Keys and Parameters

The library offers a flexible and typesafe means to create Parameters to store values like primitive types, collection types or domain specific types.

A Parameter is a Key and Value where the Value must be from a set of defined primitive types including binary data. The Value of a Parameter is always considered to be an Array of the type (i.e. if a single value is stored it is at array location 0). A Parameter is immutable; a modification to an existing Parameter will return a new instance.

A Value can also have Units, which must be of the defined types. See Units for more information. At this time Units are informational only – no calculation or conversion support is provided. Some systems may provide a key value with different units, and receiver can inspect the Units to make a decision on how to handle the value.

A ParameterSet is a Set of Parameter. Various other message types include a ParameterSet (e.g. Setup, Event). A key is unique in a ParameterSet since it is a Set.

How to create a Parameter using the helper functions

  • Choose an appropriate KeyType from the tables below.
  • Calling the set method on KeyType helper and supplying a string keyName will return a suitably typed parameter instance.

Example snippets for creating parameter of simple, array and matrix type

// primitives const booleanParam: Parameter<BooleanKey> = booleanKey('flag').set([false]) const intParam: Parameter<IntKey> = intKey('RandomKeyName').set([123, 12432]) // intParam.keyName === 'RandomKeyName' // intParam.keyTag === 'IntKey' // intParam.values === [123, 12432] // intParam.units === 'NoUnits' // default unit is `NoUnits` // ------------- // arrays const filterkey = intArrayKey('filter') const filterParam: Parameter<IntArrayKey> = filterkey.set([ [1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6] ]) // ------------- // matrices const positionMatrixKey = byteMatrixKey('positions', Units.meter) const positions: Parameter<ByteMatrixKey> = positionMatrixKey.set([ [ [1, 2], [3, 4] ], [ [5, 6], [7, 8] ] ])

Primitive Data types

Primitive Typescript Key Type Helper functions
Int IntKey intKey
Long LongKey longKey
Short ShortKey shortKey
Float FloatKey floatKey
Double DoubleKey doubleKey
Byte ByteKey byteKey
String StringKey stringKey
Char CharKey charKey
Boolean BooleanKey booleanKey

TMT Time types

Primitive Typescript Key Type Helper functions
UTCTime UTCTimeKey utcTimeKey
TAITime TAITimeKey taiTimeKey

This data types are based on TMT Time models UTCTime & TAITime.

Example usage of Time models:

sourceconst utcTime1 =
const taiFromUTC = utcTime1.toTAI()
const utcTimeParam = utcTimeKey('utcTimeKey1')

const taiTimeParam = taiTimeKey('taiTimeKey1')
const taiTime1 =
const utcFromTaiTime = taiTime1.toUTC()

The precision date at javascript is only in milliseconds. However, at backend server date precision is in microseconds. (“2021-09-07T08:04:07.745274Z”). The following in browser javascript new Date("2021-09-07T08:04:07.745274Z") truncates the last 3 digits of milliseconds 2021-09-07T08:04:07.745Z.

Array Data types

Primitive Typescript Key Type Helper functions
IntArray IntArrayKey intArrayKey
LongArray LongArrayKey longArrayKey
ShortArray ShortArrayKey shortArrayKey
FloatArray FloatArrayKey floatArrayKey
DoubleArray DoubleArrayKey doubleArrayKey
ByteArray ByteArrayKey byteArrayKey

Matrix Data types

Primitive Typescript Key Type Helper functions
IntMatrix IntMatrixKey intMatrixKey
LongMatrix LongMatrixKey longMatrixKey
ShortMatrix ShortMatrixKey shortMatrixKey
FloatMatrix FloatMatrixKey floatMatrixKey
DoubleMatrix DoubleMatrixKey doubleMatrixKey
ByteMatrix ByteMatrixKey byteMatrixKey

Domain Specific Types

  • choice : A key for a choice item similar to an enumeration
Primitive Typescript Key Type Helper functions
Choice ChoiceKey choiceKey

Example snippets for creating choice parameters

// choice key const choices = ['Sun', 'Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat'] as const const weekDaysKey = choiceKey('weekDaysKey', choices) const weekDayParam = weekDaysKey.set('Mon', 'Wed') // weekDayParam === Parameter('weekDaysKey', 'ChoiceKey', ['Mon', 'Wed'], 'NoUnits') // -------------

Coordinate Types

Primitive Typescript Key Type Helper functions
EqCoord EqCoordKey eqCoordKey
SolarSystemCoord SolarSystemCoordKey solarSystemCoordKey
MinorPlanetCoord MinorPlanetCoordKey minorPlanetCoordKey
CometCoord CometCoordKey cometCoordKey
AltAzCoord AltAzCoordKey altAzCoordKey
Coord (*) CoordKey coordKey

Example snippet for creating coordinate parameters

const cometCoord = new CometCoord( new Tag('BASE'), 2000, new Angle(324000000000), new Angle(7200000000), new Angle(360000000000), 1.4, 0.234 ) const cometParam: Parameter<CometCoordKey> = cometCoordKey('comet key',[cometCoord]) //coord key is base trait of all coordinate key types. const coordParam: Parameter<CoordKey> = coordKey('base coordinate').set([cometCoord])

Note that since Coord is the base trait of the other coordinate types, you can use it as the key for any of the coordinate types.