Setup Command


  • ParameterSetType<Setup>
    • Setup


  • Command<typeof SetupL>


  • A parameter set for setting telescope and instrument parameters.


    • source: Prefix

      prefix representing source of the command

    • commandName: string

      the name of the command

    • paramSet: Parameter<Key>[] = []

      an optional set of parameters

    • maybeObsId: Option<string> = undefined

      an optional obsId for command

    Returns Setup

    a new instance of Setup


_type: "Setup" = SetupL
commandName: string

the name of the command

maybeObsId: Option<string> = undefined

an optional obsId for command

paramSet: Parameter<Key>[] = []

an optional set of parameters

source: Prefix

prefix representing source of the command


  • Adds several parameters to the parameter set

    Type Parameters


    • parametersToAdd: P[]

      the list of parameters to add to the parameter set

    Returns Setup

    a new instance of this parameter set with the given parameter added

    madd ensures check for duplicate key

    P must be a subclass of Parameter

  • Remove a parameter from the parameter set by key

    Type Parameters


    Returns Setup

    a new T, where T is a parameter set child with the key removed or identical if the key is not present

    S the Key value

  • The number of parameters in this parameter set

    Returns number

    the number of parameters in the parameter set