Class SystemEvent

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Event,, scala.Equals, scala.Product

    public class SystemEvent
    extends ParameterSetType<SystemEvent>
    implements Event, scala.Product,
    Defines a system event. Constructor is private to ensure eventId is created internally to guarantee unique value.
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Constructor Detail

      • SystemEvent

        public SystemEvent​(Prefix source,
                           EventName eventName)
        A java helper to construct SystemEvent
        source - (undocumented)
        eventName - (undocumented)
    • Method Detail

      • apply

        public static SystemEvent apply​(Prefix source,
                                        EventName eventName)
        The apply method is used to create SystemEvent command by end-user. eventId is not accepted and will be created internally to guarantee unique value.

        source - prefix representing source of the event
        eventName - the name of event
        a new instance of SystemEvent with auto-generated eventId, eventTime and empty paramSet
      • apply

        public static SystemEvent apply​(Prefix source,
                                        EventName eventName,
                                        scala.collection.immutable.Set<Parameter<?>> paramSet)
        The apply method is used to create SystemEvent command by end-user. eventId is not accepted and will be created internally to guarantee unique value.

        source - prefix representing source of the event
        eventName - the name of event
        paramSet - an initial set of parameters (keys with values)
        a new instance of SystemEvent with auto-generated eventId and eventTime
      • eventId

        public Id eventId()
        Description copied from interface: Event
        unique Id for event
        Specified by:
        eventId in interface Event
      • source

        public Prefix source()
        Description copied from interface: Event
        Prefix representing source of the event
        Specified by:
        source in interface Event
      • eventName

        public EventName eventName()
        Description copied from interface: Event
        The name of event
        Specified by:
        eventName in interface Event
      • eventTime

        public UTCTime eventTime()
        Description copied from interface: Event
        The time of event creation
        Specified by:
        eventTime in interface Event
      • create

        protected SystemEvent create​(scala.collection.immutable.Set<Parameter<?>> data)
        Create a new SystemEvent instance when a parameter is added or removed

        Specified by:
        create in class ParameterSetType<SystemEvent>
        data - set of parameters
        a new instance of SystemEvent with new eventId, eventTime and provided data