
A command line application that facilitates interaction with Event Service. It accepts various commands to publish and subscribe to events.


  • Location Service should be running
  • Event Service should be running

This page assumes that you have already installed and setup coursier

Install csw-event-cli app

Following command creates an executable file named csw-event-cli in the default installation directory.

cs install csw-event-cli:<version | SHA>

Note: If you don’t provide the version or SHA in above command, csw-event-cli will be installed with the latest tagged binary of csw-event-cli

Supported Commands

  • inspect
  • get
  • publish
  • subscribe


Takes a comma separated list of events and displays each event’s parameter information which includes key name, key type, and unit along with metadata (event key, timestamp & id).

  • -e, --events : comma separated list of events to inspect

Example of inspect api

csw-event-cli inspect -e wfos.prog.cloudcover,wfos.prog.filter

inspect command does not display parameter values. To view values, use get command instead.


Takes a comma separated list of events with keys and displays event information including values either in one-line or JSON format.

  • -e, --events comma separated list of events in the form of <event1:key1>,<event2:key2:key3>, use : to separate multiple keys for same event. Ex. -e a.b.c:ra,x.y.z:dec:epoch
  • -o, --out output format, default is one-line
  • -t, --timestamp display timestamp
  • --id display event id
  • -u, --units display units

Examples of get api

  1. Displays all keys information in one-line form for event wfos.prog.cloudcover

    csw-event-cli get -e wfos.prog.cloudcover
  2. Displays information of only ra and epoch keys as well as timestamp, event id and units of provided keys in one-line form for event wfos.prog.cloudcover

    csw-event-cli get -e wfos.prog.cloudcover:ra:epoch -t --id -u
  3. Displays information of epoch of event wfos.prog.cloudcover and ra key of event wfos.prog.filter:ra

    csw-event-cli get -e wfos.prog.cloudcover:epoch,wfos.prog.filter:ra
  4. Displays event wfos.prog.cloudcover with only epcoh key in JSON format.

    bash csw-event-cli get -e wfos.prog.cloudcover:epoch -o json


-t, --id & --u options are not applicable when -o json option provided. An Event displayed in JSON format will always have timestamp, event id and units irrespective of whether those options are provided via the CLI.


Publishes an event to the Event Server from the provided input data file or CLI params.

  • -e, --event event key to publish
  • --data absolute file path which contains event in JSON format
  • --params pipe ‘|’ separated list of params enclosed in double quotes in the form of "keyName:keyType:unit=values| ...". unit is optional here. Supported key types are: [i = IntKey | s = StringKey | f = FloatKey | d = DoubleKey | l = LongKey | b = BooleanKey]. You can optionally choose to enclose param values in [, ] brackets. Values of a string key should be provided in single quotes and use backslash to escape string. Ex. "addressKey:s=['Kevin O\'Brien','Chicago, USA']|timestampKey:s=['2016-08-05T16:23:19.002']"
  • -i, --interval interval in milliseconds to publish event. A single event will be published, if not provided
  • -p, --period publish events for this duration in seconds on provided interval. Default is 2147483 seconds.

If --data & --params are provided together, then the Event is generated from both --data file & --params option. --params takes a precedence and overrides params from the Event data file if it is already present in the file.

Option -p should be used with -i, otherwise -p is ignored.

Examples of publish api

  1. Creates event from provided JSON file and publishes it with key wfos.prog.cloudcover to the Event Server.

    csw-event-cli publish -e wfos.prog.cloudcover --data /path/to/event.json
  2. Creates an Event from provided JSON file and publishes it every 500ms for duration of 60s.

    csw-event-cli publish -e wfos.prog.cloudcover --data /path/to/event.json -i 500 -p 60
  3. First fetches already published Event for key wfos.prog.cloudcover from the Event Server and then updates that Event with provided --params If provided keys are already present in existing Event, then those will be updated. Otherwise, new param entries will be added to the Event. If no Event is published in past for the provided key, then the new Event gets created with the provided params and Event key.

    csw-event-cli publish -e wfos.prog.cloudcover --params "k1:s=['Kevin O\'Brien','Chicago, USA']|k2:s=['2016-08-05T16:23:19.002']"


Takes a comma separated list of Events with keys and displays continuous stream of Event information as soon as it receives the Event.

