Extension utilities on SubmitResponse

A submit or query (and other Command Service or Sequencer Command Service API calls) always return a positive SubmitResponse unless called with resumeOnError flag as true.
For submit, the two possible positive responses are Started and Completed. They can be handled using the .onStarted and .onCompleted methods, respectively. These methods allow you to specify a block of code to be called in each of those cases.

sourceval positiveSubmitResponse: SubmitResponse = assembly.submit(command)

        .onStarted { startedResponse ->
            val finalResponse: SubmitResponse = assembly.queryFinal(startedResponse.runId())
            info("command completed with result: $finalResponse")
        .onCompleted { completedResponse ->
            info("command with ${completedResponse.runId()} is completed with result: ${completedResponse.result}")

Alternatively, a Kotlin when can be used to perform pattern matching on the result. An example of that is shown below.

sourcewhen (positiveSubmitResponse) {
    is Started -> {
        val finalResponse: SubmitResponse = assembly.queryFinal(positiveSubmitResponse.runId())
        info("command completed with response: $finalResponse")
    is Completed -> info("command with ${positiveSubmitResponse.runId()} is completed")

If you desire to handle errors manually on a per-command basis, the resumeOnError flag can be used. If this flag is set to true, then script execution continues, and action is taken based on custom logic in script by using an .onFailed method.

sourceval submitResponse: SubmitResponse = assembly.submit(command, resumeOnError = true)
positiveSubmitResponse.onFailed { failedResponse ->
    error("command completed with result: $failedResponse")

You can still choose to terminate sequence using the onFailedTerminate utility. This will cause similar behavior as when flag is not set by calling the onError or onGlobalError blocks and terminating the sequence, if the SubmitResponse is some kind of error.

sourceval submitRes: SubmitResponse = assembly.submit(command, resumeOnError = true)