Getting and Running ESW Applications

ESW applications are installed locally using the coursier application, a standalone program that makes using the JVM and Scala/Java applications easier to use and maintain. The coursier tool is described with full documentation at the coursier site.

To use any ESW application, coursier must be installed on your machine.

1. Install coursier

The installation process is documented in the coursier installation document.

This blog post: Single Command Scala Setup by Alex Archambault, is a more friendly introduction to coursier.

2. Add TMT Apps channel to coursier

TMT apps are installed using a coursier channel. The channel must be added to the local installation of coursier using the cs install option. The apps channel is maintained on the TMT GitHub site. To install the TMT Apps channel use one of the following commands.

For developer machine setup, type:

cs channel --add

For a production machine setup, type:

cs channel --add

3. Starting CSW Services

Often when using an ESW application for development, it is necessary to also run one or more CSW services such as Location Service, Event Service, etc. The CSW documentation provides the information needed to start CSW services here.

4. Install and Run ESW Apps

cs install command will be used to install executables/launchers of each of ESW apps. This Step varies for each application. Each app section explains installation and running procedure in detail.

For example following command shows installation for agent app,

cs install esw-agent-akka-app