Auth Components

ESW-TS provides React components that integrate with the CSW Authentication and Authorization Service. UI applications can use these React components to enable the application to show or hide components based on the authentication and authorization policy.

Application Configuration

Web application needs following configurations in order to get access token from keycloak server. This application specific config object should be passed in AuthContextProvider component. There are two configurations needed for a web application i.e. realm, clientId

realm is a mandatory configuration which specifies in keycloak server under which client your application is registered.

clientId is a mandatory configuration which specifies the client id of the app as per registration in keycloak server.

See, how to configure realm & client-id here


ESW-TS exposes the following React components.

Type definition for all components used by services can be found here

Components can be imported as shown in code snippet below

sourceimport { AuthContext, Logout, Login } from '@tmtsoftware/esw-ts'


AuthContextProvider is wrapper over a React Context.Provider. A JSON configuration must be passed in that contains the application specific AAS server configuration (e.g. clientId, realm). When a user logs in, an AAS Server is instantiated, with the UI application specific configuration overriding the predefined configuration. Once the AAS sever is instantiated, an auth object is created with the needed attributes and APIs. This auth object is available to other React components; since AuthContextProvider is a Provider, its data can be shared with any of the children React components in its tree in a Consumer component (see below). All Consumers that are descendants of a Provider will re-render whenever the AuthContextProvider’s state changes, e.g. a user authorizes. It is recommended to use AuthContextProvider to wrap the entire application so that data can be shared anywhere in application via a Consumer.

source<AuthContextProvider config={{ realm: 'TMT', clientId: 'tmt-frontend-app' }}>
  <BrowserRouter basename={basename}>
      <NavComponent />
        render={() => (
          <CheckLogin error={<LoginError />}>
            <Write />
      <Route exact path='/config' render={() => <ConfigApp />} />
        render={() => (
          <CheckLogin error={<LoginError />}>
              error={<RoleError message={'User do not have role : example-admin-role'} />}>
              <div>Example admin role specific functionality</div>
        render={() => (
          <CheckLogin error={<LoginError />}>
              error={<RoleError message={'User do not have role : person-role'} />}>
              <div>Person role specific functionality</div>
      <Route exact path='/public' component={Read} />


Consumer is similar to a React Context.Consumer. The shared auth object from the AuthContextProvider can be accessed using a Consumer component.

sourceconst { auth } = useContext(AuthContext)
return (
  <div className='nav-wrapper'>
    {auth && auth.isAuthenticated() ? (
        Hello, you are logged in
        <div>Open functionality</div>
    ) : (
        Hello, you are not logged in
        <div>Open functionality</div>


The Login component instantiates an AAS server with the configurations provided. It redirects to an AAS server login page for the user to login. After login, the auth object in the context is updated with the appropriate values, e.g. token, realm etc.

source<Login />


The Logout component logs out the user from the AAS server. It clears the auth object stored in the context.

source  <Logout />
) : (


CheckLogin component provides ability to show something only if the user is logged in. In the following code snippet, Write is a React component that is shown only if the user is logged in. The behavior if the user is not logged in can be defined by an HTML element or React component that is passed into the component as an error property, shown as an ExampleError Component in following snippet.

source<CheckLogin error={<LoginError />}>
  <Write />


RealmRole component provides the ability to show something only if the user is logged in and has the specified realm role. In the following code snippet, the contents of the div block are shown only if the user is logged in and has the realm role specified in the realmRole prop. Similar to CheckLogin, the behaviour if the user is not logged in can be optionally defined by an HTML element or React component that is passed into the component as an error property, shown as an ExampleError Component in following snippet.

  error={<RoleError message={'User do not have role : example-admin-role'} />}>
  <div>Example admin role specific functionality</div>


Here is an example of a Config App(React App) which uses ConfigService client and Auth components in order to authorize ConfigService

sourceconst ExampleApp = () => {
  return (
    <div className='row card col s12 m7'>
        <AuthContextProvider config={{ realm: 'TMT', clientId: 'tmt-frontend-app' }}>
          <BrowserRouter basename={basename}>
              <NavComponent />
                render={() => (
                  <CheckLogin error={<LoginError />}>
                    <Write />
              <Route exact path='/config' render={() => <ConfigApp />} />
                render={() => (
                  <CheckLogin error={<LoginError />}>
                      error={<RoleError message={'User do not have role : example-admin-role'} />}>
                      <div>Example admin role specific functionality</div>
                render={() => (
                  <CheckLogin error={<LoginError />}>
                      error={<RoleError message={'User do not have role : person-role'} />}>
                      <div>Person role specific functionality</div>
              <Route exact path='/public' component={Read} />

ConfigApp component which uses Config Service APIs:

sourceconst ConfigApp = () => {
  return (
    <div className='row card col s12 m7'>
      <ConfigServiceProvider authContext={AuthContext}>
        <ListConfig />
        <GetConfig />
          <CheckLogin error={<LoginError />}>
            {/*// #create-config-component*/}
              error={<RoleError message={"User do not have role 'config-admin' to create config"} />}>
              <CreateConfig />
            {/*// #create-config-component*/}

ConfigServiceProvider is the component where instance of Config Service gets created:

sourceexport interface ConfigServiceProps {
  authContext: typeof AuthContext
  children: React.ReactNode

const ConfigServiceProvider = (props: ConfigServiceProps) => {
  const { authContext, children } = props

  const [configService, setConfigService] = useState<ConfigService>(defaultConfigServiceState)
  const { auth } = useContext(authContext)

  const resetConfigService = async () => {
    //Authenticating config service
    const service = await ConfigService(auth ? auth.token : () => '')

  useEffect(() => {
    resetConfigService().catch(() => window.alert('config server is not available'))
  }, [auth])

  return <ConfigContext.Provider value={configService}>{children}</ConfigContext.Provider>

Source code for the full example can be found here

Technical Description

See Auth Components Technical Description.