Configuration Service

The Configuration Service provides a centralized persistent store for any configuration file used in the TMT Software System. All versions of configuration files are retained, providing a historical record of each configuration file.

Note that in order to use the APIs described here, the Location Service (csw-location-server) and Configuration Service Server needs to be running somewhere in the local network and the necessary configuration, environment variables or system properties should be defined to point to the correct host and port number(s) for the Location Service nodes.

This service will be part of the observatory cluster and exposes Rest endpoints that can be accessed over HTTP. Component developers can use the csw-config-client library in their code. The library wraps the low level communication with Configuration Service Server and exposes simple to use methods to access and manage configuration files.


To use the Configuration Service without using the framework, add this to your build.sbt file:

libraryDependencies += "com.github.tmtsoftware.csw" %% "csw-config-client" % "4.0.1-RC1"

Rules and Checks

  • The config file path must not contain !#<>$%&'@^``~+,;= or any whitespace character
  • If the input file is > 10MB or has lot of non ASCII characters, then for optimization, server will archive it in annex store.
  • Large and binary files can be forced to go to the ‘annex’ store by using a annex=true flag in the create operation.
  • API functions accept date-time values in UTC timezone. (e.g. 2017-05-17T08:00:24.246Z)

Model Classes

  • ConfigData : Represents the contents of the files being managed. It wraps a stream of ByteString.
  • ConfigFileInfo : Represents information about a config file stored in the Config Service.
  • ConfigFileRevision : Represents information about a specific version of a config file.
  • ConfigId : Represents an identifier associated with a revision of a configuration file, often generated by create or update methods.
  • ConfigMetadata : Represents metadata information about the Config Server.
  • FileType : Represents the type of storage for a configuration file. Currently two types are supported Normal(small, text files) and Annex(Large, Binary files).

API Flavors

The Configuration Service is used to provide the runtime settings for components. When a component is started, it will use a limited “clientAPI” to obtain the “active” configuration from the Configuration Service, and use those settings for its execution.

To change the active configuration, an administrative tool with access to the full “admin API” must be used. These tools would have the ability to create, delete, and update configurations, as well as retrieve past configurations and their history. Any time a new configuration is to be used by a component, the user must use one of these tools (via CLI, perhaps) to set the active configuration for a component. Since a history of active configurations is maintained by the service, the settings of each component each time it is run can be retrieved, and the system configuration at any moment can be recreated.

Some of the methods provided by the admin API, the methods that change the Config Server content, are protected so that a record can be kept about who is making the modifications. This is done by using a token obtained from the Authentication and Authorization Service. See Admin Protected Routes for more information.

  • clientAPI : Must be used in Assembly and HCD components. Available functions are: {exists | getActive}
  • adminAPI : Full functionality exposed by Configuration Service Server is available with this API. Expected to be used administrators. Available functions are: {create | update | getById | getLatest | getByTime | delete | list | history | historyActive | setActiveVersion | resetActiveVersion | getActiveVersion | getActiveByTime | getMetadata | exists | getActive}

Accessing clientAPI and adminAPI

The ConfigClientFactory exposes functions to get the clientAPI and adminAPI. Both the functions require the Location Service instance which is used to resolve the ConfigServer.

source// config client API
val clientApi: ConfigClientService = ConfigClientFactory.clientApi(actorSystem, locationService)
// config admin API
val adminApi: ConfigService = ConfigClientFactory.adminApi(actorSystem, locationService, factory)
source//config client API
final IConfigClientService clientApi = JConfigClientFactory.clientApi(actorSystem, clientLocationService);
//config admin API
final IConfigService adminApi = JConfigClientFactory.adminApi(actorSystem, clientLocationService, mocks.factory());

Creating adminAPI requires instance of TokenFactory. TokenFactory has a getToken method which returns a raw access token string which is used by the config client to provide access to the Config Server. For more details, refer to bottom section on Admin Protected Routes


This function checks if the file exists at specified path in the repository. It returns Future of a Boolean, whether the file exists or not.

source// construct the path
val filePath = Paths.get("/tmt/trmobone/assembly/hcd.conf")

val doneF = async {
  // create file using admin API
  await(adminApi.create(filePath, ConfigData.fromString(defaultStrConf), annex = false, "First commit"))

  // check if file exists with config service
  val exists: Boolean = await(clientApi.exists(filePath))
  exists shouldBe true
Await.result(doneF, 5.seconds)
sourcePath filePath = Paths.get("/tmt/trmobone/assembly/hcd.conf");

