance and its usage can be found here.

Handling Short and Long-Running Commands

The Command Service provides a two different ways of performing Submit commands. In particular, for sending single commands, there are two flavors: submit and submitAndWait. Both commands take a Setup or Observe and return a Future response encapsulating a SubmitResponse type.

To understand the difference between submit and submitAndWait and how to choose between them it is necessary to understand how commands are processed in the destination component, and what you as the developer need to accomplish. Every submitted command is first validated by calling the validateCommand handler. If validateCommand returns Invalid, the submit returns immediately. If validateCommand returns Accepted, the onSubmit handler is called.

If a command is short, less than 1 second, it completes quickly with the response of Completed or an Error response. In this case submit and submitAndWait behave the same working like a function call or RPC command. The Completed response can also return a result if needed.

If the command is long-running, longer than 1 second, an onSubmit handler should start the actions and return a Started response. The sender of the command obtains the final response of the command by polling using the Command Service query call or by waiting using queryFinal. When an onSubmit handler returns Started it is expected to update the command with the final response when the actions complete using the updateCommand call of the CommandResponseManager that is provided to the TLA in the CswContext.

On the sender side, submitAndWait doesn’t complete until the long-running command completes and returns the final SubmitResponse. That is to say, if the Future completes, no matter whether the command has an immediate response or is long-running, is invalid, or encounters an error at any point, the Future completes with the final response. If there is an exception, which may occur if the command times out, that must be handled explicitly using Future exception handling (this can be done many ways; an example is given below).

Tutorial: Developing an Assembly

TWe use our worker actor to submit the command to the HCD, and then subscribe to the HCD’s CommandResponseManager for command completion, using the shortcut submitAndWait.

sourcesealed trait WorkerCommand
case class SendCommand(hcd: CommandService) extends WorkerCommand

private val commandSender =
    Behaviors.receiveMessage[WorkerCommand](msg => {
      msg match {
        case command: SendCommand =>
          log.trace(s"WorkerActor received SendCommand message.")
        case null => log.error("Unsupported message type")

import scala.concurrent.duration._
private implicit val sleepCommandTimeout: Timeout = Timeout(10000.millis)
def handle(hcd: CommandService): Unit = {

  // Construct Setup command
  val sleepTimeKey: Key[Long]         = KeyType.LongKey.make("SleepTime")
  val sleepTimeParam: Parameter[Long] = sleepTimeKey.set(5000).withUnits(Units.millisecond)
  val setupCommand = Setup(componentInfo.prefix, CommandName("sleep"), Some(ObsId("2020A-001-123"))).add(sleepTimeParam)

  // submit command and handle response
  hcd.submitAndWait(setupCommand).onComplete {
    case scala.util.Success(value) =>
      value match {
        case _: CommandResponse.Locked => log.error("Sleep command failed: HCD is locked.")
        case inv: CommandResponse.Invalid =>
          log.error(s"Command is invalid: (${inv.issue.getClass.getSimpleName}): ${inv.issue.reason}")
        case x: CommandResponse.Error     => log.error(s"Command Completed with error: ${x.message}")
        case _: CommandResponse.Completed =>"Command completed successfully")
        case _                            => log.error("Command failed")
    case scala.util.Failure(ex) => log.error(s"Exception occured when sending command: ${ex.getMessage}")
sourceprivate interface WorkerCommand {

private static final class SendCommand implements WorkerCommand {
    private final ICommandService hcd;

    private SendCommand(ICommandService hcd) {
        this.hcd = hcd;

private ActorRef<WorkerCommand> createWorkerActor() {
    return actorContext.spawn(
            Behaviors.receiveMessage(msg -> {
                if (msg instanceof SendCommand) {
                    SendCommand command = (SendCommand) msg;
                    log.trace("WorkerActor received SendCommand message.");
                    handle(Id.apply(), command.hcd);
                } else {
                    log.error("Unsupported messsage type");
                return Behaviors.same();

private void handle(Id runId, ICommandService hcd) {

    // Construct Setup command
    Key<Long> sleepTimeKey = JKeyType.LongKey().make("SleepTime", JUnits.millisecond);
    Parameter<Long> sleepTimeParam = sleepTimeKey.set(5000L);

    Setup setupCommand = new Setup(cswCtx.componentInfo().prefix(), new CommandName("sleep"), Optional.of(ObsId.apply("2018A-P001-O123"))).add(sleepTimeParam);

    Timeout commandResponseTimeout = new Timeout(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS);

    // Submit command and handle response
    hcd.submitAndWait(setupCommand, commandResponseTimeout)
            .exceptionally(ex -> new CommandResponse.Error(runId, "Exception occurred when sending command: " + ex.getMessage()))
            .thenAccept(commandResponse -> {
                if (commandResponse instanceof CommandResponse.Locked) {
                    log.error("Sleed command failed: HCD is locked");
                } else if (commandResponse instanceof CommandResponse.Invalid) {
                    CommandResponse.Invalid inv = (CommandResponse.Invalid) commandResponse;
                    log.error("Sleep command invalid (" + inv.issue().getClass().getSimpleName() + "): " + inv.issue().reason());
                } else if (commandResponse instanceof CommandResponse.Error) {
                    CommandResponse.Error x = (CommandResponse.Error) commandResponse;
                    log.error(() -> "Command Completed with error: " + x.message());
                } else if (commandResponse instanceof CommandResponse.Completed) {
          "Command completed successfully");
                } else {
                    log.error("Command failed: ");
Waiting is not Waiting

Even through submitAndWait waits, it is not blocking. The Assembly and HCD are still available for commands. The support for commands is all asynchronous. For example, complexCommand sends two commands to the HCD, which is happy to execute two sleeps concurrently. The Assembly is also available for other commands. For instance, other versions of the SampleAssembly show how to cancel a long-running command.

