All Classes and Interfaces

Represents whether the alarm is acknowledged or not.
Represents the acknowledged status of the alarm
Represents unacknowledged status of an alarm.
Represents the activation status of an alarm.
Represents active state of the alarm.
Represents inactive state of an alarm.
ActorSystemFactory creates a remote ActorSystem on the interface where csw-cluster is running.
ActorSystemFactory creates a remote ActorSystem on the interface where csw-cluster is running.
Represents a live Akka connection of an Actor
This actor is wired up as akka logger in logging.conf.
AkkaRegistration holds the information needed to register an akka location
A factory to create AkkaRegistration
Represent the health status e.g Good, Ill, Bad for an alarm/component/subsystem or whole system.
Represents health of an alarm/component/subsystem/system if at-least one alarm is either Disconnected, Indeterminate or Critical
Represents health of an alarm/component/subsystem/system if all alarms are either Okay or Warning
Represents health of an alarm/component/subsystem/system if at-least one alarm is Major
Represents the metadata of an alarm e.g.
Factory to create AlarmService
Represents the alarm severity set by the component developer e.g Okay, Warning, Major, Indeterminate, Critical.
Represents the critical state of an alarm for e.g.
Represents the indeterminate state of an alarm, for e.g.
Represents the major state of an alarm for e.g the operator needs to respond to a major alarm within 30 to 60 minutes.
Represents the normal operation of the alarm
Represents the warning state of an alarm for e.g.
Represents occasionally changing properties of the alarm e.g current acknowledgement status, latched severity, etc.
AlarmTestKit supports starting Alarm server using embedded redis internally (sentinel + master) and registering it with location service
Represents the category of the Alarm.
An wrapper for angle.
used in implicit conversion to support ``, `1.arcMinute` etc
The trait for logging ids.
As part of spawning the LoggingSystem, it looks for appenders (e.g.
Parses the command line options using scopt library.
Parses the command line options using scopt library.
A top level key for a parameter set representing an array like collection.
A KeyType that holds array
A java helper to schedule and execute blocking operations on a dedicated thread pool.
A java helper to schedule and execute blocking operations on a dedicated thread pool.
This exception is thrown when TMT_LOG_HOME is not set as environment variable
Utils for binary data
Utils for binary data
This object was generated by sbt-buildinfo.
This object was generated by sbt-buildinfo.
API for a scheduled periodic task, that allows it to be cancelled.
Represents a single choice
Provides implicit conversion from String to Choice
Represents a set of choices
Provides a varargs constructor for Choices
Clock Id argument is the identifier of the particular clock on which to act.
Clock Id argument is the identifier of the particular clock on which to act.
ClusterSeedsNotFound is thrown while starting the container or host app if CLUSTER_SEEDS are not provided or set in environment variable
ClusterSeedsNotFound is thrown while starting the container or host app if CLUSTER_SEEDS are not provided or set in environment variable
Common trait representing commands in TMT like Setup, Observe and Wait
Describes a command issue with appropriate reason for validation failure
Returned when an Assembly receives a command and one is already executing
A required HCD is busy and cannot be used
Returned when a CommandResponse associated with runId is not available
Returned when a command is missing a required key/parameter
Returned when some other issue occurred apart from those already defined
Parameter of a command is out of range
A required Assembly is not available
A required HCD is not available
A required Sequencer is not available
A required service is not available
Returned when some required location is not available
A command is unsupported in the current state
A command is unsupported by component
Returned when some given command type is not expected
The component is in the wrong internal state to handle a command
Returned when a command does not have the correct number of parameters
Returned when the parameter for a key is not the correct type (i.e.
Returned when an Assembly receives a configuration with a Prefix that it doesn't support
Returned when a parameter value does not have the correct units
Contains a list of commands that can be sent to a sequencer
Represent messages that carry commands sent from one component to other
Represents a oneway kind of message that carries command to other component
Represents a submit kind of message that carries command to other component
Represents a validate only kind of message that carries command to other component
Model representing the name as an identifier of a command
Represents a final response stating acceptance of a command received meaning passed validation
Represents a negative response that describes the cancellation of command
Represents a final positive response stating completion of command with no errors A result may be included or may be empty
Represents a negative response that describes an error in executing the command
Represents a final negative response invalidating a command received has failed validation
Represents a negative response stating that a component is Locked and command was not validated or executed
MatchingResponse is returned by matchers.
