Deploying Components


ContainerCmd is a helper utility provided as a part of the framework. This helps component writers to start their components inside a container, but can also be used to start standalone components (not in a container).

A main application needs to be created which uses the framework provided utility csw.framework.deploy.containercmd.ContainerCmd to start a container or standalone component. The utility supports the following parameters, which can be provided as arguments to the application :

  • fully qualified path of the configuration file
  • local if the above path is a path to a file available on local disk. If this argument is not provided the file will be looked up in the Configuration Service using the same path.
sourceobject ContainerCmdApp {
  def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
    ContainerCmd.start("ContainerCmdApp", CSW, args)
sourcepublic class JContainerCmdApp {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        JContainerCmd.start("JContainer-Cmd-App", JSubsystem.CSW,args, Optional.empty());


It is not necessary to have name of the application as ContainerCmdApp/JContainerCmdApp; the user can choose any name.

Starting a standalone component from a local configuration file

`./container-cmd-app --local /assembly/config/standalone-assembly.conf`

Starting a container component from a configuration file available in configuration service

`./container-cmd-app /assembly/config/container-assembly.conf`

Container for deployment

A container is a component which starts one or more components and keeps track of the components within a single JVM process. When started, the container also registers itself with the Location Service. The components to be hosted by the container are defined using a ContainerInfo model which has a set of ComponentInfo objects. It is usually described in a configuration file but can also be created programmatically.

name = "Sample_Container"
components: [
    componentType = assembly
    componentHandlerClassName = package.component.SampleAssemblyHandlers
    prefix = wfos.SampleAssembly
    locationServiceUsage = RegisterAndTrackServices
    connections = [
        prefix: wfos.Sample_Hcd_1
        componentType: hcd
        connectionType: pekko
        prefix: wfos.Sample_Hcd_2
        componentType: hcd
        connectionType: pekko
        prefix: wfos.Sample_Hcd_3
        componentType: hcd
        connectionType: pekko
    prefix = "wfos.Sample_Hcd_1"
    componentType = hcd
    componentHandlerClassName = package.component.SampleHcdHandlers
    prefix = abc.sample.prefix
    locationServiceUsage = RegisterOnly
    prefix = "wfos.Sample_Hcd_2"
    componentType: hcd
    componentHandlerClassName: package.component.SampleHcdHandlers
    prefix: abc.sample.prefix
    locationServiceUsage = RegisterOnly

Standalone components

A component can be run alone in a standalone mode without sharing its JVM space with any other component.

Sample Info for an assembly
componentType = assembly
componentHandlerClassName = csw.common.components.command.ComponentHandlerForCommand
prefix =
locationServiceUsage = RegisterOnly