Class JConfigClientFactory

  • public class JConfigClientFactory
    extends java.lang.Object
    The factory is used to create ConfigClient instance.
    • Constructor Detail

      • JConfigClientFactory

        public JConfigClientFactory()
    • Method Detail

      • adminApi

        public static IConfigService adminApi​(<?> actorSystem,
                                              ILocationService locationService,
                                              TokenFactory tokenFactory)
        Create ConfigClient instance for admin users.

        actorSystem - local actor system of the client
        locationService - location service instance which will be used to resolve the location of config server
        tokenFactory - factory to get access tokens
        an instance of IConfigService
      • clientApi

        public static IConfigClientService clientApi​(<?> actorSystem,
                                                     ILocationService locationService)
        Create ConfigClient instance for non admin users.

        actorSystem - local actor system of the client
        locationService - location service instance which will be used to resolve the location of config server
        an instance of IConfigClientService