
TMT Observatory system is composed of many subsystems. The subsystems that are known participants in the TMT Software System are predefined and the list is covered under the Subsystem enumeration. They are identified using an abbreviation typically of 3 or 4 letters.

Subsystem values are used to construct Prefix and are used in communication vehicles such as Commands, Events and States.

Type definition for Subsystem can be found here

List of Subsystems

Abbreviation Subsystem name
AOESW AO Executive Software
APS Alignment and Phasing System
CIS Communications and Information Systems
CLN Mirror Cleaning System
CRYO Cryogenic Cooling System
CSW Common Software
DMS Data Management System
DPS Data Processing System
ESEN Engineering Sensor System
ESW Executive Software System
FMCS Facility Management Control System
GMS Global Metrology System Controls
IRIS InfraRed Imaging Spectrometer
LGSF Laser Guide Star Facility
M1CS M1 Control System
MODHIS Multi-Object Diffraction-limited High-resolution Infrared Spectrograph
NFIRAOS Narrow Field Infrared AO System
NSCU NFIRAOS Science Calibration Unit
OSS Observatory Safety System
PFCS Prime Focus Camera Controls
REFR Refrigeration Control System
RTC NFIRAOS Real-time Controller
RPG NFIRAOS AO Reconstructor Parameter Generator
SCMS Site Conditions Monitoring System
SOSS Science Operations Support System
TCS Telescope Control System
WFOS Wide Field Optical Spectrometer
Container Container subsystem

Usage Examples

The usage examples can be found in Events, Commands, States