Agent Service
The Agent Service is a http server which is used to spawn a component of machine or kill a running component. To do so, it uses the agent running on that specific machine where component is to be spawned or killed.
Implementation Details
Agent Service is a http service build using msocket
framework. It has following layers:
- Server (which interacts with the Http Interface)
- Implementation layer (which includes creating the
for the specific agent) - Agent (which spawns or kills the given component)
Module (esw-agent-service)
Implementation of Agent Service is all distributed within following submodules:
All the request models and APIs related to AgentService
resides within this module. This also contains the codecs for the models. This module depends on esw-agent-akka-api
module which provides all the response models.
It is a cross-compiled project which has following parts:
- js - code which is related to scala-js.
- jvm - code which is related to jvm
- shared - code which can be used by both scala-js and jvm
This module depends on the esw-agent-service-api
module. It contains the AgentService API’s implementation which has the logic of creation of the AgentClient
for given specific agent and calling the specific APIs of the AgentClient.
This module contains all the http handlers, server wiring and, the cli app to start the server.