Sequencer Command Service

A Sequencer can send commands to Assemblies and HCDs and Sequences to other Sequencers. In order to interact or send commands from one Sequencer to the other, one needs to create a Sequencer instance first. The API provided by a Sequencer Command Service is tailored to Sequencer functionality.


First a Sequencer instance is needed. To create a Sequencer instance, the following parameters need to be passed to the Sequencer method:

  • subsystem: Subsystem of the Sequencer to be resolved and sent commands (for eg. TCS, IRIS)
  • obsMode: observing mode of the Sequencer to be resolved and send commands to (for eg. wfos_imaging, wfos_spec)
  • defaultTimeout: optional max timeout to wait for completion of Sequences sent with sumbitAndWait or queryFinal. The default value for this option is set to 10 hours since it will be common that the handling of Sequences can take a long time, and we don’t want unexpected timeouts to occur in production. For development, it might make sense to set this to some smaller value. This can always be overridden in the specific submitAndWait and queryFinal calls, when appropriate (see below).

Here is an example:

source// create a sequencer entity
val wfos = Sequencer(WFOS, ObsMode("wfos_darknight"))

Here is one showing the setting of the default timeout:

source// create a sequencer entity with a timeout
val wfos2 = Sequencer(WFOS, ObsMode("wfos_darknight"), Duration.minutes(5))
Resolving a Component with Location Service

Since all the components in the TMT architecture are dynamic in nature, which implies they can be shutdown and spawned dynamically on some other location, the Sequencer is resolved each time the Command Service DSL is used. It is possible to create a Sequencer entity for a non-existent component, but a command to the component will fail because the component is resolved when the command is sent.

Submitting Sequences to a Sequencer & Querying the Response

Creating a Sequence

Unlike Assemblies and HCDs, Sequencers send Sequences to other Sequencers. A Sequence is a list of SequenceCommand type instances, each of which can be one of the Setup, Observe or Wait types. To create a Sequence, create individual SequenceCommand objects and then create a Sequence with the sequenceOf DSL method as shown below.

sourceval wfosCommand1: SequenceCommand = Setup("ESW.wfos_darknight", "wfosCommand1")
val wfosCommand2: SequenceCommand = Setup("ESW.wfos_darknight", "wfosCommand2")
val sequence: Sequence = sequenceOf(wfosCommand1, wfosCommand2)

This example Sequence consists of two steps. The Sequencer sends the two step Sequence to the destination Sequencer and waits for it to complete, which means both of the two commands/steps are executed and completed. All Sequence steps must complete successfully for the Sequence to complete successfully.

The API for Sequence is here. The API for SequenceCommand is here

Submit a Sequence to a Sequencer

In order to send a Sequence to another Sequencer, you can use the submit or submitAndWait DSL method as shown in examples below. The submit DSL method sends the Sequence and returns Started if the Sequence is started or Invalid if there is a reason it cannot be started. The query and queryFinal DSL is provided to check the response of a submitted sequence.

sourceval submitResponse: SubmitResponse = wfos.submit(sequence)
val queryResponse: SubmitResponse = wfos.query(submitResponse.runId())

The query DSL method allows checking on the state of the Sequence. query returns the current response immediately, which could be either a final response (eg. Completed) or the Started response. The runId of the submitted Sequence can be obtained from the SubmitResponse returned by submit. query is useful in the case where polling of the command is needed, or the script needs to take other actions and periodically check for the completion of the Sequence.

Note that if the runId is not present in the Sequencer or has been removed from the CRM, the response returned is an Invalid response with an IdNotAvailableIssue.

Please refer to SubmitResponse extension utilities for using helper methods on SubmitResponse.

By default, any negative SubmitResponse (for e.g. Invalid or Error) is treated as a Script error. Refer to error handling section for more details. Alternatively, if you do not want to escalate a negative SubmitResponse, you can use submit Api with resumeOnError flag.

sourceval response: SubmitResponse = wfos.submit(sequence, resumeOnError = true)


While query returns immediately, queryFinal will wait for the final response of the Sequence for the defaultTimeout specified at the time of creation of the Sequencer instance.

sourceval finalResponse: SubmitResponse = wfos.queryFinal(submitResponse.runId())

If you want to increase/decrease the defaultTimeout, you can use the other variation of the same queryFinal DSL method which takes a timeout.

