Interface IAlarmService

public interface IAlarmService
An AlarmService interface to set the severity of alarms
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Returns the scala version of AlarmService
    setSeverity(Key.AlarmKey alarmKey, AlarmSeverity severity)
    This api allows to set the severity of an alarm.
  • Method Details

    • asScala

      csw.alarm.api.scaladsl.AlarmService asScala()
      Returns the scala version of AlarmService
    • setSeverity

      CompletableFuture<akka.Done> setSeverity(Key.AlarmKey alarmKey, AlarmSeverity severity)
      This api allows to set the severity of an alarm. It also internally updates the latch severity and acknowledgement status. The severity is set in alarm store with a specific TTL (time to live). After the time passes for TTL, the severity will be automatically inferred as Disconnected.

      Note that by default all alarms are loaded in alarm store as Disconnected. Once the component is up and working, it will be it's responsibility to update all it's alarms with appropriate severity and keep refreshing it.

      alarmKey - represents a unique alarm in alarm store e.g nfiraos.trombone.tromboneaxislowlimitalarm
      severity - represents the severity to be set for the alarm e.g. Okay, Warning, Major, Critical, etc
      a CompletableFuture which completes when the severity is successfully set in alarm store or fails with InvalidSeverityException or KeyNotFoundException