OnewayResponse is returned by Oneway message which calls the onOneway handler Responses returned can be Accepted, Invalid, Locked
Represents a preliminary response stating a long running command has been started
SubmitResponse is returned by Submit message which calls the onSubmit handler Responses returned can be Invalid, Started, Completed, Error, Cancelled, Locked
ValidationResponse is returned by validateCommand handler.
ValidateOnlyResponse is returned by Validate message, which calls validateCommand handler Values can be Invalid, Accepted, Locked.
The nature of CommandResponse as an intermediate response of command execution or a final response which could be positive or negative
Wrapper API for interacting with Command Response Manager of a component
Indicates that at least one of the responses ended with a negative response param: responses the set of responses
Indicates that all responses included completed successfully.
Represents shutdown or restart kind of messages sent to a component
A class that represents a logical component with it's supervisor actor reference and it's meta information
Represents messages that a component can receive in any state
Represents a message to create subscription for state changes of a component
Represents a message to get current lifecycle state of a component
Represents a message to create subscription for lifecycle changes of a component
Represents a component based on its prefix and type.
The information needed to create a component.
A LoggingState maintained for each component
Represents messages that a component can receive in it's whole lifecycle
Represents a collection of components created in a single container
Represents a type of the Component.
Represents a component that controls one or more HCDs or assemblies
Represents a container for components e.g assemblies and HCDs
Represents a component that controls a hardware device
Represents a Machine
Represents a sequence component e.g ocs_1, iris_1
Represents a component that controls one or more assemblies or sequencers
Represents a general purpose service component e.g.
All the logs generated from config client will have a fixed prefix, which is ConfigClient.
All the logs generated from config client will have a fixed prefix, which is ConfigClient.
This class represents the contents of the files being managed.
Provides various alternatives for constructing the data to be stored in the config service.
Contains information about a config file stored in the config service
This is used as indicator for command line applications to fetch configuration files either from local machine or from Configuration service
Holds information about a specific version of a config file
Type of an id returned from ConfigManager create or update methods
Holds metadata information about config server
Represents the exception thrown while parsing the alarm metadata config file for populating alarm store
ConfigServiceConnection is a wrapper over predefined HttpConnection representing config server.
ConfigServiceConnection is a wrapper over predefined HttpConnection representing config server.
ConfigTestKit supports starting HTTP Config Server backed by SVN and registering it with location service
Represents a connection based on a componentId and the type of connection offered by the component
Represents a connection offered by remote Actors e.g.
Represents a http connection provided by the component e.g.
represents a tcp connection provided by the component e.g.
ConnectionInfo represents a component name, component type and connection type
Represents a type of connection offered by the Component
Represents an Akka type of connection
Represents a HTTP type of connection
Represents a TCP type of connection
param: configFilePath path of configuration file which is provided to container cmd app to start specified components from config param: configFileLocation indicator to fetch config file either from local machine or from Configuration service
Represents messages a container can receive in any state
Represents a message to get all components started in a container
Represents a message to get lifecycle state a container
Container information as represented in the configuration file
Lifecycle state of a container actor
Represents an idle state of container where it is waiting for all components, that are suppose to run in it, to come up
Represents a running state of container where all components running in it are up
Represents messages a container can receive in it's whole lifecycle
Marker trait for control parameter sets which i applicable to Assembly and HCD type of components
coordinate system enumeration.
All coordinates are a Coord.
Equatorial coordinates.
A tag is a label to indicate the use of the coordinate
Represents the current node is not able to join the cluster
Bundles all the services provided by csw
A state variable that indicates the ''current'' or actual state.
Wrapper API for publishing CurrentState of a component
Combines multiple CurrentState objects together
Represents the exception while connecting to database server e.g.
DatabaseServiceConnection is a wrapper over predefined TcpConnection representing database service.
DatabaseServiceConnection is a wrapper over predefined TcpConnection representing database service.
DatabaseServiceFactory provides a mechanism to connect to the database server and get the handle of Jooq's DSLContext.
Provides the connection information of Database Service by resolving the location through Database Service
DatabaseTestKit supports starting Database server using embedded postgres and registering it with location service, and creating a client for the database server
The DemandMatcher checks the CurrentStatus for equality with the items in the DemandState.
A StateMatcher which matches the CurrentState against the DemandState
A state variable that indicates the ''demand'' or requested state.
