Sequencer Command Service

The Sequencer Command Service provides the ability to send a Sequence of commands to a running Sequencer. It sends the provided Sequence to a Sequencer and returns Future[Submit Response].


The Sequencer Command Service comes bundled with the Framework, no additional dependency is needs to be added to your build.sbt file if you are using it. To use the Sequencer Command Service without using the framework, add this to your build.sbt file:

libraryDependencies += "com.github.tmtsoftware.csw" %% "csw-command" % "1.0.0"

Creating Sequencer Command Service

To create a Sequencer Command Service, you need to resolve the AkkaLocation of the Sequencer using the Location Service. Pass the resolved location to a SequencerCommandServiceFactory, which will return the handle of a SequencerCommandService.

private val connection             = AkkaConnection(ComponentId("sequencer", ComponentType.Sequencer))
private val location: AkkaLocation = Await.result(locationService.resolve(connection, 5.seconds), 5.seconds).get

val sequencerCommandService: SequencerCommandServiceImpl = SequencerCommandServiceFactory.make(location)

Submitting Sequence to a Sequencer

To submit a Sequence to Sequencer, SequencerCommandService provides a submit API. The submit method takes a Sequence and returns a Future[SubmitResponse]. It starts execution of the sent Sequence and returns Future[Submit Response], which will complete when Sequence is finished or an error if the Sequencer is not available.

val sequence: Sequence = Sequence(Setup(Prefix("test.move"), CommandName("command-1"), None))

private val submitResponse: SubmitResponse = Await.result(sequencerCommandService.submit(sequence), 5.seconds)