
A HTTP server application that hosts the Configuration Service.


  • Location Service should be running
  • CSW AAS should be running

This page assumes that you have already installed and setup coursier

Install csw-config-server app

Following command creates an executable file named csw-config-server in the default installation directory.

cs install csw-config-server:<version | SHA>

Note: If you don’t provide the version or SHA in above command, csw-config-server will be installed with the latest tagged binary of csw-config-server

Command line parameter options

  • --initRepo is an optional parameter. When supplied, the server will try to initialize a repository if it does not exist.
  • --port is an optional parameter. When specified, the HTTP server will start on this port. Default will be 4000.
  • --help prints the help message.
  • --version prints the version of the application.


  1. Start an HTTP server on default port 4000. Initialize the repository if it does not exist and register it with the Location Service.

    csw-config-server --initRepo

  2. Start an HTTP server on port 4001. Initialize the repository if it does not exist and register it with the Location Service.

    csw-config-server --initRepo --port 4001
  3. Prints help message

    csw-config-server --help
  4. Prints application version

    csw-config-server --version