These are javascript adapters for each of public facing TMT services. They provide a handle to interact with backend server while adhering to the service contract.
TMT Services are behind ESW Gateway Server except Location and Config Server.
Follow the instructions in the first step of our quickstart guide to integrate one or more services in the UI application.
These are following services available:
Type definition for all services can be found here
- Admin Service : This service provides a handle to admin related APIs which includes logging related APIs
- Agent Service : The Agent Service is used to spawn a component of machine or kill a running component. To do so, it uses the agent running on that specific machine where component is to be spawned or killed.
- Command Service : This client side service provides a handle to send commands to a component which is registered in location service.
- Config Service : The Config Service wraps the low level communication with Configuration Service Server and exposes simple to use methods to access and manage configuration files.
- Event Service : The Event Service enables users to publish events and subscribe to events which are published by underlying TMT components.
- Location Service : The Location Service provides access to location information of various components which are currently running the TMT cluster.
- Sequencer Service : This service provides a handle to send commands to a sequencer which is registered in location service.
- Sequence Manager Service : The Sequence Manager Service manages all the operation related to the observations. It manages all sequence components and sequencers required for the observations.