
The csw-params project contains models like Events, Commands, ParameterSet etc which are cross-compiled to Scala and Scala.js. CSW Framework and CSW Services like Command Service, Event Service, Alarm Service etc rely on this project for these models. Since these models are needed across platforms like C/Cpp, Scala/Java, Python etc this project also contains serialization support for these models. Cbor is used as default for Serialization and Deserialization of these models. Comparisons were done with other popular formats like Protocol Buffers, Message Pack before finalizing on Cbor. Cbor was finalized as it offers better performance and has much lesser overhead of maintenance as compared to protocol buffers.


We use scala Borer library for cbor. CborSupport object in csw-params contains codecs (encoders and decoders) for all the models defined in this project that need to be serialized.

CborSupport needs to be imported wherever you need to encode/decode a model. This makes all the implicit codecs defined in CborSupport available in the current scope. When any new models are added, their corresponding codecs also need to be added in the CborSupport.

Cbor offers Array-Based Encoding and Map-Based Encoding. Map-based encoding carries keys/labels along with values unlike array-based encoding which encodes only values. We use the Map-Based encoding since it makes it easy to debug the problems if any in the encoded cbor object. Though the size of map based encoded cbor objects is slightly more than that of array-based, it does not affect the performance as much.

AdtCbor is a helper trait to encode and decode ADTs (Abstract Data Types) with Cbor. This is needed due to the way ADTs are encoded in Borer library. Having this abstraction ensures all the types in an ADT (Base types plus concrete types) are encoded in a similar manner. In Borer, encoding of base-types carries the type information which differs than the way concrete-types are encoded (without type information). The problem is described in detail in the issue here. Going via AdtCbor ensures the Adt types(base as well concrete) are all encoded as Base-type containing type information. So if you are writing new types which are ADTs, make sure you add your own helper next to EventCbor or CommandCbor to ensure proper encoding and decoding of ADTs.

Usage of Cbor for Event encoding and decoding is shown below:

val solarSystemKey = KeyType.SolarSystemCoordKey.make("planets")

val planet1 = SolarSystemCoord(Tag("planet"), Jupiter)
val planet2 = SolarSystemCoord(Tag("planet"), Venus)

val param = solarSystemKey.set(planet1, planet2)

val name = EventName("targetCoords")
val obsId                         = ObsId("1234A-001-0123")
val prefix                        = Prefix("")
val wfsObserveEvent: ObserveEvent = WFSDetectorEvent.publishSuccess(prefix)
val irObserveEvent: ObserveEvent  = IRDetectorEvent.observeStart(prefix, obsId)
val opdObserveEvent: ObserveEvent = OpticalDetectorEvent.observeStart(prefix, obsId)
val systemEvent1: SystemEvent = SystemEvent(prefix, name).add(param)
val systemEvent2: SystemEvent = SystemEvent(prefix, name).add(param)

//convert events to cbor bytestring
val byteArray2 = EventCbor.encode(wfsObserveEvent)
val byteArray3 = EventCbor.encode(systemEvent1)
val byteArray4 = EventCbor.encode(systemEvent2)

//convert cbor bytestring to events
val pbObserveEvent: ObserveEvent = EventCbor.decode(byteArray2)
val pbSystemEvent1: SystemEvent  = EventCbor.decode(byteArray3)
val pbSystemEvent2: SystemEvent  = EventCbor.decode(byteArray4)
Prefix prefix1 = Prefix.apply(JSubsystem.TCS, "pk");
EventName name1 = new EventName("targetCoords");
Prefix prefix2 = Prefix.apply(JSubsystem.TCS, "cm");
EventName name2 = new EventName("guiderCoords");

Key<Coords.SolarSystemCoord> planets = JKeyType.SolarSystemCoordKey().make("planets", JUnits.NoUnits);

Coords.SolarSystemCoord planet1 = new Coords.SolarSystemCoord(new Coords.Tag("solar1"), JCoords.Jupiter());
Coords.SolarSystemCoord planet2 =  new Coords.SolarSystemCoord(new Coords.Tag("solar2"), JCoords.Venus());

Parameter<Coords.SolarSystemCoord> param = planets.set(planet1, planet2);

ObserveEvent observeEvent = IRDetectorEvent.observeStart(prefix1, ObsId.apply("1234A-123-124"));
SystemEvent systemEvent1 = new SystemEvent(prefix1, name1).add(param);
SystemEvent systemEvent2 = new SystemEvent(prefix2, name2).add(param);
//convert events to cbor bytestring
byte[] byteArray2 = EventCbor$.MODULE$.encode(observeEvent);
byte[] byteArray3 = EventCbor$.MODULE$.encode(systemEvent1);
byte[] byteArray4 = EventCbor$.MODULE$.encode(systemEvent2);

//convert cbor bytestring to events
ObserveEvent pbObserveEvent = EventCbor$.MODULE$.decode(byteArray2);
SystemEvent pbSystemEvent1 = EventCbor$.MODULE$.decode(byteArray3);
SystemEvent pbSystemEvent2 = EventCbor$.MODULE$.decode(byteArray4);


A number of tools are available around Cbor for diagnostic purposes. This link contains list of all the tools available. A couple of useful utilities are available here. Follow the readme for details regarding installation and usage.

Utilities like cbor2json or cbor2diag could be very helpful while debugging. Often in development/debugging we wish to look at the actual encoded object, but since cbor is a binary format, looking at it does not help in debugging. That’s when these tools come in handy.

For example:

This will return the json representation of the given Cbor object.

cbor2json.rb csw-params/shared/src/test/cbor/data/event.cbor

A lot of other similar utilities are present in the same package which you can play with.

Cbor is schema-less. But you could define a schema (.cddl) and validate it against your cbor object. This is very similar to the json format. Json does not have a predefined schema, but you can define your schema and validate an object against it.

CDDL tool allows you to give a schema and a cbor/json object, and it will validate and tell you if the object adheres to the given schema.

cddl csw-params/shared/src/test/cbor/schema/event_command.cddl validate csw-params/shared/src/test/cbor/data/event.cbor

Cddl schema for events and commands has been defined here.