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Classes Sequence Manager Service

Classes Sequencer Service

Classes Event Service

Classes Config Service

Classes Alarm Service

Classes Other

Interfaces Service

Interfaces Sequencer Service

Interfaces Location Service

Interfaces Other

Type aliases Agent Service

Type aliases Sequence Manager Service

Type aliases Sequencer Service

Type aliases Location Service

Type aliases Event Service

Type aliases Config Service

Type aliases Logger Service

Type aliases Alarm Service

Type aliases Other

Type aliases Response ADT

Variables Event Service

Functions Location Service

Functions Other

Agent Service Type aliases

AgentStatus: { agentId: ComponentId; seqCompsStatus: SequenceComponentStatus[] }

Type declaration

KillResponse: Killed | Failed
Killed: { _type: "Killed" }

Type declaration

  • _type: "Killed"
SequenceComponentStatus: { seqCompId: ComponentId; sequencerLocation: AkkaLocation[] }

Type declaration

SpawnResponse: Spawned | Failed
Spawned: { _type: "Spawned" }

Type declaration

  • _type: "Spawned"

Sequence Manager Service Type aliases

ResourcesStatusResponse: ResourcesStatusSuccess | Failed
ShutdownSequenceComponentResponse: ShutdownSequencersResponse | FailedResponse
ShutdownSequencersResponse: Unhandled | LocationServiceError | Success | FailedResponse

Sequencer Service Type aliases

DiagnosticModeResponse: Ok | DiagnosticHookFailed
OkOrUnhandledResponse: Ok | Unhandled
OperationsModeResponse: Ok | OperationsHookFailed
RemoveBreakpointResponse: OkOrUnhandledResponse | IdDoesNotExist
SequencerState: { _type: "Idle" | "Processing" | "Loaded" | "Offline" | "Running" }

Type declaration

  • _type: "Idle" | "Processing" | "Loaded" | "Offline" | "Running"
SequencerStateResponse: { _type: "SequencerStateResponse"; sequencerState: SequencerState; stepList: StepList }

Type declaration

Location Service Type aliases

AkkaConnection: { componentType: ComponentType; connectionType: "akka"; prefix: Prefix }

Type declaration

AkkaLocation: { _type: "AkkaLocation"; connection: Connection; metadata: Record<string, string>; uri: string }

Represents a live Akka connection of a component

Type declaration

  • _type: "AkkaLocation"
  • connection: Connection
  • metadata: Record<string, string>
  • uri: string
ConnectionType: "akka" | "tcp" | "http"
HttpConnection: { componentType: ComponentType; connectionType: "http"; prefix: Prefix }

Type declaration

HttpLocation: { _type: "HttpLocation"; connection: Connection; metadata: Record<string, string>; uri: string }

Represents a live HTTP connection of a component

Type declaration

  • _type: "HttpLocation"
  • connection: Connection
  • metadata: Record<string, string>
  • uri: string

Location represents a live Connection along with its URI

TcpConnection: { componentType: ComponentType; connectionType: "tcp"; prefix: Prefix }

Type declaration

TcpLocation: { _type: "TcpLocation"; connection: Connection; metadata: Record<string, string>; uri: string }

Represents a live Tcp connection of a component

Type declaration

  • _type: "TcpLocation"
  • connection: Connection
  • metadata: Record<string, string>
  • uri: string

TrackingEvent is used to represent location events while tracking the connection

Event Service Type aliases

Config Service Type aliases

ConfigFileInfo: { author: string; comment: string; id: ConfigId; path: string }

Type declaration

  • author: string
  • comment: string
  • id: ConfigId
  • path: string
ConfigFileRevision: { author: string; comment: string; id: ConfigId; time: string }

Type declaration

  • author: string
  • comment: string
  • id: ConfigId
  • time: string
ConfigMetadata: { annexMinFileSize: string; annexPath: string; maxConfigFileSize: string; repoPath: string }

Type declaration

  • annexMinFileSize: string
  • annexPath: string
  • maxConfigFileSize: string
  • repoPath: string
FileType: "Normal" | "Annex"

Logger Service Type aliases

Level: "TRACE" | "DEBUG" | "INFO" | "WARN" | "ERROR" | "FATAL"

A logging level.

LogMetadata: { akkaLevel: Level; componentLevel: Level; defaultLevel: Level; slf4jLevel: Level }

Holds metadata information about logging configuration

Type declaration

Alarm Service Type aliases

AlarmSeverity: "Okay" | "Warning" | "Major" | "Indeterminate" | "Critical"

Represents the alarm severity set by the component developer.