Note also that if your Assembly or HCD can only execute one command at a time, your code must test for this during validation and stop multiple commands from executing.


When a component sends a command as Oneway to another component, it may be interested in knowing the receiver component’s CurrentState and match it against a desired state. In order to do that, the component developer can use the onewayAndMatch method of CommandService or use oneway and then use a Matcher explicitly to match a desired state with current state.

More details on how to use Matcher can be found here.

PubSub Connection

A component might need to subscribe to the current state of any other component provided it knows the location of that component. In order to subscribe to current state, it may use the subscribeCurrentState method of the CommandService. More details about the usage of subscribeCurrentState can be found here.

If a component wants to publish its current state then it can use the currentStatePublisher provided by csw-framework in the CswContext object passed into ComponentHandlers. More details about the usage of currentStatePublisher can be found here.

Subscribing to Events

To subscribe to events, a subscriber is accessed in a similar way to publishing. Typically a defaultSubscriber is obtained, but additional subscribers with their own connection can be created.

The subscribe API specifies a set of Events to subscribe to and then specifies how the events should be handled. This can be a callback, an Actor reference to receive the Event as a message, or as a stream to allow flow operations to be applied.

Tutorial: Developing an Assembly

We will setup our subscription to the counter events generated by our HCD in the subscribeToHCD method.

sourceprivate val counterEventKey = EventKey(Prefix("CSW.samplehcd"), EventName("HcdCounter"))
private val hcdCounterKey   = KeyType.IntKey.make("counter")

private def processEvent(event: Event): Unit = {"Event received: ${event.eventKey}")
  event match {
    case e: SystemEvent =>
      e.eventKey match {
        case `counterEventKey` =>
          val counter = e(hcdCounterKey).head
"Counter = $counter")
        case _ => log.warn("Unexpected event received.")
    case e: ObserveEvent => log.warn("Unexpected ObserveEvent received.") // not expected

private def subscribeToHcd(): EventSubscription = {"Starting subscription.")
  eventService.defaultSubscriber.subscribeCallback(Set(counterEventKey), processEvent)

private def unsubscribeHcd(): Unit = {"Stopping subscription.")
sourceprivate final EventKey counterEventKey = new EventKey(Prefix.apply(JSubsystem.CSW, "samplehcd"), new EventName("HcdCounter"));
private final Key<Integer> hcdCounterKey = JKeyType.IntKey().make("counter", JUnits.NoUnits);

private void processEvent(Event event) {"Event received: " + event.eventKey());
    if (event instanceof SystemEvent) {
        SystemEvent sysEvent = (SystemEvent) event;
        if (event.eventKey().equals(counterEventKey)) {
            int counter = sysEvent.parameter(hcdCounterKey).head();
  "Counter = " + counter);
        } else {
            log.warn("Unexpected event received.");
    } else {
        // ObserveEvent, not expected
        log.warn("Unexpected ObserveEvent received.");

private IEventSubscription subscribeToHcd() {"Starting subscription.");
    return cswCtx.eventService().defaultSubscriber().subscribeCallback(Set.of(counterEventKey), this::processEvent);

private void unsubscribeHcd() {"Stopping subscription.");

We use the subscribeCallback method from the API and specify the method processEvent as our callback, in which we unpack the event and log the counter value. The subscribe methods in the API return a EventSubscription object, which can be used to stop the subscription, as demonstrated in the unsubscribeHCD method (which again, is not called in our tutorial).

Again, we return to our initialize method to show how subscription is started, and the reference to the subscription is stored for later use.

sourceprivate var maybeEventSubscription: Option[EventSubscription] = None
override def initialize(): Unit = {"In Assembly initialize")
  maybeEventSubscription = Some(subscribeToHcd())

override def onShutdown(): Unit = {"Assembly is shutting down.")
sourceprivate Optional<IEventSubscription> maybeEventSubscription = Optional.empty();

public void initialize() {"In Assembly initialize");
    maybeEventSubscription = Optional.of(subscribeToHcd());

public void onShutdown() {"Assembly is shutting down.");

Deploying and Running Components


A project, for example with the name sample-deploy, contains applications (ContainerCmd and HostConfig coming from csw-framework) to run components. Make sure that the necessary dependencies are added in the sample-deploy.


To start the Assembly and HCD, sbt runMain can be used as with the HCD, but with slightly different options.
Now, we do not want to run in standalone mode, and we need to make sure to pass the container configuration file.

Go to the project root directory and type sbt "<deploy-module>/runMain <mainClass> --local <path-to-config-file>", where

  • <deploy-module> is the name of the deployment module created by the template (sample-deploy if using defaults)
  • <mainClass> is the full class name of our ContainerCmd application, which the template names <package>.<name>deploy.<Name>ContainerCmdApp. If you accept the defaults for the template, it will be org.tmt.csw.sampledeploy.SampleContainerCmdApp. If you are having problems determining the class name, use sbt <deploy-module>/run and it will prompt you the possibilities.
  • <path-to-config-file> is the filename, which can be an absolute path or relative to the directory of the deployment module. If using defaults, this would be src/main/resources/SampleContainer.conf for Scala, and src/main/resources/JSampleContainer.conf for Java.

So if using the template defaults, the full command would be:

sbt "sample-deploy/runMain org.tmt.csw.sampledeploy.SampleContainerCmdApp --local src/main/resources/SampleContainer.conf"
sbt "sample-deploy/runMain org.tmt.csw.sampledeploy.SampleContainerCmdApp --local src/main/resources/JSampleContainer.conf"

This assumes you still have the CSW Services running using the csw-services application as described in the Create a Component tutorial page.