DMS system notifies other systems by publishing these two observe events.
DMS system notifies other systems by publishing these two observe events.
An Exception representing undefined response content
An Exception representing undefined response content
Common trait representing events in TMT like SystemEvent and ObserveEvent
A wrapper class representing the key for an event e.g.
A wrapper class representing the name of an Event
An exception representing unavailability of underlying server in case of publishing or subscribing
Factory to create EventService
Event service supports two underlying implementations for event store 1.
Event service supports two underlying implementations for event store 1.
EventTestKit supports starting Alarm server using embedded redis internally (sentinel + master) and registering it with location service
ExposureId is an identifier in ESW/DMS for a single exposure.
Factory for ExposureId instances and helper functions.
An ExposureIdWithObsId is an ExposureId with an included ObsId.
Represents an exception that will cause the component to restart.
Represents an exception that will cause the termination of component when thrown from any component code.
An Exception representing failure of creating a file which already exists at the given path relative to repository root
An appender that writes log messages to files.
Companion object for FileAppender class.
Responsible for writing log messages to a file on local disk
An Exception representing file not found at the given path relative to repository root
Responsible for creating an FileAppenderHelper which manages the file resource
Represents the type of storage for a configuration file
Represents a file to be stored in annex store
Represents a file to be stored in the repository normally
FrameworkTestKit supports starting one or more services from csw.testkit.scaladsl.CSWService It also provides helpers to spawn components in standalone or container mode
A Junit external resource for the FrameworkTestKit, making it possible to have Junit manage the lifecycle of the testkit.
Represents all the severities an alarm can have including Disconnected.
Represents the disconnected state of an alarm.
A key for a choice item similar to an enumeration
Represents a live Http connection
HttpRegistration holds information needed to register a Http service
An AlarmService interface to set the severity of alarms
A Command Service API of a csw component.
Defines an interface to be used by clients for retrieving configuration information
Defines an interface to be used by admin users for storing and retrieving configuration information
Implementation of unique id fulfilling TMT requirements (returned from a queue submit).
An EventPublisher interface to publish events.
An interface to provide access to IEventPublisher and IEventSubscriber.
An EventSubscriber interface to subscribe events.
An interface to represent a subscription.
A LocationService interface to manage connections and their registrations.
Represents exception thrown when getting aggregated severity or health with no actives alarms
InitializationFailed is thrown by supervisor of a component if component initialization fails and it is started in standalone mode.
InitializationFailed is thrown by supervisor of a component if component initialization fails and it is started in standalone mode.
An Exception representing failed validation of provided input
Represents the exception thrown when it is attempted to set severity that is not supported by the alarm
The Observe Events for IR science detector systems.
The Observe Events for IR science detector systems.
IRegistrationResult represents successful registration of a location
Helper class for java to get the handle of `AlarmSeverity` which is fundamental to alarm service
Java API for creating an Angle instance.
Java API for creating an Angle instance.
Base class for component handlers which will be used by the component actor
Base class for the factory for creating the behavior representing a component actor
Helper instance for Java to create ComponentInfo
Helper instance for Java to create ComponentInfo
Helper class for Java to get the handle of `ComponentType` which is fundamental to LocationService library
The factory is used to create ConfigClient instance.
The factory is used to create ConfigClient instance.
Helper class for Java to get the handle of `ConnectionType` which is fundamental to LocationService library
Helper instance for Java to start ContainerCmd app
Helper instance for Java to start ContainerCmd app
For the Java API
For the Java API
Bundles all the services provided by csw, supporting java api
Helper class for Java to get handle of csw.testkit.scaladsl.CSWService Specify one or more services from following ADT's while creating FrameworkTestKit and testkit will make sure that those services are started.
Helper class for Java to get the handle of file types
When using the JGenericLoggerFactory, log statements will not have @componentName tag
When using the JGenericLoggerFactory, log statements will not have @componentName tag
Helper instance for Java to start HostConfig app
Helper instance for Java to start HostConfig app
The factory is used to create ILocationService instance.
The factory is used to create ILocationService instance.
Helper class for Java to get the handle of predefined keys while calling Logger api methods
KeyTypes defined for consumption in Java code
KeyTypes defined for consumption in Java code
Helper class for Java to get the handle of csw provided appenders
Helper class for Java to get the handle of csw provided appenders
When using the JLoggerFactory, log statements will have @componentName tag with provided prefix
Helper class for Java to get the handle of `NetworkType`
A java helper wrapping few of the Jooq operations.
