Class WFSDetectorEvent$

  • public class WFSDetectorEvent$
    extends java.lang.Object
    Wavefront detector system Observe events
    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      static WFSDetectorEvent$ MODULE$
      Static reference to the singleton instance of this Scala object.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      ObserveEvent exposureState​(Prefix sourcePrefix, ExposureId exposureId, boolean exposureInProgress, boolean abortInProgress, boolean isAborted, OperationalState operationalState, java.lang.String errorMessage)
      A state variable to indicate the current state of the detector system.
      ObserveEvent publishFail​(Prefix sourcePrefix)
      This event indicates that a WFS or guider detector system has failed while publishing an image to VBDS.
      ObserveEvent publishSuccess​(Prefix sourcePrefix)
      This event indicates the WFS or guider detector system has successfully published an image to VBDS.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Field Detail

      • MODULE$

        public static final WFSDetectorEvent$ MODULE$
        Static reference to the singleton instance of this Scala object.
    • Constructor Detail

      • WFSDetectorEvent$

        public WFSDetectorEvent$()
    • Method Detail

      • publishSuccess

        public ObserveEvent publishSuccess​(Prefix sourcePrefix)
        This event indicates the WFS or guider detector system has successfully published an image to VBDS.
        sourcePrefix - Prefix the prefix identifier of the source which is generating this event.
      • publishFail

        public ObserveEvent publishFail​(Prefix sourcePrefix)
        This event indicates that a WFS or guider detector system has failed while publishing an image to VBDS.
        sourcePrefix - Prefix the prefix identifier of the source which is generating this event.
      • exposureState

        public ObserveEvent exposureState​(Prefix sourcePrefix,
                                          ExposureId exposureId,
                                          boolean exposureInProgress,
                                          boolean abortInProgress,
                                          boolean isAborted,
                                          OperationalState operationalState,
                                          java.lang.String errorMessage)
        A state variable to indicate the current state of the detector system. The Exposure State Event groups parameters that change relatively slowly, and this event should be published whenever any of its parameters changes.
        sourcePrefix - Prefix the prefix identifier of the source which is generating this event.
        exposureId - ExposureId is an identifier in ESW/DMS for a single exposure. The ExposureId follows the structure: 2020A-001-123-WFOS-IMG1-SCI0-0001 with an included ObsId or when no ObsId is present, in the standalone format: 20200706-190204-WFOS-IMG1-SCI0-0001 with a UTC time when the ExposureId is created.
        exposureInProgress - Boolean indicating if detector system is acquiring an exposure. Delimited by exposureStart and exposureEnd. exposureInProgress should be false if abortInProgress is true (TBD)
        abortInProgress - Boolean indicates that an abort has been requested and is underway.
        isAborted - Boolean Indicates that an abort has occurred and is completed. abortInProgress should be false when isAborted is true. isAborted should be set to false with the next exposure
        errorMessage - String An parameter that can be included when the detector system is in the ERROR operationalState. This value should be cleared and removed from the state when the operationalState returns to READY
        operationalState - OperationalState indicating if the detector system is available and operational.