sourceval finalRes: SubmitResponse = wfos.queryFinal(submitResponse.runId(), Duration.seconds(5))

Sending a Sequence with submitAndWait

The submitAndWait DSL method is a combination of submit followed with queryFinal. If you are not interested in the initial response but only in final response of the Sequence, the submitAndWait DSL method is more convenient. It submits the Sequence and waits for the final response. If the Sequence was successfully Started, it will wait until the defaultTimeout specified at the time of creation of the Sequencer instance.

sourceval sequenceResponse: SubmitResponse = wfos.submitAndWait(sequence)

If you want to increase/decrease the default timeout, you can use the other variation of the same DSL method which takes a timeout.

sourceval sequenceRes: SubmitResponse = wfos.submitAndWait(sequence, Duration.seconds(5))

Handling Online and Offline

As with Assemblies and HCDs, a Sequencer can also indicate to another Sequencer to go offline or online using the Sequencer Command Service DSL.

Sequencer Sends goOnline

This DSL method is used to send online/offline commands to other sequencers. The Sequencer can go online only if it is currently in the offline state. If this command is received in any other state apart from offline, an Unhandled response will be sent.

If the Sequencer is in the Offline state, and it receives the goOnline command, the goOnline handlers of the receiving Sequencer will be called. In case the handlers fail, a GoOnlineHookFailed response would be sent, and the Sequencer remains in the previous state. Otherwise, an Ok response is returned, and the Sequencer goes in online(idle) state.

sourceval onlineResponse: GoOnlineResponse = wfos.goOnline()

Sequencer Sends goOffline

Go offline command is received in 2 states only.

  • If the Sequencer is Idle, which means it is not processing any sequence currently
  • If the Sequencer is Loaded with a sequence

If this command is sent in any other state apart from these, an Unhandled response will be sent. If the Sequencer is in idle/loaded state, and it receives the goOffline command, the goOffline handlers of the receiving Sequencer will be called. In case the handlers fail, a GoOfflineHookFailed response would be sent, resulting the Sequencer remains in the previous state. Otherwise, an Ok message is sent, and the Sequencer goes to offline state.

sourceval offlineResponse: GoOfflineResponse = wfos.goOffline()

Handling Diagnostic and Operations Mode

Diagnostic Mode

The diagnosticMode command can be sent to Sequencers in all states and a DiagnosticModeResponse is returned. If the Sequencer script has defined the diagnostic mode handlers, they will be called. If the handlers execute successfully, an Ok response is sent; otherwise, the DiagnosticHookFailed response is sent.

sourceval diagnosticModeResponse: DiagnosticModeResponse = wfos.diagnosticMode(utcTimeNow(), "engineering")

Operations Mode

The operationsMode command returns a Sequencer in a diagnostic data mode to normal operation. operationsMode is accepted by Sequencers in all states and an OperationsModeResponse is returned to the sender. If the Sequencer has defined its operations mode handlers, they will be called. If the handlers execute successfully, an Ok response is sent; otherwise, the OperationsHookFailed response is sent.

sourceval operationsModeResponse: OperationsModeResponse = wfos.operationsMode()

Aborting and Stopping a Sequence

Stopping and aborting are meant to handle early termination of observing sequences in instruments. Aborting indicates that the current observe should stop as soon as possible and save the data if possible. Stop indicates that the current observe should stop at the end of the current step. In both cases, the observation is over and no subsequent steps can be executed.

Stop and abort commands are accepted only if the Sequencer is in Running state, which means it is executing a sequence. If this command is sent in any other state, an Unhandled response is returned. In all other cases, an Ok response is sent.

Aborting a Sequence

On receiving the abort command in the Running state, the Sequencer will execute the abort sequence handlers and on completion of execution of handlers (whether successful or failed), the Sequencer will discard all the pending steps and return an Ok response.

Note that, abort of a sequence does not abruptly terminate the in-flight step(s) which are already under execution. It will discard only the pending steps, and the sequence is finished gracefully after the inflight step(s) are finished although the script can take action to end the current step immediately.

sourceval abortResponse: OkOrUnhandledResponse = wfos.abortSequence()

Stopping a Sequence

Stopping a Sequence is very similar to aborting. The only difference is that instead of abort handlers, the stop handlers are called.

sourceval stopResponse: OkOrUnhandledResponse = wfos.stop()