A java helper wrapping few of the Jooq operations.
Helper class for Java to get the handle of RequestId
Helper class for Java to get the handle of RequestId
Supports conversion of commands, state variables and events to/from JSON
A wrapper class representing the key for an alarm/component/subsystem/system
A generic Key class.
Represents unique alarm in the given subsystem and component e.g.
Represents a key for all the alarms of a component
Represents all the alarms available in the system
Represents a key for all the alarms of a subsystem
Represents the exception thrown while referring to an invalid key that is not present in alarm store.
A helper class providing predefined parameter Keys
A helper class providing predefined parameter Keys
Generic marker class for creating various types of Keys.
KeyTypes defined for consumption in Scala code
A logging level.
The DEBUG logging level.
The ERROR logging level.
The FATAL logging level.
The INFO logging level.
The TRACE logging level.
The WARN logging level.
Companion object for the level trait.
Current and default logging levels.
LifecycleStateChanged represents a notification of state change in a component
An Exception representing failure in registering non remote actors
LocalFileNotFound exception is thrown while starting the container or host app if a local config file used to spawn the app is not available on local disk
Location represents a live Connection along with its URI
This event represents unavailability of a location
All the logs generated from location service will have a fixed prefix, which is the value of Constants.LocationService.
All the logs generated from location service will have a fixed prefix, which is the value of Constants.LocationService.
Describes what action to take for a component on its boot-up regarding its registration with location service.
Represents the action to skip registration with location service
Represents the action to register with location service and track other components.
Represents the action to register with location service.
LocationTestKit supports starting HTTP Location Server backed by Akka cluster and Distributed Data
This event represents modification in location details
LockingResponse represents valid responses when a component requests to lock some component
This is sent when lock acquiring fails, e.g.
Scala API: Lock successfully acquired acknowledgment
Scala API: Lock already released acknowledgment, this is sent when unlocked component receives Unlock message
Scala API: Lock expired notification which is sent to component who acquired lock previously
Scala API: Lock expiring notification which is sent after a duration calculated by [leaseDuration - (leaseDuration / 10)]
Scala API: Lock successfully released acknowledgment
This is sent when unlocking component fails, e.g.
Helper to get/set the log level of components
Helper to get/set the log level of components
Trait for log appender classes.
Trait for log appender companion objects
Marker trait for serializing domain models over the wire.
Holds metadata information about logging configuration
A top level key for a parameter set representing an matrix like collection.
A KeyType that holds Matrix
+-----------------------+ * +-------------------+ * +----------------------+ | | * | | * | | +-----------+ ContainerActorMessage +---------+ * +---------------------+ SupervisorMessage +------------------------------+-------------------------------------------+ * +-----------------+ TopLevelActorMessage +-----------------------------+ | | | | * | | | | | * | | | | | +-----------------------+ | * | +---------+---------+ | | * | +-----------+----------+ | | | * | | | | * | | | | | * | | | | * | | | | | * | | | | * | | | | | * | | | | * | | | | | * | | | | * | | | v v * v v v v * | v v +----------+-----------+ +---------------+----------+ * +----------+-------+ +------------+----------+ +----------------+-----------------+ +-------------+------------+ * | +-----------+----------------+ +-------------+-------------+ | | | | * | | | | | | | | * | | | | | | ContainerIdleMessage | | ContainerMessage | * +---------+ ComponentMessage | | SupervisorIdleMessage | | SupervisorInternalRunningMessage | | SupervisorRestartMessage | * | | TopLevelActorCommonMessage | | TopLevelActorIdleMessage | | | | | * | | | +-----+ | | | | | * | | | | | +----------+-----------+ +--------------+-----------+ * | +---------+--------+ | +-----------------------+ +----------------------------------+ +--------------------------+ * | +----------------------------+ +---------------------------+ | | * | | | * | v v * v | | * | +----------+------------+ +-------------+----------+ * +------------+-----------+ | | * | | | | | * | | | | * | | FromSupervisorMessage | | ContainerCommonMessage +----+ +---+ ComponentCommonMessage | | | * | | | | (external) | | | | (external) | | | * | +-----------------------+ +------------------------+ | | +------------------------+ | | * | | | | | * | | | +----------------------------------------+ * | | | | | * | v v | v * | +------+---+----+ | +-------------+------------+ * | | | | | | * | | CommonMessage | | +---+ SupervisorRunningMessage +-----+-------------------------------+ * | | | | | | | | | * | +---------------+ | | +--------------------------+ | | * | | | | | * | | | | | * | | | | | * | v v v v * | +--------+--------+-------------+ +-----------+-----------+ +-------+--------+ * | | | | | | | | | FromComponentLifecycleMessage | | SupervisorLockMessage +--+ +----+ RunningMessage | <------------------------------------------+ | | | (external) | | | | (external) | +-------------------------------+ +-----------------------+ | | +----------------+ | | | | | | v v +--------+---+---+ | | | CommandMessage | | | +----------------+
+-----------------------+ * +-------------------+ * +----------------------+ | | * | | * | | +-----------+ ContainerActorMessage +---------+ * +---------------------+ SupervisorMessage +------------------------------+-------------------------------------------+ * +-----------------+ TopLevelActorMessage +-----------------------------+ | | | | * | | | | | * | | | | | +-----------------------+ | * | +---------+---------+ | | * | +-----------+----------+ | | | * | | | | * | | | | | * | | | | * | | | | | * | | | | * | | | | | * | | | | * | | | | | * | | | | * | | | v v * v v v v * | v v +----------+-----------+ +---------------+----------+ * +----------+-------+ +------------+----------+ +----------------+-----------------+ +-------------+------------+ * | +-----------+----------------+ +-------------+-------------+ | | | | * | | | | | | | | * | | | | | | ContainerIdleMessage | | ContainerMessage | * +---------+ ComponentMessage | | SupervisorIdleMessage | | SupervisorInternalRunningMessage | | SupervisorRestartMessage | * | | TopLevelActorCommonMessage | | TopLevelActorIdleMessage | | | | | * | | | +-----+ | | | | | * | | | | | +----------+-----------+ +--------------+-----------+ * | +---------+--------+ | +-----------------------+ +----------------------------------+ +--------------------------+ * | +----------------------------+ +---------------------------+ | | * | | | * | v v * v | | * | +----------+------------+ +-------------+----------+ * +------------+-----------+ | | * | | | | | * | | | | * | | FromSupervisorMessage | | ContainerCommonMessage +----+ +---+ ComponentCommonMessage | | | * | | | | (external) | | | | (external) | | | * | +-----------------------+ +------------------------+ | | +------------------------+ | | * | | | | | * | | | +----------------------------------------+ * | | | | | * | v v | v * | +------+---+----+ | +-------------+------------+ * | | | | | | * | | CommonMessage | | +---+ SupervisorRunningMessage +-----+-------------------------------+ * | | | | | | | | | * | +---------------+ | | +--------------------------+ | | * | | | | | * | | | | | * | | | | | * | v v v v * | +--------+--------+-------------+ +-----------+-----------+ +-------+--------+ * | | | | | | | | | FromComponentLifecycleMessage | | SupervisorLockMessage +--+ +----+ RunningMessage | <------------------------------------------+ | | | (external) | | | | (external) | +-------------------------------+ +-----------------------+ | | +----------------+ | | | | | | v v +--------+---+---+ | | | CommandMessage | | | +----------------+
metadata represents any additional information (metadata) associated with location For example, "agentId": "ESW.agent1" this can be metadata information for sequence component location
miniCRM is described here.
miniCRM is described here.
The id value used in logging calls when there is no associated request
The id value used in logging calls when there is no associated request
An Exception representing Unauthenticated user performing an action
An Exception representing Unauthenticated user performing an action
A parameter set for setting telescope and instrument parameters.
Defines an observe event.
Represents a unique observation id
Enumeration indicating if the detector system is available and operational.
The optical science detector system Observe Events
The optical science detector system Observe Events
Command line options
Command line options
An Exception representing failure in registration as other location is already registered in place of the given location
Supports (de)serialization of csw models
Parameter represents a KeyName, KeyType, array of values and units applicable to values.
A collection of Utility functions for filtering Commands and Parameters from an input sequence
A collection of Utility functions for filtering Commands and Parameters from an input sequence
A trait to be mixed in that provides a parameter set and prefix info
The base trait for various parameter set types (commands or events)
A top level key for a parameter set: combination of subsystem and the subsystem's prefix e.g.
