
See theAlarmSeverity companion class
object AlarmSeverity extends Enum[AlarmSeverity]


trait Sum
trait Mirror
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
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Self type

Members list

Type members


case object Critical extends AlarmSeverity

Represents the critical state of an alarm for e.g. the operator needs to respond to a critical alarm within 30 minutes. It can be safely assumed that operation cannot continue if a critical alarm is raised in the system.

Represents the critical state of an alarm for e.g. the operator needs to respond to a critical alarm within 30 minutes. It can be safely assumed that operation cannot continue if a critical alarm is raised in the system.


trait Singleton
trait Product
trait Mirror
trait Serializable
trait Product
trait Equals
trait EnumEntry
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
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Self type
case object Indeterminate extends AlarmSeverity

Represents the indeterminate state of an alarm, for e.g. hardware is not able to update the state regularly and hence component cannot determine the actual severity of the alarm.

Represents the indeterminate state of an alarm, for e.g. hardware is not able to update the state regularly and hence component cannot determine the actual severity of the alarm.


trait Singleton
trait Product
trait Mirror
trait Serializable
trait Product
trait Equals
trait EnumEntry
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
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Self type
case object Major extends AlarmSeverity

Represents the major state of an alarm for e.g the operator needs to respond to a major alarm within 30 to 60 minutes. It can be safely assumed that major kind of alarms won't affect the observation operation but it may affect the performance of the same.

Represents the major state of an alarm for e.g the operator needs to respond to a major alarm within 30 to 60 minutes. It can be safely assumed that major kind of alarms won't affect the observation operation but it may affect the performance of the same.


trait Singleton
trait Product
trait Mirror
trait Serializable
trait Product
trait Equals
trait EnumEntry
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
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Self type
case object Okay extends AlarmSeverity

Represents the normal operation of the alarm

Represents the normal operation of the alarm


trait Singleton
trait Product
trait Mirror
trait Serializable
trait Product
trait Equals
trait EnumEntry
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
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Self type
case object Warning extends AlarmSeverity

Represents the warning state of an alarm for e.g. the alarm is raised during the observation night and it is expected that day staff responds to it the following morning. It can be safely assumed that operation and performance of the observation is not impacted by alarm raised with Warning severity.

Represents the warning state of an alarm for e.g. the alarm is raised during the observation night and it is expected that day staff responds to it the following morning. It can be safely assumed that operation and performance of the observation is not impacted by alarm raised with Warning severity.


trait Singleton
trait Product
trait Mirror
trait Serializable
trait Product
trait Equals
trait EnumEntry
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
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Self type

Inherited and Abstract types

The names of the product elements

The names of the product elements


Inherited from:

The name of the type

The name of the type


Inherited from:

Value members

Concrete methods

Returns a sequence of all alarm severity (except Disconnected)

Returns a sequence of all alarm severity (except Disconnected)


Inherited methods

Additional list of names which can be mapped to values, for example to allow mapping of legacy values.

Additional list of names which can be mapped to values, for example to allow mapping of legacy values.



a Map of names to Values

Inherited from:

Returns a Seq of A objects that the macro was able to find.

Returns a Seq of A objects that the macro was able to find.

You will want to use this in some way to implement your values method. In fact, if you aren't using this method... why are you even bothering with this lib?


Inherited from:
EnumCompat (hidden)

Returns the index number of the member passed in the values picked up by this enum

Returns the index number of the member passed in the values picked up by this enum

Value parameters


the member you want to check the index of



the index of the first element of values that is equal (as determined by ==) to member, or -1, if none exists.

Inherited from:

Tries to get an A by the supplied name. The name corresponds to the .name of the case objects implementing A

Tries to get an A by the supplied name. The name corresponds to the .name of the case objects implementing A

Like Enumeration 's withName, this method will throw if the name does not match any of the values' .entryName values.


Inherited from:

Returns an [[Right[A]] ] for a given name, or a [[Left[NoSuchMember]] ] if the name does not match any of the values' .entryName values.

Returns an [[Right[A]] ] for a given name, or a [[Left[NoSuchMember]] ] if the name does not match any of the values' .entryName values.


Inherited from:

Tries to get an A by the supplied name. The name corresponds to the .name of the case objects implementing A, disregarding case

Tries to get an A by the supplied name. The name corresponds to the .name of the case objects implementing A, disregarding case

Like Enumeration 's withName, this method will throw if the name does not match any of the values' .entryName values.


Inherited from:

Returns an [[Right[A]] ] for a given name, or a [[Left[NoSuchMember]] ] if the name does not match any of the values' .entryName values, disregarding case.

Returns an [[Right[A]] ] for a given name, or a [[Left[NoSuchMember]] ] if the name does not match any of the values' .entryName values, disregarding case.


Inherited from:

Optionally returns an A for a given name, disregarding case

Optionally returns an A for a given name, disregarding case


Inherited from:

Tries to get an A by the supplied name. The name corresponds to the .name of the case objects implementing A transformed to lower case

Tries to get an A by the supplied name. The name corresponds to the .name of the case objects implementing A transformed to lower case

Like Enumeration 's withName, this method will throw if the name does not match any of the values' .entryName values.


Inherited from:

Returns an [[Right[A]] ] for a given name, or a [[Left[NoSuchMember]] ] if the name does not match any of the values' .entryName values, disregarding case.

Returns an [[Right[A]] ] for a given name, or a [[Left[NoSuchMember]] ] if the name does not match any of the values' .entryName values, disregarding case.


Inherited from:

Optionally returns an A for a given name assuming the value is lower case

Optionally returns an A for a given name assuming the value is lower case


Inherited from:

Optionally returns an A for a given name.

Optionally returns an A for a given name.


Inherited from:

Tries to get an A by the supplied name. The name corresponds to the .name of the case objects implementing A transformed to upper case

Tries to get an A by the supplied name. The name corresponds to the .name of the case objects implementing A transformed to upper case

Like Enumeration 's withName, this method will throw if the name does not match any of the values' .entryName values.


Inherited from:

Returns an [[Right[A]] ] for a given name, or a [[Left[NoSuchMember]] ] if the name does not match any of the values' .entryName values, disregarding case.

Returns an [[Right[A]] ] for a given name, or a [[Left[NoSuchMember]] ] if the name does not match any of the values' .entryName values, disregarding case.


Inherited from:

Optionally returns an A for a given name assuming the value is upper case

Optionally returns an A for a given name assuming the value is upper case


Inherited from:

Inherited fields

Map of A object names in lower case to A s for case-insensitive comparison

Map of A object names in lower case to A s for case-insensitive comparison


Inherited from:

Map of A object names to A s

Map of A object names to A s


Inherited from:

Map of A object names in upper case to A s for case-insensitive comparison

Map of A object names in upper case to A s for case-insensitive comparison


Inherited from:
final lazy val valuesToIndex: Map[AlarmSeverity, Int]

Map of A to their index in the values sequence.

Map of A to their index in the values sequence.

A performance optimisation so that indexOf can be found in constant time.


Inherited from: