Class Coords.EqCoord

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Coords.Coord,, scala.Equals, scala.Product
    Enclosing class:

    public static class Coords.EqCoord
    extends java.lang.Object
    implements Coords.Coord, scala.Product,
    Equatorial coordinates.

    param: tag a Tag instance (name for the coordinates) param: ra right ascension, expressed as an Angle instance param: dec declination, expressed as an Angle instance param: frame the IAU celestial reference system param: catalogName the name of the catalog from which the coordinates were taken (use "none" if unknown) param: pm proper motion

    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Constructor Detail

      • EqCoord

        public EqCoord​(java.lang.Object ra,
                       java.lang.Object dec,
                       Coords.EqFrame frame,
                       Coords.Tag tag,
                       java.lang.String catalogName,
                       double pmx,
                       double pmy)
        Creates an EqCoord from the given arguments, which all have default values. The values for ra and dec may be an Angle instance, or a String that can be parsed by Angle.parseRa()

        ra - may be an Angle instance, or a String (in hms) that can be parsed by Angle.parseRa() or a Double value in degrees (default: 0.0)
        dec - may be an Angle instance, or a String that can be parsed by Angle.parseDe() or a Double value in degrees (default: 0.0)
        frame - the the IAU celestial reference system (default: ICRS)
        tag - a Tag instance (name for the coordinates, default: "BASE")
        catalogName - the name of the catalog from which the coordinates were taken (default: "none")
        pmx - proper motion X coordinate (default: 0.0)
        pmy - proper motion y coordinate (default: 0.0)
    • Method Detail

      • dec

        public Angle dec()
      • catalogName

        public java.lang.String catalogName()
      • toString

        public java.lang.String toString()
        toString in class java.lang.Object