ESW Shell - A Testing Environment for ESW and CSW
This project contains an interactive shell powered by Ammonite that provides access to all the major CSW and ESW services via a command-line interface (CLI). ESW-shell can be used to communicate with Assemblies, HCDs (Hardware Control Daemon), and Sequencers using TMT Common Software (CSW) APIs.
Additionally, there are ESW-provided Sequencer commands and ESW applications using TMT Executive Software (ESW) that can be used and communicated with and controlled using ESW-shell.
1. Install coursier
and the TMT Apps Channel
The coursier
application must be installed on your machine and the OCS Apps channel must be installed. The instructions for doing this are provided here.
2. Start Any Needed CSW Services or ESW Apps
If you need some CSW Services or Assemblies or HCDs, they should be started depending on your goals according to steps 3 and 4 of here.
3. Starting esw-shell
Once coursier
and apps are installed, it can be used to start esw-shell
, type:
cs launch esw-shell
If you need to start with a specific version, the following can be used:
cs launch esw-shell
Normally, you don’t need to start the app with a specific version.
4. Exiting esw-shell
At any point in time, if you want to exit the shell, type exit
and press enter.
Using ESW Shell
The following sections provide examples of some built-in capabilities of ESW-shell. Note that ESW shell can be extended by the user by defining your own functions and saving them in files that can be loaded dynamically whenever needed.
Imports Available in esw-shell
The contents of the following imports are available in esw-shell
when it is started. A user does not need to import them again.
- Scala
|import java.nio.file.Path |import java.nio.file.Paths |import akka.util.Timeout |import akka.Done |import scala.concurrent.duration.{Duration, DurationDouble} |import scala.concurrent.{Await, Future} |import csw.alarm.models.AlarmSeverity |import csw.alarm.models.Key.AlarmKey |import csw.params.core.generics.KeyType._ |import csw.params.core.generics._ |import |import csw.params.commands._ |import csw.params.commands.CommandResponse._ |import csw.params.core.models._ |import csw.logging.models.Level._ |import csw.prefix.models.Subsystem._ |import csw.prefix.models.Prefix |import csw.time.core.models._ |import csw.params.core.states._ |import csw.location.api.models._ |import csw.location.api.models.ComponentType._ |import csw.location.api.models.ConnectionType._ |import csw.location.api.models.Connection._ |import csw.logging.models.LogMetadata |import csw.command.api.{DemandMatcher, DemandMatcherAll, PresenceMatcher} |import esw.ocs.api.models._ |import esw.ocs.api.protocol._ |import |import |import esw.agent.service.api.models._ |import |import esw.commons.extensions.FutureExt._ |import |import eswWiring._ |import eswWiring.factories._ |import eswWiring.cswWiring.cswContext._ |import csw.framework.scaladsl.DefaultComponentHandlers
Usage of Command Service to interact with HCDs, Assemblies and Sequencers
The following is built-in functionality for working with Command Service and Assemblies and HCDs.
Spawning a Simulated HCD/Assembly
can be used to spawn a simulated HCD/Assembly using these Simulated Component Handlers.
supports two commands:
: This command immediately returnsCompleted
response withrunId
: This command immediately returnsStarted
response withrunId
response after some sleep time. This sleep time is specified intimeInMs
parameter of the command.
The example commands below will spawn a simulated HCD/Assembly without having the need of a running Agent.
spawnSimulatedHCD("ESW.testHCD1") // "ESW.testHCD1" is the HCD prefix
spawnSimulatedAssembly("ESW.testAssembly") // "ESW.testAssembly" is the assembly prefix
Using predefined component handlers on Agent
The Agent Service can also be used to spawn simulated HCD/Assemblies on any machine that is running an Agent.
These example commands will spawn a simulated HCD/Assembly on ESW.machine1
Agent. It is assumed that ESW.machine1
Agent is already running. For running agent refer Agent App
spawnSimulatedHCD("ESW.testHCD", "ESW.machine1") // "ESW.testHCD" is the HCD prefix
spawnSimulatedAssembly("ESW.testAssembly", "ESW.machine1") // "ESW.testAssembly" is the assembly prefix
Using custom component handlers
can be used to spawn a real HCD/Assembly which uses custom component handlers passed by the user.
The example below will spawn an Assembly that uses the provided component handlers which will be used by the created Assembly.
val componentHandlers = (ctx, cswCtx) =>
new DefaultComponentHandlers(ctx, cswCtx) {
override def onSubmit(runId: Id, controlCommand: ControlCommand): CommandResponse.SubmitResponse = { match {
case "sleep" =>
// do something on receiving move command
cswCtx.timeServiceScheduler.scheduleOnce(UTCTime( {
case _ => CommandResponse.Completed(runId)
spawnAssemblyWithHandler("ESW.testHCD", componentHandlers) // "ESW.testHCD" is the HCD prefix
spawnHCDWithHandler("ESW.testAssembly", componentHandlers) // "ESW.testAssembly" is the assembly prefix
This is a very nice feature! It can be used to create components that can simulate other components within tests, for instance.