Other Type aliases

AgentStatusSuccess: { _type: "Success"; agentStatus: AgentStatus[]; seqCompsWithoutAgent: SequenceComponentStatus[] }

Type declaration

AlreadyRunning: { _type: "AlreadyRunning"; componentId: ComponentId }

Type declaration

Configurable: { _type: "Configurable" }

Type declaration

  • _type: "Configurable"
ConfigurationMissing: { _type: "ConfigurationMissing"; obsMode: ObsMode }

Type declaration

  • _type: "ConfigurationMissing"
  • obsMode: ObsMode
ConfigureSuccess: { _type: "Success"; masterSequencerComponentId: ComponentId }

Type declaration

  • _type: "Success"
  • masterSequencerComponentId: ComponentId
Configured: { _type: "Configured" }

Type declaration

  • _type: "Configured"
ConflictingResourcesWithRunningObsMode: { _type: "ConflictingResourcesWithRunningObsMode"; runningObsMode: ObsMode[] }

Type declaration

  • _type: "ConflictingResourcesWithRunningObsMode"
  • runningObsMode: ObsMode[]
CouldNotFindMachines: { _type: "CouldNotFindMachines"; prefix: Prefix[] }

Type declaration

  • _type: "CouldNotFindMachines"
  • prefix: Prefix[]
FailedResponse: { _type: "FailedResponse"; reason: string }

Type declaration

  • _type: "FailedResponse"
  • reason: string
FailedToStartSequencers: { _type: "FailedToStartSequencers"; reasons: string[] }

Type declaration

  • _type: "FailedToStartSequencers"
  • reasons: string[]
LoadScriptError: { _type: "LoadScriptError"; reason: string }

Type declaration

  • _type: "LoadScriptError"
  • reason: string
NonConfigurable: { _type: "NonConfigurable"; missingSequenceComponentsFor: VariationInfo[] }

Type declaration

  • _type: "NonConfigurable"
  • missingSequenceComponentsFor: VariationInfo[]
ObsModeDetails: { obsMode: ObsMode; resources: Subsystem[]; sequencers: VariationInfo[]; status: ObsModeStatus }

Type declaration

ObsModesDetailsResponseSuccess: { _type: "Success"; obsModes: ObsModeDetails[] }

Type declaration

Ok: { _type: "Ok" }

Type declaration

  • _type: "Ok"
ResourceStatus: { _type: "InUse" | "Available" }

Type declaration

  • _type: "InUse" | "Available"
ResourceStatusResponse: { obsMode?: ObsMode; resource: Subsystem; status: ResourceStatus }

Type declaration

ResourcesStatusSuccess: { _type: "Success"; resourcesStatus: ResourceStatusResponse[] }

Type declaration

RestartSequencerSuccess: { _type: "Success"; componentId: ComponentId }

Type declaration

SequenceComponentNotAvailable: { _type: "SequenceComponentNotAvailable"; msg: string; variationInfos: VariationInfo[] }

Type declaration

  • _type: "SequenceComponentNotAvailable"
  • msg: string
  • variationInfos: VariationInfo[]
SequencerStarted: { _type: "Started"; componentId: ComponentId }

Type declaration

SpawningSequenceComponentsFailed: { _type: "SpawningSequenceComponentsFailed"; failureResponses: string[] }

Type declaration

  • _type: "SpawningSequenceComponentsFailed"
  • failureResponses: string[]
StepStatusFailure: { _type: "Failure"; message: string }

Type declaration

  • Readonly _type: "Failure"
  • Readonly message: string
StepStatusInFlight: { _type: "InFlight" }

Type declaration

  • _type: "InFlight"
StepStatusPending: { _type: "Pending" }

Type declaration

  • _type: "Pending"
StepStatusSuccess: { _type: "Success" }

Type declaration

  • _type: "Success"
Success: { _type: "Success" }

Type declaration

  • _type: "Success"
TimeUnit: "days" | "hours" | "minutes" | "seconds" | "milliseconds" | "microseconds" | "nanoseconds"

Response ADT Type aliases

KillResponse: Killed | Failed
SpawnResponse: Spawned | Failed

Event Service Variables

ObserveEventNames: { DataWriteEnd: EventName; DataWriteStart: EventName; DowntimeStart: EventName; ExposureAborted: EventName; ExposureAvailable: EventName; ExposureEnd: EventName; ExposureStart: EventName; GuidestarAcqEnd: EventName; GuidestarAcqStart: EventName; IRDetectorExposureData: EventName; IRDetectorExposureState: EventName; MetadataAvailable: EventName; ObservationEnd: EventName; ObservationStart: EventName; ObserveEnd: EventName; ObservePaused: EventName; ObserveResumed: EventName; ObserveStart: EventName; OpticalDetectorExposureData: EventName; OpticalDetectorExposureState: EventName; PrepareStart: EventName; PresetEnd: EventName; PresetStart: EventName; PublishFail: EventName; PublishSuccess: EventName; ReadoutEnd: EventName; ReadoutFailed: EventName; ScitargetAcqEnd: EventName; ScitargetAcqStart: EventName; WfsDetectorExposureState: EventName } = ...

Type declaration

Location Service Functions

Other Functions

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