Class OpticalDetectorEvent

  • public class OpticalDetectorEvent
    extends java.lang.Object
    The optical science detector system Observe Events
    • Constructor Detail

      • OpticalDetectorEvent

        public OpticalDetectorEvent()
    • Method Detail

      • exposureData

        public static ObserveEvent exposureData​(Prefix sourcePrefix,
                                                ExposureId exposureId,
                                                long exposureTime,
                                                long remainingExposureTime)
        This event contains faster changing data about the internals of the current exposure. This data is useful for user interfaces and Sequencers. This event should be published at 1 Hz during an ongoing exposure. This event does not have much information compared to the IR use case and is primarily for tracking the remaining current exposure time in user interfaces or sequencers.
        sourcePrefix - Prefix the prefix identifier of the source which is generating this event.
        exposureId - ExposureId is an identifier in ESW/DMS for a single exposure. The ExposureId follows the structure: 2020A-001-123-WFOS-IMG1-SCI0-0001 with an included ObsId or when no ObsId is present, in the standalone format: 20200706-190204-WFOS-IMG1-SCI0-0001 with a UTC time when the ExposureId is created.
        exposureTime - Length in seconds of the current exposure
        remainingExposureTime - Number of seconds remaining in current exposure • Should count down in seconds – no faster than 1 Hz
      • exposureState

        public static ObserveEvent exposureState​(Prefix sourcePrefix,
                                                 ExposureId exposureId,
                                                 boolean exposureInProgress,
                                                 boolean abortInProgress,
                                                 boolean isAborted,
                                                 java.lang.String errorMessage,
                                                 OperationalState operationalState)