
== Config Client ==

Config client wraps the low level communication with ConfigServer and exposes simple to use methods to access and manage configuration files. Component developers are recommended to use csw-config-client library in their code to get the component specific configurations from config server.

ConfigClient provides two API's :

  1. Client API
  2. Admin API

=== Client API === Config Client API is limited to obtain the “active” configuration file from the Configuration Service. It is recommended for Component's writer to use client API as we expect component's to just retrieve configurations from config server which then can be used for bootstrapping components or for any other purpose.

You can get handle to Config Client API using following code which requires ActorSystem and LocationService:

val configClientService = ConfigClientFactory.clientApi(actorSystem, clientLocationService)

Config Client Service exposes following two API's:

  1. exists: returns true if configuration file with provided id exists
configClientService.exists(path, Some(id))
  1. getActive: returns the content's (ConfigData) of active version of provided file path

=== Admin API === This is an Admin API which is expected to be used by an administrative tool. These tools would have the ability to create, delete, and update configurations, as well as retrieve past configurations and their history. Any time a new configuration is to be used by a component, the user must use one of these tools (via CLI, perhaps) to set the active configuration for a component. Since a history of active configurations is maintained by the service, the settings of each component each time it is run can be retrieved, and the system configuration at any moment can be recreated.

You can get handle to Config Admin API using following code which requires ActorSystem and LocationService:

val configAdminService = ConfigClientFactory.adminApi(actorSystem, clientLocationService)

Config Admin Service exposes following API's:

  1. create
  2. update
  3. getById
  4. getLatest
  5. getByTime
  6. delete
  7. list
  8. history
  9. historyActive
  10. setActiveVersion
  11. resetActiveVersion
  12. getActiveVersion
  13. getActiveByTime
  14. getMetadata
  15. exists
  16. getActive

Detailed documentation of Config Client API usage is available at: https://tmtsoftware.github.io/csw/services/config.html


Members list

Type members


trait HttpCodecs


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any