// create file using admin API
adminApi.create(filePath, ConfigData.fromString(defaultStrConf), false, "commit config file").get();

Boolean exists = clientApi.exists(filePath).get();


This function retrieves the currently active file for a given path from config service. It returns a Future of Option of ConfigData.

sourceval defaultStrConf: String = "foo { bar { baz : 1234 } }"
val doneF = async {
  // construct the path
  val filePath = Paths.get("/tmt/trmobone/assembly/hcd.conf")

  await(adminApi.create(filePath, ConfigData.fromString(defaultStrConf), annex = false, "First commit"))

  val activeFile: Option[ConfigData] = await(clientApi.getActive(filePath))
  await(activeFile.get.toStringF(actorSystem)) shouldBe defaultStrConf
Await.result(doneF, 5.seconds)
sourcefinal String defaultStrConf = "foo { bar { baz : 1234 } }";
// construct the path
Path filePath = Paths.get("/tmt/trmobone/assembly/hcd.conf");

adminApi.create(filePath, ConfigData.fromString(defaultStrConf), false, "First commit").get();

ConfigData activeFile = clientApi.getActive(filePath).get().orElseThrow();
Assert.assertEquals(activeFile.toJConfigObject(actorSystem).get().getString(""), "1234");


Takes input ConfigData and creates the configuration in the repository at a specified path

source  async {
    // construct ConfigData from String containing ASCII text
    val configString: String =
    // Name: ComponentType ConnectionType
      name: lgsTromboneHCD
      type: Hcd
      connectionType: [akka]
    val config1: ConfigData = ConfigData.fromString(configString)

    // construct ConfigData from a local file containing binary data
    val srcFilePath         = ResourceReader.copyToTmp("/smallBinary.bin")
    val config2: ConfigData = ConfigData.fromPath(srcFilePath)

    // construct ConfigData from Array[Byte] by reading a local file
    val stream: InputStream    = getClass.getClassLoader.getResourceAsStream("smallBinary.bin")
    def byteArray: Array[Byte] = LazyList.continually( != -1).map(_.toByte).toArray
    val config3                = ConfigData.fromBytes(byteArray)

    // store the config, at a specified path as normal text file
    val id1: ConfigId =
      await(adminApi.create(Paths.get("/hcd/trombone/overnight.conf"), config1, annex = false, "review done"))

    // store the config, at a specified path as a binary file in annex store
    val id2: ConfigId =
      await(adminApi.create(Paths.get("/hcd/trombone/firmware.bin"), config2, annex = true, "smoke test done"))

    // store the config, at a specified path as a binary file in annex store
    val id3: ConfigId =
      await(adminApi.create(Paths.get("/hcd/trombone/debug.bin"), config3, annex = true, "new file from vendor"))

    // CAUTION: for demo example setup these IDs are returned. Don't assume them in production setup.
    id1 shouldEqual ConfigId(1)
    id2 shouldEqual ConfigId(3)
    id3 shouldEqual ConfigId(5)
Await.result(futC, 2.seconds)
source//construct ConfigData from String containing ASCII text
String configString = "axisName11111 = tromboneAxis\naxisName22222 = tromboneAxis2\naxisName3 = tromboneAxis3333";
ConfigData config1 = ConfigData.fromString(configString);

//construct ConfigData from a local file containing binary data
URI srcFilePath = getClass().getClassLoader().getResource("smallBinary.bin").toURI();
ConfigData config2 = ConfigData.fromPath(Paths.get(srcFilePath));

ConfigId id1 = adminApi.create(Paths.get("/hcd/trombone/overnight.conf"), config1, false, "review done").get();
ConfigId id2 = adminApi.create(Paths.get("/hcd/trombone/firmware.bin"), config2, true, "smoke test done").get();

//CAUTION: for demo example setup these IDs are returned. Don't assume them in production setup.
Assert.assertEquals(id1, new ConfigId("1"));
Assert.assertEquals(id2, new ConfigId("3"));


Takes input ConfigData and overwrites the configuration specified in the repository

sourceval futU = async {
  val destPath = Paths.get("/hcd/trombone/debug.bin")
  val newId = await(
      .update(destPath, ConfigData.fromString(defaultStrConf), comment = "debug statements")

  // validate the returned id
  newId shouldEqual ConfigId(7)
Await.result(futU, 2.seconds)
sourcePath destPath = Paths.get("/hcd/trombone/overnight.conf");
ConfigId newId = adminApi.update(destPath, ConfigData.fromString(defaultStrConf), "added debug statements").get();

