
  • package root
    Definition Classes
  • package csw
    Definition Classes
  • package params

    This project is intended to hold reusable models and params used throughout the csw source code.


    This project is intended to hold reusable models and params used throughout the csw source code.

    This also provides out of the box support to cater to the diverse communication requirements. Consumer of this library will be able to create Commands, Events, States to store ParameterSets.

    Imp Packages

    Commands and Events

    This packages contains classes, traits and models used to create *commands* and *events*. These are all based on type-safe keys and items (a set of values with optional units). Each key has a specific type and the key's values must be of that type.

    Two types of csw.params.commands.Command are supported:

    Following are the concrete commands supported by csw:

    Two types of are supported:


    This package supports serialization and deserialization of commands, events and state variables in JSON format csw.params.core.formats.JsonSupport.

    Scala and Java APIs

    All the param and event classes are immutable. The set methods return a new instance of the object with a new item added and the get methods return an Option, in case the Key is not found. There are also value methods that return a value directly, throwing an exception if the key or value is not found.

    Key Types

    A set of standard key types and matching items are defined. Each key accepts one or more values of the given type.

    Following csw.params.core.generics.KeyType are supported by csw:

    |  Primitive   |      Scala KeyType      |       Java KeyType        |
    | Boolean      | KeyType.BooleanKey      | JKeyType.BooleanKey      |
    | Character    | KeyType.CharKey         | JKeyType.JCharKey        |
    | Byte         | KeyType.ByteKey         | JKeyType.ByteKey         |
    | Short        | KeyType.ShortKey        | JKeyType.ShortKey        |
    | Long         | KeyType.LongKey         | JKeyType.LongKey         |
    | Int          | KeyType.IntKey          | JKeyType.IntKey          |
    | Float        | KeyType.FloatKey        | JKeyType.FloatKey        |
    | Double       | KeyType.DoubleKey       | JKeyType.DoubleKey       |
    | String       | KeyType.StringKey       | JKeyType.StringKey       |
    | UtcTime      | KeyType.UTCTimeKey      | JKeyType.UTCTimeKey      |
    | TaiTime      | KeyType.TAITimeKey      | JKeyType.TAITimeKey      |
    | ----------   | ----------              | ----------               |
    | ByteArray    | KeyType.ByteArrayKey    | JKeyType.ByteArrayKey    |
    | ShortArray   | KeyType.ShortArrayKey   | JKeyType.ShortArrayKey   |
    | LongArray    | KeyType.LongArrayKey    | JKeyType.LongArrayKey    |
    | IntArray     | KeyType.IntArrayKey     | JKeyType.IntArrayKey     |
    | FloatArray   | KeyType.FloatArrayKey   | JKeyType.FloatArrayKey   |
    | DoubleArray  | KeyType.DoubleArrayKey  | JKeyType.DoubleArrayKey  |
    | ----------   | ----------              | ----------               |
    | ByteMatrix   | KeyType.ByteMatrixKey   | JKeyType.ByteMatrixKey   |
    | ShortMatrix  | KeyType.ShortMatrixKey  | JKeyType.ShortMatrixKey  |
    | LongMatrix   | KeyType.LongMatrixKey   | JKeyType.LongMatrixKey   |
    | IntMatrix    | KeyType.IntMatrixKey    | JKeyType.IntMatrixKey    |
    | FloatMatrix  | KeyType.FloatMatrixKey  | JKeyType.FloatMatrixKey  |
    | DoubleMatrix | KeyType.DoubleMatrixKey | JKeyType.DoubleMatrixKey |
    | ----------   | ----------              | ----------               |
    | Choice       | KeyType.ChoiceKey       | JKeyType.ChoiceKey       |

    Detailed information about creating Keys and Parameters can be found here:

    Detailed information about creating commands can be found here:

    Detailed information about creating events can be found here:

    Definition Classes
  • package commands
    Definition Classes
  • package core
    Definition Classes
  • package formats
  • package generics
  • package models
  • package states
  • package events
    Definition Classes
  • package extensions
    Definition Classes
  • package javadsl
    Definition Classes

package core

Package Members

  1. package formats
  2. package generics
  3. package models
  4. package states
