Class Observe

    • Constructor Detail

      • Observe

        public Observe​(Prefix source,
                       CommandName commandName,
                       scala.Option<ObsId> maybeObsId,
                       scala.collection.immutable.Set<Parameter<?>> paramSet)
      • Observe

        public Observe​(Prefix source,
                       CommandName commandName,
                       java.util.Optional<ObsId> maybeObsId)
        A java helper to construct Observe command
        source - (undocumented)
        commandName - (undocumented)
        maybeObsId - (undocumented)
    • Method Detail

      • apply

        public static Observe apply​(Prefix source,
                                    CommandName commandName,
                                    scala.Option<ObsId> maybeObsId)
        The apply method is used to create Observe command by end-user.

        source - prefix representing source of the command
        commandName - the name of the command
        maybeObsId - an optional obsId for command
        a new instance of Observe with empty paramSet
      • apply

        public static Observe apply​(Prefix source,
                                    CommandName commandName,
                                    scala.Option<ObsId> maybeObsId,
                                    scala.collection.immutable.Set<Parameter<?>> paramSet)
        The apply method is used to create Observe command by end-user.

        source - prefix representing source of the command
        commandName - the name of the command
        maybeObsId - an optional obsId for command
        paramSet - an initial set of parameters (keys with values)
        a new instance of Observe
      • source

        public Prefix source()
        Description copied from interface: Command
        Prefix representing source of the command
        Specified by:
        source in interface Command
      • commandName

        public CommandName commandName()
        Description copied from interface: Command
        The name of command
        Specified by:
        commandName in interface Command
      • maybeObsId

        public scala.Option<ObsId> maybeObsId()
        Description copied from interface: Command
        An optional obsId for command
        Specified by:
        maybeObsId in interface Command
      • create

        protected Observe create​(scala.collection.immutable.Set<Parameter<?>> data)
        Create a new Observe instance when a parameter is added or removed

        Specified by:
        create in class ParameterSetType<Observe>
        data - set of parameters
        a new instance of Observe with new provided data