//validate the returned id
Assert.assertEquals(newId, new ConfigId("5"));


Deletes a file located at specified path in the repository

sourceval futD = async {
  val unwantedFilePath = Paths.get("/hcd/trombone/debug.bin")
  await(adminApi.delete(unwantedFilePath, "no longer needed"))
  // validates the file is deleted
  await(adminApi.getLatest(unwantedFilePath)) shouldBe None
Await.result(futD, 2.seconds)
sourcePath unwantedFilePath = Paths.get("/hcd/trombone/overnight.conf");
adminApi.delete(unwantedFilePath, "no longer needed").get();
Assert.assertEquals(adminApi.getLatest(unwantedFilePath).get(), Optional.empty());


Returns the file at a given path and matching revision Id

sourceval doneF = async {
  // create a file using API first
  val filePath = Paths.get("/tmt/trmobone/assembly/hcd.conf")
  val id: ConfigId =
    await(adminApi.create(filePath, ConfigData.fromString(defaultStrConf), annex = false, "First commit"))

  // validate
  val actualData = await(adminApi.getById(filePath, id)).get
  await(actualData.toStringF(actorSystem)) shouldBe defaultStrConf
Await.result(doneF, 2.seconds)
sourcePath filePath = Paths.get("/tmt/trombone/assembly/hcd.conf");
ConfigId id = adminApi.create(filePath, ConfigData.fromString(defaultStrConf), false, "First commit").get();

ConfigData actualData = adminApi.getById(filePath, id).get().orElseThrow();
Assert.assertEquals(defaultStrConf, actualData.toJStringF(actorSystem).get());


Returns the latest version of the file stored at the given path.

sourceval assertionF: Future[Assertion] = async {
  // create a file
  val filePath = Paths.get("/test.conf")
  await(adminApi.create(filePath, ConfigData.fromString(defaultStrConf), annex = false, "initial configuration"))

  // override the contents
  val newContent = "I changed the contents!!!"
  await(adminApi.update(filePath, ConfigData.fromString(newContent), "changed!!"))

  // get the latest file
  val newConfigData = await(adminApi.getLatest(filePath)).get
  // validate
  await(newConfigData.toStringF(actorSystem)) shouldBe newContent
Await.result(assertionF, 2.seconds)
source//create a file
Path filePath = Paths.get("/test.conf");
adminApi.create(filePath, ConfigData.fromString(defaultStrConf), false, "initial configuration").get();

//override the contents
String newContent = "I changed the contents!!!";
adminApi.update(filePath, ConfigData.fromString(newContent), "changed!!").get();

//get the latest file
ConfigData newConfigData = adminApi.getLatest(filePath).get().orElseThrow();
Assert.assertEquals(newConfigData.toJStringF(actorSystem).get(), newContent);


Gets the file at the given path as it existed at a given time-instance. Note:

  • If time-instance is before the file was created, the initial version is returned.
  • If time-instance is after the last change, the most recent version is returned.
sourceval assertionF = async {
  val tInitial = Instant.MIN
  // create a file
  val filePath = Paths.get("/a/b/c/test.conf")
  await(adminApi.create(filePath, ConfigData.fromString(defaultStrConf), annex = false, "initial configuration"))

  // override the contents
  val newContent = "I changed the contents!!!"
  await(adminApi.update(filePath, ConfigData.fromString(newContent), "changed!!"))

  val initialData: ConfigData = await(adminApi.getByTime(filePath, tInitial)).get
  await(initialData.toStringF(actorSystem)) shouldBe defaultStrConf

  val latestData = await(adminApi.getByTime(filePath,
  await(latestData.toStringF(actorSystem)) shouldBe newContent
Await.result(assertionF, 2.seconds)
sourceInstant tInitial =;

//create a file
Path filePath = Paths.get("/test.conf");
adminApi.create(filePath, ConfigData.fromString(defaultStrConf), false, "initial configuration").get();

//override the contents
String newContent = "I changed the contents!!!";
adminApi.update(filePath, ConfigData.fromString(newContent), "changed!!").get();

ConfigData initialData = adminApi.getByTime(filePath, tInitial).get().orElseThrow();
Assert.assertEquals(defaultStrConf, initialData.toJStringF(actorSystem).get());

ConfigData latestData = adminApi.getByTime(filePath,;
Assert.assertEquals(newContent, latestData.toJStringF(actorSystem).get());


