Getting Started with ESW-TS

In this tutorial, you’ll see how to create a UI starter project using a giter8 template which uses ESW-TS library. You can use this as a starting point for your own UI applications.


node is mandatory to be installed on a machine for using ESW-TS. To install the latest version of node, visit the official website.

Create a Starter Project

It is recommended to use Giter8 template esw-ui-template.g8 to get started with building web application. Follow for more details on how to use the template to create starter project. ESW-TS comes pre-packaged as a dependency in the template.

If you already have a UI application and want to add ESW-TS dependency, then

To install the latest version of ESW-TS from npm

npm install @tmtsoftware/esw-ts

Or, to install a specific version

npm install @tmtsoftware/esw-ts@{version}

UI App Configuration for ESW-TS

If you have used esw-ui-template.g8 template for generating the application source code. Template generates AppConfig.ts file with default ApplicationName same as the given projectname. ESW-TS library will try to load this ApplicationName before making any backend service calls. Therefore, it is required AppConfig.ts must export the AppConfig.

Follow the steps to add a configuration file if you have not used the template before which has Application related information required by ESW-TS at application runtime.

  • Add AppConfig.ts inside config folder.
Folder structure

if you choose to add config file with some other name at random file path (i.e. src/randomFolder/RandomFileName.ts). you must set the ESW-TS’s internal variable(APP_CONFIG_PATH) pointing to the RandomFileName.ts using setAppConfigPath before creating any ESW-TS Service instance.


Next step is only required if you have file name other than AppConfig.ts or the file is located other than config folder.

// inside App.tsx


export default () => <div>{/* children components */}</div>