
A HTTP server application that supports changing/getting the log level of component.


A required check before starting csw-admin-server app is to ensure the csw-cluster is setup and the Location Server is available so that when using the HTTP location client, it can resolve components for which the log level needs to be fetched/changed.. Kindly refer to CSW Location Server for more information about the Location Server setup.

Command line parameter options

  • --port is an optional parameter. When specified the HTTP server will start on this port. Default is 7878.
  • --locationHost is an optional parameter. Indicates the host address of machine where location server is running. Default is localhost.
  • --help prints the help message.
  • --version prints the version of the application.


  1. csw-admin-server
    Start an HTTP server on default port 7878.

This requires that the Location Server is running locally

  1. csw-admin-server --locationHost
    Start an HTTP server on default port 7878.

This indicates that the Location Server is running on a remote machine at the IP address=

  1. csw-admin-server --port 8080
    Start an HTTP server on port 8080.

  2. csw-admin-server --help

    Prints help message

  3. csw-admin-server --version

    Prints application version

## Accessing csw-admin-server routes via HTTP (curl)

  1. Get LogMetadata: Returns current log level of a component along with the default, akka and slf4j log levels.
  • Request: curl -X GET ''

  • Response: { "defaultLevel": "DEBUG", "akkaLevel": "ERROR", "slf4jLevel": "INFO", "componentLevel": "DEBUG" }

  1. Set Log Level: Sets the log level of a component and returns with status code 200 OK
  • Request: curl -X POST ''

This assumes the csw-admin-server is running on IP on port 7878.