For a given FileType (Annex or Normal) and an optional pattern string, it will list all files whose path matches the given pattern. Some pattern examples are: “/path/hcd/*.*”, “a/b/c/d.*”, “.*.conf”, “.*hcd.*”

source// Here's a list of tuples containing FilePath and FileTyepe(Annex / Normal)
val paths: List[(Path, FileType)] = List[(Path, FileType)](
  (Paths.get("a/c/trombone.conf"), Annex),
  (Paths.get("a/b/c/hcd/hcd.conf"), Normal),
  (Paths.get("a/b/assembly/assembly1.fits"), Annex),
  (Paths.get("a/b/c/assembly/assembly2.fits"), Normal),
  (Paths.get("testing/test.conf"), Normal)

// create config files at those paths
paths map { case (path, fileType) =>
  val createF = async {
      adminApi.create(path, ConfigData.fromString(defaultStrConf), Annex == fileType, "initial commit")
  Await.result(createF, 2.seconds)

val assertionF = async {
  // retrieve list of all files; for demonstration purpose show validate return values
  await(adminApi.list()).map(info => info.path).toSet shouldBe { case (path, _) =>

  // retrieve list of files based on type; for demonstration purpose validate return values
  await(adminApi.list(Some(Annex))).map(info => info.path).toSet shouldBe paths.collect {
    case (path, fileType) if fileType == Annex => path
  await(adminApi.list(Some(FileType.Normal))).map(info => info.path).toSet shouldBe paths.collect {
    case (path, fileType) if fileType == FileType.Normal => path

  // retrieve list using pattern; for demonstration purpose validate return values
  await(adminApi.list(None, Some(".*.conf"))).map(info => info.path.toString).toSet shouldBe Set(
  // retrieve list using pattern and file type; for demonstration purpose validate return values
  await(adminApi.list(Some(FileType.Normal), Some(".*.conf"))).map(info => info.path.toString).toSet shouldBe
  Set("a/b/c/hcd/hcd.conf", "testing/test.conf")
  await(adminApi.list(Some(Annex), Some("a/c.*"))).map(info => info.path.toString).toSet shouldBe
  await(adminApi.list(Some(FileType.Normal), Some("test.*"))).map(info => info.path.toString).toSet shouldBe
Await.result(assertionF, 2.seconds)
sourcePath trombonePath = Paths.get("a/c/trombone.conf");
Path hcdPath = Paths.get("a/b/c/hcd/hcd.conf");
Path fits1Path = Paths.get("a/b/assembly/assembly1.fits");
Path fits2Path = Paths.get("a/b/c/assembly/assembly2.fits");
Path testConfPath = Paths.get("testing/test.conf");

String comment = "initial commit";

//create files
ConfigId tromboneId = adminApi.create(trombonePath, ConfigData.fromString(defaultStrConf), true, comment).get();
ConfigId hcdId = adminApi.create(hcdPath, ConfigData.fromString(defaultStrConf), false, comment).get();
ConfigId fits1Id = adminApi.create(fits1Path, ConfigData.fromString(defaultStrConf), true, comment).get();
ConfigId fits2Id = adminApi.create(fits2Path, ConfigData.fromString(defaultStrConf), false, comment).get();
ConfigId testId = adminApi.create(testConfPath, ConfigData.fromString(defaultStrConf), true, comment).get();

//retrieve full list; for demonstration purpose validate return values
Assert.assertEquals(Set.of(tromboneId, hcdId, fits1Id, fits2Id, testId),

//retrieve list of files based on type; for demonstration purpose validate return values
Assert.assertEquals(Set.of(tromboneId, fits1Id, testId),
Assert.assertEquals(Set.of(hcdId, fits2Id),

//retrieve list using pattern; for demonstration purpose validate return values
Assert.assertEquals(Set.of(tromboneId, hcdId, testId),
//retrieve list using pattern and file type; for demonstration purpose validate return values
Assert.assertEquals(Set.of(tromboneId, testId),
        adminApi.list(JFileType.Annex, ".*.conf").get().stream().map(ConfigFileInfo::id).collect(Collectors.toSet()));
        adminApi.list(JFileType.Annex, "a/c.*").get().stream().map(ConfigFileInfo::id).collect(Collectors.toSet()));
        adminApi.list(JFileType.Annex, "test.*").get().stream().map(ConfigFileInfo::id).collect(Collectors.toSet()));


Returns the history of revisions of the file at the given path for a range of period specified by from and to. The size of the list can be restricted using maxResults.

