Admin service provides admin related APIs which includes logging APIs

interface AdminService {
        componentId: ComponentId,
    ): Promise<SupervisorLifecycleState>;
        prefix: Prefix,
    ): Promise<ContainerLifecycleState>;
    getLogMetadata(componentId: ComponentId): Promise<LogMetadata>;
    goOffline(componentId: ComponentId): Promise<"Done">;
    goOnline(componentId: ComponentId): Promise<"Done">;
    restart(componentId: ComponentId): Promise<"Done">;
    setLogLevel(componentId: ComponentId, level: Level): Promise<"Done">;
    shutdown(componentId: ComponentId): Promise<"Done">;


  • Sets the current Lifecycle state of the given component(HCD, Assembly or Container) to Offline


    • componentId: ComponentId

      the component id of the component which needs to be offline

    Returns Promise<"Done">

    Done as promise

  • Sets the current Lifecycle state of the given component(HCD, Assembly or Container) to Online


    • componentId: ComponentId

      the component id of the component which needs to be offline

    Returns Promise<"Done">

    Done as promise