the angle value in microarcsec
multiply to convert degrees to archours
multiply to convert degrees to arcminute
multiply to convert degrees to milliarcseconds
multiply to convert degrees to radians
multiply to convert degrees to arcsecond
multiply to convert degrees to microarcseconds
round circle which marks degrees
multiply to convert archour to degrees
multiply to convert hours to milliarcseconds
multiply to convert hours to radians
multiply to convert hours to microarcseconds
multiply to convert time minutes to milliarcseconds
multiply to convert time minutes to microarcseconds
multiply to convert time seconds to milliarcseconds
multiply to convert time seconds to microarcseconds
multiply to convert arcminute to toDegree
multiply to convert minutes to milliarcseconds
multiply to convert minutes to radians
multiply to convert minutes to microarcseconds
multiply to convert milliarcseconds to radians
multiply to convert radians to degrees
multiply to convert radians to hours
multiply to convert radians to minutes
multiply to convert radians to milliarcseconds
multiply to convert radians to arcseconds
multiply to convert radians to microarcseconds
multiply to convert arcsecond to toDegree
multiply to convert Seconds to milliarcseconds
multiply to convert arcseconds to radians
multiply to convert Seconds to microarcseconds
multiply to convert UAS to degrees
multiply to convert UAS to minutes
multiply to convert microarcseconds to radians
multiply to convert UAS to Seconds
returns Angle with value normalized between 0 to 2*PI
returns angle value in arcseconds
returns angle value in degrees
returns angle value in milliarcseconds
returns angle value in radians
convert DE to string in format '1d 2m' minutes and seconds are auto added as needed
in radians
if true format as hh:mm:ss.sss, otherwise XXh XXm XXs
de in string form
calculate great circle distance of two points, coordinates are given in radians
distance of two points in radians
creates a new Angle from the given value in archours
creates a new Angle from the given value in arcminutes
creates a new Angle from the given value in arcsecs
creates a new Angle from the given value in degrees
creates a new Angle from the given value in milliarcseconds
creates a new Angle from the given value in radians
normalize RA into 0 - 2 * PI range
Parse Declination from four values. It uses Big, so there are no rounding errors
signum (ie + or -)
declination in degrees
remaining part in arcminutes
remaining part in arcseconds
declination in microarcseconds
Tries to parse Angle from string. It knows common formats used for Declination
parse Right ascencion from triple values raHour raMin, raSec This method uses big decimal, so there are no rounding errors
ra hours value as string
ra minutes value as string
ra seconds value as string
result in microarcseconds
Parses pair of RA and De coordinates. This method should handle formats used in vizier. An example: The following writings are allowed:
20 54 05.689 +37 01 17.38 10:12:45.3-45:17:50 15h17m-11d10m 15h17+89d15 275d11m15.6954s+17d59m59.876s 12.34567h-17.87654d 350.123456d-17.33333d <=> 350.123456 -17.33333
Tries to parse Angle from string. It knows common formats used for Right ascencion (including hours)
convert RA to string in format '1h 2m' minutes and seconds are auto added as needed
in radians
if true format as hh:mm:ss.sss, otherwise XXh XXm XXs
ra in string form
returns random angle with value between -PI/2 and + PI/2
returns random angle with value between 0 and 2*PI
Generated using TypeDoc
Based on the CSW Angle class.
An wrapper for angle. Normally angle would be stored in double as radians, but this introduces rounding errors. This class stores value in microarcseconds to prevent rounding errors.