sourceval assertionF = async {
  val filePath = Paths.get("/a/test.conf")
  val id0      = await(adminApi.create(filePath, ConfigData.fromString(defaultStrConf), annex = false, "first commit"))

  // override the contents twice
  val tBeginUpdate =
  val id1          = await(adminApi.update(filePath, ConfigData.fromString("changing contents"), "second commit"))
  val id2          = await(adminApi.update(filePath, ConfigData.fromString("changing contents again"), "third commit"))
  val tEndUpdate   =

  // full file history
  val fullHistory = await(adminApi.history(filePath)) shouldBe List(id2, id1, id0) shouldBe List("third commit", "second commit", "first commit")

  // drop initial revision and take only update revisions
  await(adminApi.history(filePath, tBeginUpdate, tEndUpdate)).map( shouldBe List(id2, id1)

  // take last two revisions
  await(adminApi.history(filePath, maxResults = 2)).map( shouldBe List(id2, id1)
Await.result(assertionF, 3.seconds)
sourcePath filePath = Paths.get("/a/test.conf");
ConfigId id0 = adminApi.create(filePath, ConfigData.fromString(defaultStrConf), false, "first commit").get();

//override the contents twice
Instant tBeginUpdate =;
ConfigId id1 = adminApi.update(filePath, ConfigData.fromString("changing contents"), "second commit").get();
ConfigId id2 = adminApi.update(filePath, ConfigData.fromString("changing contents again"), "third commit").get();
Instant tEndUpdate =;

//full file history
List<ConfigFileRevision> fullHistory = adminApi.history(filePath).get();
Assert.assertEquals(List.of(id2, id1, id0),;
Assert.assertEquals(List.of("third commit", "second commit", "first commit"),;

//drop initial revision and take only update revisions
Assert.assertEquals(List.of(id2, id1),
        adminApi.history(filePath, tBeginUpdate, tEndUpdate).get().stream().map(ConfigFileRevision::id).collect(Collectors.toList()));
//take last two revisions
Assert.assertEquals(List.of(id2, id1),
        adminApi.history(filePath, 2).get().stream().map(ConfigFileRevision::id).collect(Collectors.toList()));

Managing active versions

Following API functions are available to manage the active version of a config file. In its lifetime, a config file undergoes many revisions. An active version is a specific revision from a file’s history and it is set by administrators.

  • historyActive : Returns the history of active revisions of the file at the given path for a range of period specified by from and to. The size of the list can be restricted using maxResults.
  • setActiveVersion : Sets the “active version” to be the version provided for the file at the given path. If this method is never called in a config’s lifetime, the active version will always be the version returned by create function.
  • resetActiveVersion : Resets the “active version” of the file at the given path to the latest version.
  • getActiveVersion : Returns the revision ID which represents the “active version” of the file at the given path.
  • getActiveByTime : Returns the content of active version of the file existed at given instant
sourceval assertionF = async {
  val tBegin   =
  val filePath = Paths.get("/a/test.conf")
  // create will make the 1st revision active with a default comment
  val id1 = await(adminApi.create(filePath, ConfigData.fromString(defaultStrConf), annex = false, "first"))
  await(adminApi.historyActive(filePath)).map( shouldBe List(id1)
  // ensure active version is set
  await(adminApi.getActiveVersion(filePath)).get shouldBe id1

  // override the contents four times
  await(adminApi.update(filePath, ConfigData.fromString("changing contents"), "second"))
  val id3 = await(adminApi.update(filePath, ConfigData.fromString("changing contents again"), "third"))
  val id4 = await(adminApi.update(filePath, ConfigData.fromString("final contents"), "fourth"))
  val id5 = await(adminApi.update(filePath, ConfigData.fromString("final final contents"), "fifth"))

  // update doesn't change the active revision
  await(adminApi.historyActive(filePath)).map( shouldBe List(id1)

  // play with active version
  await(adminApi.setActiveVersion(filePath, id3, s"$id3 active"))
  await(adminApi.setActiveVersion(filePath, id4, s"$id4 active"))
  await(adminApi.getActiveVersion(filePath)).get shouldBe id4
  val tEnd =
  // reset active version to latest
  await(adminApi.resetActiveVersion(filePath, "latest active"))
  await(adminApi.getActiveVersion(filePath)).get shouldBe id5
  // finally set initial version as active
  await(adminApi.setActiveVersion(filePath, id1, s"$id1 active"))
  await(adminApi.getActiveVersion(filePath)).get shouldBe id1

