Migration Guide from 3.0.0 to 4.0.0

This guide shows how to migrate from CSW Version 3.0.0 to CSW Version 4.0.0. From the release notes, the following are the important changes from 3.0.0:

  • Added JDefaultComponentHandlers and DefaultComponentHandlers - default component handlers to create assembly or hcd in both scala and java. Details on how to use these handlers are here

  • Removed allTags and allTagNames method from Coords and JCoords

  • frameworkWiring instance from FrameworkTestKit is marked private. You need to change your imports from import frameworkTestKit.frameworkWiring._ to import frameworkTestKit._. This import also brings in implicit actorSystem in scope. If you are explicitly creating implicit actorSystem in your test, then you can safely remove that and use one imported via FrameworkTestKit. Note that Java users are not impacted with this change.