Class SimpleKeyType<S>

    • Constructor Detail

      • SimpleKeyType

        public SimpleKeyType​(scala.reflect.ClassTag<S> evidence$3,
                             io.bullet.borer.Encoder<java.lang.Object> evidence$4,
                             io.bullet.borer.Decoder<java.lang.Object> evidence$5)
    • Method Detail

      • make

        public Key<S> make​(java.lang.String name)
        Make a Key from provided name

        name - represents keyName in Key
        a Key[S] with NoUnits where S is the type of values that will sit against the key in Parameter
      • make

        public Key<S> make​(java.lang.String name,
                           Units units)
        Make a Key from provided name and units

        name - represents keyName in Key
        units - represents the units of the values
        a Key[S] with units where S is the type of values that will sit against the key in Parameter