  • Public
  • Public/Protected
  • All


Type aliases

CannotOperateOnAnInFlightOrFinishedStep: { _type: "CannotOperateOnAnInFlightOrFinishedStep" }

Type declaration

  • _type: "CannotOperateOnAnInFlightOrFinishedStep"
DiagnosticHookFailed: { _type: "DiagnosticHookFailed" }

Type declaration

  • _type: "DiagnosticHookFailed"
Exclude<T, U>: T extends U ? never : T

Exclude from T those types that are assignable to U

Type parameters

  • T

  • U

GoOfflineHookFailed: { _type: "GoOfflineHookFailed" }

Type declaration

  • _type: "GoOfflineHookFailed"
GoOnlineHookFailed: { _type: "GoOnlineHookFailed" }

Type declaration

  • _type: "GoOnlineHookFailed"
IdDoesNotExist: { _type: "IdDoesNotExist"; id: string }

Type declaration

  • _type: "IdDoesNotExist"
  • id: string
KeycloakFlow: "standard" | "implicit" | "hybrid"
KeycloakOnLoad: "login-required" | "check-sso"
KeycloakPromiseCallback<T>: (result: T) => void

Type parameters

  • T

Type declaration

    • (result: T): void
    • Parameters

      • result: T

      Returns void

KeycloakResponseMode: "query" | "fragment"
KeycloakResponseType: "code" | "id_token token" | "code id_token token"
Omit<T, K>: Pick<T, Exclude<keyof T, K>>

Construct a type with the properties of T except for those in type K.

Type parameters

  • T

  • K: keyof any

OperationsHookFailed: { _type: "OperationsHookFailed" }

Type declaration

  • _type: "OperationsHookFailed"
Pick<T, K>: { [ P in K]: T[P] }

From T, pick a set of properties whose keys are in the union K

Type parameters

  • T

  • K: keyof T

Type parameters

  • T

Record<K, T>: { [ P in K]: T }

Construct a type with a set of properties K of type T

Type parameters

  • K: keyof any

  • T


Blob: { prototype: <internal>.Blob }

Type declaration

File: { prototype: <internal>.File }

Type declaration

ReadableStream: { prototype: <internal>.ReadableStream<any> }

Type declaration

ReadableStreamDefaultReader: { prototype: <internal>.ReadableStreamDefaultReader<any> }

Type declaration

WritableStream: { prototype: <internal>.WritableStream<any> }

Type declaration

WritableStreamDefaultWriter: { prototype: <internal>.WritableStreamDefaultWriter<any> }

Type declaration

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