  • -e, --events comma separated list of Events in the form of <event1:key1>,<event2:key2:key3>, use : to separate multiple keys for the same Event. Ex. -e a.b.c:ra,x.y.z:dec:epoch
  • -i, --interval interval in milliseconds which to receive an Event
  • -o, --out output format, default is one-line
  • -t, --timestamp display timestamp
  • --id display event id
  • -u, --units display units

Examples of subscribe api

  1. Subscribes to Event key wfos.prog.cloudcover and displays all key information as soon as there is an Event published for key wfos.prog.cloudcover with the one-line format.

    csw-event-cli subscribe -e wfos.prog.cloudcover
  2. Subscribes to the Event key wfos.prog.cloudcover and displays information of only the ra and epoch keys along with timestamp, event id and units of tge provided keys in one-line format as soon as there is an Event published for the key wfos.prog.cloudcover.

    csw-event-cli subscribe -e wfos.prog.cloudcover:ra:epoch -t --id -u
  3. Subscribes to the Event key wfos.prog.cloudcover and displays all key information at provided interval <500ms>. Irrespective of whether there are multiple Events published for the key wfos.prog.cloudcover within 500ms interval or not, at every tick (i.e. 500ms), the latest Event information will be displayed on the console.

    csw-event-cli subscribe -e wfos.prog.cloudcover -i 500
  4. Subscribes to Event key wfos.prog.cloudcover and displays only epoch key information as soon as there is an Event published for key wfos.prog.cloudcover, in JSON format.

    csw-event-cli subscribe -e wfos.prog.cloudcover:epoch -o json

-t, --id & --u options are not applicable when the -o json option is provided. An Event displayed in json format will always have timestamp, event id and units irrespective of whether those options are provided via the CLI.

About this application

Prints the help message.

csw-event-cli --help

Prints the version of the application.

csw-event-cli --version

All the above examples require that location-server is running on local machine at localhost:7654. If location-server is running on a remote machine with an IP address of, then you need to pass the additional --locationHost command line argument. Example: .\csw-event-cli get -e wfos.prog.cloudcover --locationHost


While testing or development, in order to use this CLI application, below prerequisites must be satisfied:

  • Location Service is running.
  • Event Service is running and is registered to the Location Service.

Please refer to Starting Apps for Development section for more details on how to start these applications using csw-services.

Monitor statistics

Event Service uses redis as the event store. Using redis-cli, you can monitor continuous stats about the Event Service.

$ redis-cli --stat
------- data ------ --------------------- load -------------------- - child -
keys       mem      clients blocked requests            connections
305        20.70M   605     0       1771418 (+0)        615
305        20.71M   605     0       1825363 (+53945)    615
305        20.70M   605     0       1877638 (+52275)    615
305        20.71M   605     0       1910198 (+32560)    615
305        20.71M   605     0       1960837 (+50639)    615
305        20.74M   605     0       2001565 (+40728)    615

In the above example, a new line is printed every second with useful information, including the difference between current and old data points.

  • keys: Represents all the keys present in the Redis database, which in case of the Event Service are EventKeys
  • clients: Represents total number of clients currently connected to the Redis server
  • requests: Represents total number of Redis commands processed along with a delta between every interval, specified with the -i option (see below)
  • connections: Represents total number of socket connections opened to the Redis server

The -i <interval> option in this case works as a modifier in order to change the frequency at which new lines are emitted. The default is one second.

You can explicitly pass the hostname and port of the Redis server while running redis-cli

$ redis-cli -h redis.tmt.org -p 6379

A detailed list of operations you can perform with redis-cli can be found here