
package messages

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Package Members

  1. package sequencer

Type Members

  1. sealed trait CommandMessage extends RunningMessage with SupervisorLockMessage

    Represent messages that carry commands sent from one component to other

  2. sealed trait CommonMessage extends ComponentCommonMessage with ContainerCommonMessage

    Represents shutdown or restart kind of messages sent to a component

  3. sealed trait ComponentCommonMessage extends ComponentMessage with RemoteMsg

    Represents messages that a component can receive in any state

  4. sealed trait ComponentMessage extends SupervisorMessage

    Represents messages that a component can receive in it's whole lifecycle

  5. sealed trait ContainerCommonMessage extends ContainerMessage

    Represents messages a container can receive in any state

  6. sealed trait ContainerMessage extends ContainerActorMessage with RemoteMsg

    Represents messages a container can receive in it's whole lifecycle

  7. sealed trait DiagnosticDataMessage extends RunningMessage
  8. case class GetComponentLogMetadata(replyTo: ActorRef[LogMetadata]) extends LogControlMessage with Product with Serializable
  9. sealed trait LogControlMessage extends ComponentMessage with SequencerMsg with RemoteMsg
  10. case class Query(runId: Id, replyTo: ActorRef[SubmitResponse]) extends SupervisorLockMessage with Product with Serializable

    Represents a message to query the command status of a command running on some component

    Represents a message to query the command status of a command running on some component


    represents an unique identifier of command


    represents the actor that will receive the command status

  11. case class QueryFinal(runId: Id, replyTo: ActorRef[SubmitResponse]) extends SupervisorLockMessage with Product with Serializable

    Represents a message to subscribe to change in command status of a command running on some component

    Represents a message to subscribe to change in command status of a command running on some component


    represents an unique identifier of command


    represents the actor that will receive the notification of change in command status

  12. sealed trait RunningMessage extends TopLevelActorMessage with SupervisorRunningMessage with RemoteMsg

    Represents messages that a component will receive in running state

  13. case class SetComponentLogLevel(logLevel: Level) extends LogControlMessage with Product with Serializable
  14. sealed trait SupervisorLockMessage extends SupervisorRunningMessage with RemoteMsg

    Represents messages regarding locking and un-locking a component and messages that can be received when a component is locked

  15. sealed trait SupervisorRunningMessage extends ComponentMessage

    Represents messages that a component can receive in running state

  16. sealed trait TopLevelActorMessage extends AnyRef

    Represents messages received by TopLevelActor e.g Lifecycle(GoOffline), Submit(Setup, replyTo), etc.