  // validate full history
  val fullHistory = await(adminApi.historyActive(filePath)) shouldBe List(id1, id5, id4, id3, id1) shouldBe List(
    s"$id1 active",
    "latest active",
    s"$id4 active",
    s"$id3 active",
    "initializing active file with the first version"

  // drop initial revision and take only update revisions
  val fragmentedHistory = await(adminApi.historyActive(filePath, tBegin, tEnd))
  fragmentedHistory.size shouldBe 3

  // take last three revisions
  await(adminApi.historyActive(filePath, maxResults = 3)).map( shouldBe List(id1, id5, id4)

  // get contents of active version at a specified instance
  val initialContents = await(adminApi.getActiveByTime(filePath, tBegin)).get
  await(initialContents.toStringF(actorSystem)) shouldBe defaultStrConf
Await.result(assertionF, 5.seconds)
sourceInstant tBegin =;
Path filePath = Paths.get("/a/test.conf");

//create will make the 1st revision active with a default comment
ConfigId id1 = adminApi.create(filePath, ConfigData.fromString(defaultStrConf), false, "first commit").get();
//ensure active version is set
Assert.assertEquals(id1, adminApi.getActiveVersion(filePath).get().orElseThrow());

//override the contents four times
adminApi.update(filePath, ConfigData.fromString("changing contents"), "second").get();
ConfigId id3 = adminApi.update(filePath, ConfigData.fromString("changing contents again"), "third").get();
ConfigId id4 = adminApi.update(filePath, ConfigData.fromString("final contents"), "fourth").get();
ConfigId id5 = adminApi.update(filePath, ConfigData.fromString("final final contents"), "fifth").get();

//update doesn't change the active revision
Assert.assertEquals(id1, adminApi.getActiveVersion(filePath).get().orElseThrow());

//play with active version
adminApi.setActiveVersion(filePath, id3, "id3 active").get();
adminApi.setActiveVersion(filePath, id4, "id4 active").get();
Assert.assertEquals(id4, adminApi.getActiveVersion(filePath).get().orElseThrow());
Instant tEnd =;

//reset active version to latest
adminApi.resetActiveVersion(filePath, "latest active").get();
Assert.assertEquals(id5, adminApi.getActiveVersion(filePath).get().orElseThrow());
//finally set initial version as active
adminApi.setActiveVersion(filePath, id1, "id1 active").get();
Assert.assertEquals(id1, adminApi.getActiveVersion(filePath).get().orElseThrow());

//validate full history
List<ConfigFileRevision> fullHistory = adminApi.historyActive(filePath).get();
Assert.assertEquals(List.of(id1, id5, id4, id3, id1),;
Assert.assertEquals(List.of("id1 active", "latest active", "id4 active", "id3 active",
        "initializing active file with the first version"),;

//drop initial revision and take only update revisions
List<ConfigFileRevision> fragmentedHistory = adminApi.historyActive(filePath, tBegin, tEnd).get();
Assert.assertEquals(3, fragmentedHistory.size());

//take last three revisions
Assert.assertEquals(List.of(id1, id5, id4),
        adminApi.historyActive(filePath, 3).get().stream().map(ConfigFileRevision::id).collect(Collectors.toList()));

//get contents of active version at a specified instance
String initialContents = adminApi.getActiveByTime(filePath, tBegin).get().orElseThrow().toJStringF(actorSystem).get();
Assert.assertEquals(defaultStrConf, initialContents);


Used to get metadata information about the Config Service. It includes:

  • repository directory
  • annex directory
  • min annex file size
  • max config file size
sourceval assertF = async {
  val metaData: ConfigMetadata = await(adminApi.getMetadata)
  // repository path must not be empty
  metaData.repoPath should not be empty
Await.result(assertF, 2.seconds)
sourceConfigMetadata metadata = adminApi.getMetadata().get();
//repository path must not be empty
Assert.assertNotEquals(metadata.repoPath(), "");

Admin Protected Routes

The following Config Server routes are Admin Protected. To use these routes, the user must be authenticated and authorized.

  • create
  • update
  • delete
  • setActiveVersion
  • resetActiveVersion

csw-config-client provides factory to create admin config service which allows access to these protected routes. This requires you to implement TokenFactory interface. Currently csw-config-cli is the only user of config service admin api. Refer to CliTokenFactory which implements TokenFactory interface.


Refer to csw-aas docs to know more about how to authenticate and authorize with AAS and get an access token.

Technical Description

See Configuration Service Technical Description.

Source code for examples