Defining A Script

There are 3 variations of Sequencer Scripts. These variations are based the way the Script gets executed. The variations are:

  • Handler-Oriented Script
  • State Machine-Oriented Script (FSM Script)
  • Reusable Script

Handler-Oriented Script

A handler-oriented script is a collection of script handlers which execute the actions tied to a command. To define a handler-oriented script, a function named script needs to be invoked with a code block which contains the logic of the script. The example below shows the way to declare the script.

sourceimport esw.ocs.dsl.core.script
import esw.ocs.dsl.highlevel.models.Major

script {
    // place to add Sequencer Script logic

The logic can be divided into 2 parts:

  • Top-level statements (initialization logic): Executed while loading (initializing) the script.
  • Script Handlers: Executed when a command to execute a particular handler is received.

Script handlers are defined to process a Sequence of Commands or to perform actions like going online or offline, starting a diagnostic mode etc. Documentation of handlers can be found here. Handlers will be executed whenever the Sequence or outside client makes a request to perform an action on the Sequencer.

Everything except Script Handlers are considered as top-level statements and will be executed while loading the script. This is the place to declare the Script specific variables and tasks to be executed at initialization of the Script.

sourcescript {
    info("Loading DarkNight script")

    var tromboneTemperature = 0.0
    onEvent("nfiraos.tromboneAssembly.temperature") { event ->
        when (event) {
            is SystemEvent -> {
                tromboneTemperature = event(doubleKey("temperatureInCelsius")).first

    val tromboneTemperatureAlarm =
            Key.AlarmKey(Prefix(NFIRAOS, "trombone"), "tromboneMotorTemperatureAlarm")

    loopAsync(Duration.seconds(1)) {
        if (tromboneTemperature > 10.0) {
            setSeverity(tromboneTemperatureAlarm, Major)
        } else  {
            setSeverity(tromboneTemperatureAlarm, Okay)

    onSetup("basic-setup") { command ->

        val intKey = intKey("angle")
        val angle = command.parameter(intKey).head()!!

        info("moving motor by : $angle")
        info("motor moved to required position")

    onObserve("start-observation") {
        info("opening the primary shutter to start observation")

        val openingStatusKey = stringKey("status").set("open")
        publishEvent(SystemEvent("IRIS.primary_shutter", "current-status", openingStatusKey))



The example mainly demos:

State Machine-Oriented Script (FSM Script)

FSM script is a way of writing a Sequencer Script as a Finite State Machine (FSM), where execution of Script Handler is dependent on the current state of the Sequencer Script.

To define FSM Script a function FSMScript needs to be called with the initial state of the script, and a block containing the Script logic. The block contains initialization logic for different states.

In an FSM Script, script handlers can be defined in two scopes :

  • Default scope - top-level scope of the Script
  • State scope - scope of a specific state.

The below code shows how to declare FSM Script and States. It also shows the scopes where handlers can be added.

sourceimport esw.ocs.dsl.core.FsmScript

FsmScript("INIT") {

    // Default scope
    // place for Script variable declarations and initialisation statements

    state("INIT") { params ->
        // Scope of INIT state
        // handlers of INTI state

    state("IN-PROGRESS") {
        // Scope of IN-PROGRESS state
        // handlers of IN-PROGRESS state


Initialization of the Script takes place by executing the top-level statements, and then executing the initial state. The top-level scope is the place to declare variables which can be used across all states in the Script.

While defining handlers there are some restrictions about Command handlers and where they can be defined in the FSM script scope. Script handlers other than the Command handlers can be tied both scopes of FSM script.

To execute any action, the corresponding handlers in the current state scope will be executed first and then handlers in the Default scope, if any, will be executed. In case of a Command Sequence, if the current state does not handle the Command which is being executed, the Sequence will be completed with an Error with a UnhandledCommandException reason.

For state transitions, become needs to called from the current state with the next state as an argument. It will start evaluating and executing future actions in the next state. If the next state is not defined in the Script, then an exception will be thrown saying No state declaration found for state.

It is also possible to pass parameters from the current state to the next state by passing them as the last argument to the become function. The passed parameters will be available as a function parameter while defining any State. This can reduce the need for global variables.

In below example, [[ 1 ]] shows use of become to change state. where [[ 2 ]] shows how to pass Params while changing state. The ON state shows how to consume the Params.

sourcestate("ON") { params ->

    onSetup("turn-off") {
        become("OFF")                           // [[ 1 ]]

state("OFF") {

    onSetup("turn-on") { command ->
        become("ON", command.params)           // [[ 2 ]]

The state scope can have top-level statements and Script handlers. The state’s top-level statements will be executed when state transition happens. So invoking become will initialize the next state which includes calling the top-level statements. The state top-level can be used to declare variables limited to the scope of the state which will last until state transition. After that, the state will be cleared, and the next time the FSM becomes that state, it will be initialized again to default values.

sourcestate("SETTING-UP") { params ->

    val initialPos = params[intKey("current-position")].get().head()
    var moved = false

    onSetup("move") { command ->
        val angle = command.params[intKey("angle")].get().head()
        moved = true

        info("moved from : $initialPos by angle : $angle")


    onGoOffline {
        info("Going in offline mode")


In the example, initialPos and moved demonstrate declaring State scoped variables. Whenever state transition happens to some other state and the goes back to the SETTING-UP state, these variables will be reinitialized to their default values as defined in code. A transition to self will not reinitialize variables.

Reusable Scripts

Reusable Scripts make it possible to write any common logic that can shared across multiple scripts. This can be used to create small building blocks for constructing Sequencer Scripts (although this does cause dependencies that reduce a script’s ability to stand alone). They cannot be directly loaded into a Sequence Component; they can only be loaded into other Sequencer Scripts.

Reusable Scripts may consist of Script handlers or the top-level statements (initialization logic). The top-level statements will be executed while loading the script. Script handlers will be added to the corresponding handlers of the script loading it.

THe following code declares a Reusable Script with an Observe Command Handler.

sourceimport esw.ocs.dsl.core.reusableScript

val startObservationScript = reusableScript {
    onObserve("start-observation") {
        info("opening the primary shutter to start observation")

        val openingStatusKey = stringKey("status").set("open")
        publishEvent(SystemEvent("IRIS.primary_shutter", "current-status", openingStatusKey))



Loading in a Handler-Oriented Script

To use Reusable Scripts, a Handler-Oriented script needs to call the loadScripts function with the instance of Reusable Script. Calling loadScripts will initialize the Reusable Script and then combine handlers of both scripts.

sourcescript {



Loading in FSM Script

A Reusable Script cannot be directly imported at the top-level of an FSM script. It can only be imported in a particular State of the FSM script. THe loadScripts command, and the logic from the loaded script is limited to that particular State. The example below shows loading a reusable script into a State.

sourcestate("INIT") { params ->

