Adding Paradox Documentation

The section of the tutorial describes how to write documentation for your application using paradox. Documentation is written in GitHub-flavored markdown, which is documented here


Your application code is checked in some repo in your organization GitHub account.

Documentation Development Flow

The sample application generated from the template contains a docs folder. This is where you will write the documentation files for your project. The top-level build.sbt file contains the setup for this docs sbt project.

Launch sbt from your console and run command makeSite to construct the documentation pages. Then run the command openSite to open the generated docs in your default browser.

sbt:sample> makeSite
sbt:sample> openSite

You can modify the various .md files present in docs folder and repeat above steps and verify your generated documentation. Refer to the Paradox documentation to learn more about the documentation system.

Documentation Publish Flow

The template sets your project up to publish your documentation to GitHub using GitHub Pages. You need to specify the URL of your GitHub repo in the variable githubRepoUrl in your top-level build.sbt file. This allows Paradox to use a special branch, gh-pages, in your GitHub repository to keep track of your documentation.

Execute reload in sbt so that updated URL is available in sbt.

sbt:sample> reload

Create the gh_pages branch in your repo following these quick steps. Verify that you see a new branch gh_pages in your GitHub repository with an empty commit.

Then, you can run the command ghpagesPushSite, to publish your documentation.

sbt:sample> ghpagesPushSite

Verify that you see a new commit in branch gh_pages, and branch should contain a folder with name 0.1.0-SNAPSHOT

Open your published site using URL, http://{your-username}{your-project}/0.1.0-SNAPSHOT/