
csw-services is an application that allows to start all the services offered by CSW. It by default starts all the services when no option is provided. Starting specific services are possible by passing arguments corresponding to specific services.


This page assumes that you have already installed and setup coursier

Install csw-services app

Following command creates an executable file named csw-services in the default installation directory.

cs install csw-services:<version | SHA>

If you don’t provide the version or SHA in above command, csw-services will be installed with the latest tagged binary of csw-services

Supported Commands


csw-services only requires the following things to be set before starting the Database Service:

  • The PGDATA environment variable set to the Postgres data directory where Postgres is installed e.g. for mac: “/usr/local/var/postgres”.
  • Password set for the valid Postgres user. If not, go to the Postgres shell via psql and run ALTER USER <username> WITH PASSWORD '<mypassword>';.

Also it is not required to set INTERFACE_NAME environment variable explicitly but if in any case it is not assigned correctly, For Example, if multiple interfaces are present on the machine, then one needs to set it explicitly.


This command starts all the CSW services when no additional options provided.

csw-services start

start command support following additional options:

  • –interface-name | -i if provided, helps you set the inside interface name.
    // This starts all the services and sets the inside interface name to en0.
    csw-services start -i en0
  • –outside-interface-name | -o if provided, helps you set the outside interface name, if not provided will fallback to –interface-name
    // This starts all the services and sets the outside interface name to en0.
    csw-services start -o en0

If only specific services are to be started then following options can be used along with the start command.

  • –config | -c if provided, starts configuration service.

    // This starts location service along with the config service
    csw-services start -c
  • –event | -e if provided, starts event service.

    // This starts location service along with the event service
    csw-services start -e
  • –alarm | -a if provided, starts alarm service.

    // This starts location service along with the alarm service
    csw-services start -a
  • –database | -d if provided, starts database service.

    // This starts location service along with the database service
    csw-services start -d
  • –auth | -k if provided, starts authentication service.

    // This starts location service along with the auth service
    csw-services start -k

If multiple services are to be started, multiple options can be given at once

// This starts location service along with the auth service and event service
csw-services start -k -e

By default csw-services application runs services in the foreground, you can press ctr+c to stop all the services.

Running latest master of csw-services on developer machine

To run the latest master on dev machine, the command sbt run can be used.

// The below command starts all the services offered by CSW
sbt "csw-services/run start"

Predefined Users:

Authentication service started using csw-services has predefined users as mentioned below. All have password same as the username.


Authentication service started using csw-services should be used only for testing and shouldn’t be used in production.

Username Roles
osw-user1 osw-user, All subsystems roles
esw-user1 esw-user, config-admin
iris-user1 iris-user
tcs-user1 tcs-user
wfos-user1 wfos-user
dummy-user person-role, example-admin-role