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  • KeycloakLoginOptions



action?: string

If value is 'register' then user is redirected to registration page, otherwise to login page.

cordovaOptions?: {}

Specifies arguments that are passed to the Cordova in-app-browser (if applicable). Options 'hidden' and 'location' are not affected by these arguments. All available options are defined at https://cordova.apache.org/docs/en/latest/reference/cordova-plugin-inappbrowser/. Example of use: { zoom: "no", hardwareback: "yes" }

Type declaration

  • [optionName: string]: string
idpHint?: string

Used to tell Keycloak which IDP the user wants to authenticate with.

locale?: string

Sets the 'ui_locales' query param in compliance with section of the OIDC 1.0 specification.

loginHint?: string

Used to pre-fill the username/email field on the login form.

maxAge?: number

Used just if user is already authenticated. Specifies maximum time since the authentication of user happened. If user is already authenticated for longer time than 'maxAge', the SSO is ignored and he will need to authenticate again.

prompt?: "none" | "login"

By default the login screen is displayed if the user is not logged into Keycloak. To only authenticate to the application if the user is already logged in and not display the login page if the user is not logged in, set this option to 'none'. To always require re-authentication and ignore SSO, set this option to 'login'.

redirectUri?: string

Specifies the uri to redirect to after login.

scope?: string

Specifies the scope parameter for the login url The scope 'openid' will be added to the scope if it is missing or undefined.

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