Finding a required component
To get a handle to a Command Service for a particular HCD/Assembly/Sequencer, use the following esw-shell
short-cut commands:
To create a CommandService for an HCD:
val hcdComponent = hcdCommandService("IRIS.hcd_name")
For Assemblies:
val assemblyComponent = assemblyCommandService("IRIS.assembly_name")
This can also be done for a Sequencer in order to send a Sequence to a Sequencer. (See also: Sequencers)
val sequencer = sequencerCommandService("IRIS.darknight")
IRIS.hcd_name and IRIS.assembly_name are the Prefix by which the HCD and Assembly respectively, are registered with Location Service.
IRIS and darknight are the Subsystem and the observing mode for the Sequencer.
The above calls internally use Location Service to resolve the required HCD/Assembly/Sequencer.
Creating a Setup to submit to HCD/Assembly using Command Service
To send a Setup or Observe command to a component, create the Parameters and add them to the Setup or Observe.
val longKey = LongKey.make("timeInMs")
val paramSet = Set(longKey.set(1000))
val setup = Setup(Prefix("iris.filter.wheel"), CommandName("sleep"), Some(ObsId("2020A-001-123"))).madd(paramSet)
Creating a Sequence to submit to a Sequencer using Command Service
val byteKey = ByteKey.make("byteKey")
val paramSet = Set(byteKey.set(100, 100))
val setup = Setup(Prefix("iris.filter.wheel"), CommandName("move"), Some(ObsId("2020A-001-123"))).madd(paramSet)
val sequence = Sequence(setup)
Note that in the last step, the Setup is wrapped in a Sequence to make a Sequence with one Step.
Other than Command Service handles, the following pre-defined handles or factories are available in esw-shell
to interact with different services:
- For Sequence Manager, use pre-imported
handle - For Agent, create new handle using
- For SequenceComponent, create new handle using
- For AdminApi, use pre-imported
handle - For EventService, use pre-imported
handle - For AlarmService, use pre-imported
Creating a CSW ComponentId
val componentId = ComponentId(Prefix(ESW, "test1"), Assembly)
Creating an Event
Events work much like Setups.
val byteKey = ByteKey.make("byteKey")
val paramSet = Set(byteKey.set(100, 100 ))
val prefix = Prefix("tcs.assembly")
val event = SystemEvent(prefix, EventName("event_1")).madd(paramSet)
Creating an AlarmKey
val alarmKey = AlarmKey(Prefix(NFIRAOS, "trombone"), "tromboneAxisHighLimitAlarm")
Submitting a Setup to a component
Use the Command Service submit
call with the Setup created in a previous step to send the Setup to the HCD or Assembly.
The esw-shell
is just providing a Scala programming environment. Therefore, submit
returns a response wrapped in a Future, you can use get
to extract the response out of any Future response once it completes. The Future has a default wait timeout of 10.seconds
for the future to complete:
val hcdResponse = hcdComponent.submit(setup).get
val assemblyResponse = assemblyComponent.submit(setup).get
If you have a long-running command, you can use await
method with your own custom timeout:
val hcdResponse = hcdComponent.submit(setup).await(20.seconds)
Submit the Sequence created in a previous step using the Command Service for the Sequencer:
val sequencerResponse = sequencer.submit(sequence).get
The other Command Service calls are also present on a Command Service handle.
Submitting commands to an ESW service
To Agent:
val agent = agentClient("iris.machine_1")
val spawnResponse = agent.spawnSequenceComponent("ESW_1", Some("1.0.0")).get
To AdminApi:
val logMetadata = adminApi.getLogMetadata(componentId).get
To Event Service:
val publishResponse = eventService.publish(event).get
To AlarmService:
val response = alarmService.setSeverity(alarmKey, AlarmSeverity.Major).get
Interacting with Sequence Manager
You can also use the Sequence Manager to send commands to the ESW Sequence Manager. Sequence Manager is a service, it is not an Assembly or HCD. It has its own specialized Sequence Manager API.
A handle to a running Sequence Manager can be obtained using:
val sm = sequenceManager()
Unlike Assemblies, and HCDs, there is only one Sequence Manager service at a time.
All Sequence Manager APIs can be called upon the handle. For example:
val configureResponse = sm.configure(ObsMode("darknight")).get
val shutdownSequencerResponse = sm.shutdownSequencer(ESW, ObsMode("darknight")).get
val resources = sm.getResources.get
Interacting with Sequence Component
Sequence Components are used to create Sequencers. They, too, can be accessed with esw-shell
Get a handle to a running Sequence Component using:
val sc = sequenceComponentService("ESW.ESW_1")
Note that the Sequence Component is registered with a
All Sequence Component APIs can be called upon the handle. For example:
val loadScriptResponse = sc.loadScript(Prefix(ESW,"darknight")).get
val unloadScriptResponse = sc.unloadScript().get
val restartScriptResponse = sc.restartScript().get
Provisioning Sequence Components
In order to provision Sequence Components using Sequence Manager, use some custom version of Sequencer scripts, we have provided a special method in esw-shell
provision(ProvisionConfig((Prefix(ESW, "primary") -> 3)), <sequencer scripts version | SHA>)
This is useful in case new scripts are to be tested in a dev environment. The Sequencer scripts version for these new scripts can be provided in this method. It will take care of updating this version in the Configuration Service before setting up the Sequence Components.