PresenceMatcher only checks for the existence of a CurrentState with a given prefix and name
Represents a unique program id
An exception representing any failure while publishing an Event
Represents the protocol or messages about publishing data and subscribing it
Represents a publish action
Represents the messages about publishing data e.g Publish
Represents the subscribe action where all the current state publishing from the particular component can be subscribed to
Represents the subscribe action for current states specified by a set of stateNames
Represents the messages about subscribing data e.g Subscribe and Unsubscribe
Represents a unsubscribe action
Represents a message to query the command status of a command running on some component
Represents a message to subscribe to change in command status of a command running on some component
Registration holds information about a connection and its live location.
An Exception representing failure in registration
An Exception representing failure in listing locations
The logging id of a specific request
A result containing parameters for command response
Represents messages that a component will receive in running state
Represents a transition in lifecycle state of a component
Represents a unique semester id
a sequence of SequenceCommand
Marker trait for sequence parameter sets which is applicable to Sequencer type of components
Create a SequencerCommandService for sending commands to sequencer param: sequencerLocation the destination sequencer location to which sequence needs to be sent param: actorSystem required for sending sequence commands or querying the sequencer
The events that indicate activities for each observation and the acquisition process.
A parameter set for setting telescope and instrument parameters.
Represents whether the alarm is shelved or not.
Represents the shelved status of an alarm.
Represents the normal(unshelved) status of an alarm.
SimpleKeyType with a name.
A KeyType that allows name and unit to be specified during creation.
This class is wired up as appender in logback.xml.
A standalone ExposureId is an exposureId without an ObsId.
The base trait to build Matchers to match given state against a predicate
A wrapper class representing the name of a state
Base trait for state variables
A log appender that writes common log messages to stdout.
Companion object for the StdOutAppender class
Represents a TMT subsystem
Defines constants for the available subsystems
Represents a restart message for a component
Represents a shutdown message for a component.
SupervisorInfo is used by container while spawning multiple components
Lifecycle state of a Supervisor actor
Represents an idle state of a component where it is waiting for TLA to initialize
Represents a locked state of a component
Represents a restarting state of a component.
Represents a running state of component where it is initialized, registered with location service and waiting for commands from other components
Represents a running state of component but in offline mode
Represents a shutting down state of a component.
Represents messages regarding locking and un-locking a component and messages that can be received when a component is locked
Represents message to lock a component
Represents message to un-lock an already locked component
Represents messages that a component can receive in running state
Defines a system event.
Represents an instantaneous point in International Atomic Time (TAI).
Represents a live Tcp connection
TcpRegistration holds information needed to register a Tcp service
Scheduler for scheduling periodic/non-periodic tasks at a specified time and/or interval.
Factory to create TimeServiceScheduler
TMTDateTimeFormatter has a DateTimeFormatter of UTC timezone.
TMTDateTimeFormatter has a DateTimeFormatter of UTC timezone.
Represents an instantaneous point in time.
This API allows users to get a representation of TMTTime in a specific Time Zone, returned as a java.time.ZonedDateTime.
This API allows users to get a representation of TMTTime in a specific Time Zone, returned as a java.time.ZonedDateTime.
Represents protocol or messages sent to underlying TLA component
Represents an action to go to offline mode
Represents an action to go to online mode
ConfigService deals with some admin functionality.
Represents messages received by TopLevelActor e.g Lifecycle(GoOffline), Submit(Setup, replyTo), etc.
TrackingEvent is used to represent location events while tracking the connection
TypedConnection captures the type of Location that concrete connection will resolve to
UnableToParseOptions is thrown while starting the container or host app if any of the options is not valid
UnableToParseOptions is thrown while starting the container or host app if any of the options is not valid
UnableToParseOptions is thrown while starting the container or host app if any of the options is not valid
UnableToParseOptions is thrown while starting the container or host app if any of the options is not valid
An Exception representing Unauthorized user performing an action
An Exception representing Unauthorized user performing an action
A class representing units for TMT
An Exception representing failure in un-registration
Represents an instantaneous point in time in the UTC scale.
This method is copied from org.apache.sshd.common.file.util.BaseFileSystem#globToRegex(java.lang.String) which is used by java.nio.file.FileSystem#getPathMatcher(java.lang.String).
A parameter set for setting telescope and instrument parameters.
Wavefront detector system Observe events
Wavefront detector system Observe events