Authentication and Authorization Service (AAS)
THe Authentication and Authorization Service (AAS) is a suite of libraries (i.e. adapters) provided by CSW to help build an ecosystem of client & server side applications that enforce the authentication and authorization policies for TMT.
The backbone of AAS is the Keycloak product. It is where all client and server applications need to be registered and configured. Keycloak comes bundled with csw-services
application, so you don’t have to download & install it manually. Refer here to start AAS service with csw-services
In the current authentication and authorization model for TMT, users will use browser-based graphical user interfaces to perform authentication through AAS. Sequencers, Assemblies and HCDs execute within the authenticated environment, but do not concern themselves directly with authorization and authentication.
- Core concepts & terms
- Pekko HTTP Adapter - csw-aas-http
- Installed Auth Adapter - csw-aas-installed
- Javascript Adapter - ESW-TS
Technical Description
See Authorization and Authentication Service Technical Description.